Why so anti-McCain?

They're worse than Democrats. I'm not sure what to call them, nothing that can be used in polite company.

I can say it!!! Wife is not home, just me and the dogs.....I hope they can hear me......no McCain-Feingold on cursing the "RATS" yet!
well it looks like the mods deleted my latest post.

Oh well, there goes freedom of speech.

I guess when they start deleting posts that make no obscene gesture and are in no way vulgar, just stating my point of view, it is time to move on and foreget about this forum.

It was nice knowing ya guys, but I am fed up with the way things are turning out here. :(

I will also be canceling my subscribtion to S.W.A.T while I am at it.
Rush Limbaugh, talking about McCain doing a last-minute phone campaign in Florida distorting Romney's views:

Andrew McCarthy, on Saturday afternoon in the midst of all of this, said, "I'm starting to think Senator McCain should not be allowed to mention the other candidates' names within 30 days before a primary."

It would be funnier if it were not true.
I haven't had time to read this whole thread but I can tell you why I don't like McCain. It's one word - AMNESTY. Seeing him standing on the Senate floor beside Ted Kennedy made my blood boil. Anyone who would associate with Ted Kennedy, probably the only liberal in the country who is more hated than Hillary Clinton, does not get my support.

Also, I think a McCain/Hillary contest would most likely insure a Democratic win next November. McCain does not have the conservative credentials to motivate Republicans and right-leaning Independents to rush out and try to defeat Hillary. Whichever one wins we get the Southwest being ceded to Mexico. McCain might delay Draconian gun control for a few more years, but once enough illegals become citizens and have voting rights, the Dems will have the numbers to win every election from then on.
Also, I think a McCain/Hillary contest would most likely insure a Democratic win next November. McCain does not have the conservative credentials to motivate Republicans and right-leaning Independents to rush out and try to defeat Hillary.

No I think you are wrong. If it is McCain versus Hillary, McCain won't need conservative credentials to win. Hillary will inspire enough disgust and dread in the hearts of conservatives that she alone will motivate conservatives to turn out in droves to vote against her. She will cause a greater conservative voter turn out than any other candidate.

I think McCain will defeat Hillary easily, especially if he picks Lieberman as his vice president.

I think he will have a much harder job defeating Obama.
That the standard conservatives are having puppies and hissy fits over McCain not being a 'true' conservative like Romney (haha) makes him all the more attractive for a general election candidate.

Romney is the candidate for rich, white guys - period - he will be vaporized by Hillary or Obama.

McCain has some general appeal.

In fact, it is a shame that the economic conservatives got their sock puppet GWB to be president in 2000. McCain might have run the WOT correctly from the get go. Instead we got the current doofus-in-chief.

Here's GWB's legacy - in 2001 we were attacked by a group headed by Osama. When Bush leaves office - Osama is still alive.

Need one say more about his abilities?
Don't forget that a very big part of the Republican constituency is the religious right, and Romney would be a far bigger attraction to them than John McCain. Remember that it was opposition to gay marriage that got Bush re-elected in 2004. A religious family values candidate would do far more to motive conservatives to come out and vote.

It may be that McCain has been pro-gun so far, but can we really trust such a changeable, unpredictable guy who makes alliances with the likes of Ted Kennedy to continue to support our cause? McCain is a maverick, who changes his views on important issues. I wouldn't trust someone like that to carry on our cause. I can envision seeing McCain at some point during his presidency standing beside Ted Kennedy and endorsing a gun control law. I am not predicting it - just saying that it wouldn't suprise me if it happened.
Romney is the candidate for rich, white guys - period

I have to agree with you on that. But I don't think we are going to get anyone better from the Republican establishment. Mike Huckabee seems to be a populist and would be far more likely to run the country to the benefit of the working and middle classes.

If he were able to get his message across, I think he would be the Republican best able to defeat either Hillary or Obama. He would appeal to moderates and those of us who are far from being wealthy, while appealing to the religious right (Huckabee is a Baptist preacher, you know), and reassuring to those of us who don't want to see Hillary or Obama sign a surrender treaty with Al Qaeda on their first day in office.

But due to his populism I don't think the Republican establishment is going to let him be the candidate to oppose Hillary/Obama. They will make sure a rich, white guy becomes the nominee. In addition, they will recognize the importance of keeping the allegiance of the religious right, so that means they will pick Romney.
It may be that McCain has been pro-gun so far, but can we really trust such a changeable, unpredictable guy who makes alliances with the likes of Ted Kennedy to continue to support our cause?

So you prefer Romney, the only candidate who has actually banned guns?
If McCain is another Gauleiter Scwarzenegger then we are really in for a back-stabbing. That's why it's important to look at House and Senate races but moreso the House.

