Why so anti-McCain?

+1 on Sarge's post! Very well said. Here is a story of a case where current Colorado governor, Bill Ritter (D), was letting organized crime family drug runners off from felony heroin smuggling charges by plea barganing down to Argicultural Trespass....walking on farm property. While campaigning for Gov, Bill Ritter was on TV claiming he was tough on illegal immigration, one person who Ritter let off for Heroin Smuggling went to California and raped a 15yo girl. Here is the story...Ritter is trying to take down a truth telling LEO, Corey Voorhis!


This is exactly the same crime coddling illegal immigrant harboring attitude I see in Juan McCain. Where is he in this travesty?
+100 to Sarge's post, but with the question: who do we vote in to do differently? I feel like I'm screaming at a brick wall all day.

I would call it a consistent incorrect interpretation of reality

Holy cow.......you sound like you're running for President!!

Or you could be John McCain's speech writer.........
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Ditto on what Sarge posted. I know BP agents and local sheriff dept folks long the border they tell me the situation is worse numbers of those crossing and crimes.

What the border needs is "the surge", but what am I talking about America only needs to spend money in other countries to build democracy.:rolleyes:
+1 on Sarges post. It could have been different with a President that wanted to enforce border security & laws already on the books.
Thank you all for the positive comments on post #120.

Yellowfin, while I understand your frustration I don't have an answer for you. To me it seems counterproductive to invest a lot of time, emotion or energy arguing presidential candidates before the primary. The parties will choose who they want, via the delegates. There is a tremendous variance in how this is handled state-to-state.

Basically you take what they offer and make the best choice you can make. The only thing I'm sure of is this- nobody is going to get my vote unless I am truly convinced that they are not going to screw our brains out on 2A and other Bill of Rights issues. I am done voting for the 'lesser of two evils'.
There is a very easy way to get rid of all those illegal aliens. Tell them, "About face - Forward - March!' They go back the same way they came. If necessary round them up and deport them with the clothes on their backs. They are space invaders from Mars.

Please note that if we don't get rid of them this nation will soon become a barbarian primitive third world toilet run by Latin American peasants in harness to the ruling classes. Like Mexico. Get your heads out of your asses. You are looking at the end of America. Read something of the history of Rome.

You can fight political guerilla wars in your own areas. I have an old established one-man Federal campaign for Congress in Illinois. It gave me guaranteed access to the airwaves which I used. It was especially important in dealing with McCain-Feingold which banned political ads containing full political advocacy unless you were a candidate. That was not a perfect solution as WLS in Chicago refused to run 7 of 10 of my spots on grounds of being racist and offensive. For example I said everything I had I owed to war, wounds, crime, arson, and Puerto Ricans (I live in a P.R. neighborhood, owned three buildings which I got FHA and VA and my disability allowance helped pay for it). I also said mayor Daley is paranoid and bulldozed Meigs field in the lake to eliminate the chance of a kamikaze attack on city hall. I said he should have left it intact to serve as a forward tactical airbase to attack the invading alien hordes. You get the idea. After a lot of lying and evasion at the last minute by WLS I refused to run only three approved spots and said it was all or nothing. Censorship of ads is forbidden according to FCC rules. They knew there was no easy recourse for me and that I was a one man outfit in large measure without campaign contributions other than my own. This issue might be approachable at the Federal level but I may just try a state filing for breach of contract or implied contract.

McCain-Feingold is an attack on free speech as is CAIR as regards Michael Savage on the radio. McCain is an open borders man. He opposed all Bush's tax cuts. The man is a neccid liberal in Rockefeller form. He is loved by the pornocrats and the media top end which pushes him as their conception of a good Republican. I think he wants to turn fetal stem cells into peanut butter. Hit www.MichaelSavage.com to get his views on McCain or hear his radio program. Incidentally McCain seems to have won in Florida (not by a large amount) because there were likely a few Democat voters who managed to register as Republicans - but also because the Latin tribesmen there, some of whom are otherwise conservative, like the idea of seeing this country swallowed by the southern hordes. That's why McCain is dangerous.
You are aware that

Michael Weiner, aka "Michael Savage" gave large donations to Nancy Pelosi, right?

Michael Savage is a character. He's got as much resemblance to the real guy as Ziggy Stardust did to David Bowie.

You've been played.

There is a very easy way to get rid of all those illegal aliens. Tell them, "About face - Forward - March!' They go back the same way they came. If necessary round them up and deport them with the clothes on their backs. They are space invaders from Mars.