On the amnesty issue I had an outfit which does bulk printing for mail order or political outfits. I described some artwork they could do locally on 8.5 x 11" lighter weight postcard stock. It would show a circa 1836 Mexican soldier bayoneting a big map of America, which is bleeding. Another soldier stands on the map giving a bag marked $ to a monkey (perhaps swinging) and upon which will be the superimposed face of any deserving politician. I am awaiting a reply from this Florida shop but my experience is that a lot of artists are tutti-frutti when it comes to wielding the sword.
Huckabee may be populist but his statements on other issues will not endear him to many. If you agree with his positions you may disagree with me but:

1. Not believing in evolution
2. Changing the Constitution to reflect his version of God's will
3. The comments on the Confederate Flag

would batter him into the ground in a general election. I couldn't vote for him despite his 2nd Amend. beliefs. I said before I don't trust those who think they are literally divinely inspired as they are immune to evidence when their policies go awry. GWB had a touch of that.
I wouldn't worry too much about changing the Constitution, either. That is an enormously difficult enterprise. I don't remember the rules now, but I think a big majority of the states have to vote in favor of a constitutional amendment. Huckabee may support it but that doesn't mean he can get it done.

I do not consider myself a member of the religious right, either but I recognize the importance of the support of that constituency in order to get a Republican elected. So if Huckabee doesn't believe in evolution, I am not going to worry about it. I am interested in getting a President in office who will support Second Amendment Rights, 1st Amendment Rights (i.e., no "hate crimes"), defend the country (no Democratic surrender to Al Qaeda), not allow Mexico to re-conquer the Southwest, and in general not allowing the US to separate from Western Civilization by being overrun by non-Western immigrants. It would also be nice if we could get a populist in office who will help the working and middle class, but I just can't see that realistically happening.

Or maybe we could all run out and support the Lou Dobbs for President movement. Besides being a populist he is also a gun collector!
It was said that McCain is a perfect gentleman. He will hold the Whitehouse door open for Hillary.

Kidding aside, I will not vote for McCain. I do not understand the claims that he is middle of the road, but I guess the New York press has unique standards.

Along with other posters here, I do not like the McCain/Finegold law, and some other gun legislation he has endorsed.

He has also been a bit of a thorn in the sides of organic farmers. Organic farmers are usually small farmers.

For the immigration issues, I have to wonder whats going on south of the border that so many want to leave? Wife and I took a trip down there. Visiting a small village, in the middle of the country, I learned that everything around that village, and most of the building in that village, belonged to one family. There was a lot of unemployment in that village, despite the presence of mines no longer working, and a lot of miles of weed overgrown land, that could and should have been growing sheep, cattle and goats. Much of the unused land looked suitable for farming. But the land seemed even void of wildlife, but 5 to 8 feet tall with dry wild plants. Looked ripe for a range fire. I wish I had time and owners permission to look that vast wilderness over more closely.

Much of Mexico. I fear, is unproductive, because old families sit on vast lands, without consideration of the needs of the local residents. Can this be changed? Can that land be hunted, if there is something there to hunt?
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I've said before that Huckabee's view on evolution are relevant as to indicators of his cognitive processes. While some may disagree, the evidence for evolution is overwhelming (fire storm here - sorry). A president who doesn't evaluate evidence has a fatal flaw.

I don't mean to insult folks who don't believe in evolution but I cannot vote for a person who doesn't understand basic science. I can friends with them and shoot with them but I don't want them running the country.

As far as the Confederate flag - another flame war but not to understand that it is offensive to many is another indication of a lack of common sense.

The GOP will not win elections if they aim only at the conservative, white, Protestant vote. Only when the Democrats really screw up with candidate choice and the GOP candidate doesn't seem in this corner of the world, will the GOP win one.

The downside is that if the RBKA is seen only as the province of the conservative, white, Protestant vote - then gun rights will be eroded.

However, some conservatives can't separate the RKBA from other issues and like it that way. That leads to the righteous defeat and all the 'let's fight bluster' when the new AWB comes into play.
While some may disagree, the evidence for evolution is overwhelming

Well, not really. Most of the evidence is circumstantial. There is no documented instance of one species transforming into another species. There is good evidence of adaptation and micro-evolution (eg, bacteria developing drug resistance), but macro-evolution is circumstantial.

I don't claim to be an expert in the details of evolution theory, but I do hold a BS in Biology and Biochemistry, and an MD degree.
Actually, Unregistered, to my knowledge they've done it (speciation) with fruit flies. Not only do the fruit flies mutate from generation to generation, but after enough generations have passed they will no longer mate with fruit flies from a different genetic population. And besides, if evolution weren't real, we wouldn't see new species turning up in the fossil records; we'd start at amount of species=X, and the amount of species would only be subtracted from from there.