Please note that if we don't get rid of them this nation will soon become a barbarian primitive third world toilet run by Latin American peasants in harness to the ruling classes. Like Mexico. Get your heads out of your asses. You are looking at the end of America. Read something of the history of Rome.

Gee, I can hardly imagine why the radio stations didn't sell you airtime:rolleyes:

WildhaveyouhuggedyourAR10todayAlaska TM
This question is seriously being asked......seriously.......:eek:

ok fine.....your not a conservative....we get it.....
but for me...conservatism still means something.....McCain wouldn't know
Well, I did not read the whole thread as I have to leave soon, but I do recall something about McCain wanting to record who bought what books at gun shows... and WHO was attending gun shows.

Something about mag cap limits he supported..

McCain is not what he claims to be.. He claims to be a Regan conservative. If he is a Regan conservative, then I am Darth Vader. Cryptofascist is the best description of him that I have heard. Others see Manchurian Candidate. I see an unpredictable old man who marches 180 degrees out of step with his party of choice.

The major reason the Rep congress was not able to get crap done when they had the majority was mostly because of McCain.

Hillary is at least predictable.... I will vote for her before I vote for a traitor to the Constitution like McCain... At least she will bring us closer to another American Revolution we desperately need.
Tubb_ee -

Michael Savage used ta wuz a screamin' neccid hyper liberal New York Jew. He's gone into rehab and rejected his prior political fiendishments. As he says of himself, that ended when he got politically, racially, and sexually banned from working with his doctoral degree, in the very university that gave him his degree and prior education.

However if we other screamin' neccid right wing types have been played, it sho' nuff be fun to play the Savage way. I would also like to note his suit against CAIR (Council on American Islamic relations) which is essentially a fifth column Islamic group attacking free speech as regards presenting the truth about militant and murderous Islamic groups. For that suit and other reasons Savage was studiously ignored by other conservative talk show hosts and the rest of the media.

In Chicago I am going to vote for Obama while simultaneously voting against a Democrat Cook County 13th district commissioner named Larry Suffredin. He is a hyper anti-gun type belonging to all the anti-gun advocacy groups. He is running for Cook County States attorney and has proposed anti-gun laws for the county including not permitting gun shops within fifteen miles of each other, banning of any pistol not having a load indicator (revolvers), not permitting registration of guns not already registered somewhere, not allowing gun shops within a mile of schools (or whatever, it is a quarter mile in Chicago) and maintaining or raising the $500 phony and pointless county fee on gun shops, requiring a deadly Weapons license, etc. So-called assault rifles are already banned. Our crime rate has dropped without regard to any of this but that doesn't matter as the legislation has nothing to do with crime. For the sordid details hit www.isra.com for what's happening in Illinois. My vote is intended to help cut off Bitchery and smack Suffredin upside the head with him being the bigger issue at the moment. I will run generally anti-Democrat and some anti-McCain stuff while trying to stir up interest in a third party 'mongst the local Puerto Ricans.
Back when we needed a double-decker bus to transport all the Republican candidates to a debate I said I would not vote for Romney, Guliani or McCain. I stand by that statement. If McCain were running against Amahdinejad or Fidel Castro or Vladimir Putin I would leave the space blank. Some may say that such a action helps the opposition and I will not argue the point but this will be my 13th presidential election and I will not vote for the lesser of two evils again!
As a rabid Constitutionalst, I can't bring myself to vote for anyone who shows disregard for our most fundamental God given rights. If it is not explicitly stated in the Constitution then it is case law and should all be repealed and reconsidered. I don't see where any of the candidates have enough personality or character to lead this nation. In my opinion they all represent what has gone wrong in this country and I wouldn't trust any of them to set it right.
In my opinion they all represent what has gone wrong in this country and I wouldn't trust any of them to set it right.

Greed, power, corruptions, sounds like Mexico, if McCain becomes president
we will be a part of Mexico.
In my opinion they all represent what has gone wrong in this country and I wouldn't trust any of them to set it right.
I agree and am in the same position, but what exactly are we left yet? We can't get what we want in the system, but revolt isn't on the menu either. :confused:
I agree and am in the same position, but what exactly are we left yet

Me too. I thought the worse was when we had a choice between Bush or Kerry. Voting this time is going to be like choosing between shooting 00 buck or a slug in my 870 while wearing a tee shirt.:(