to address the question asked; the barrel length is not the same. in the auto the chamber is included in the "length" . test this with a revolver with a stated length of 4" with a auto of the same, the revolver has a higher velocity, this has been tested many times with guns made on the same machinery, S&W 547. revolvers operate differently. I really don't want to spend my time explaining the jump from the case,the throat, forcing cone, groove dimensions etc. you might want Rinkers book on ballistics? of historical note; once upon a time the 357 specs were 46,900( maximum, CUP) not 35,000, CUP. originally the 357 was loaded with large magnum primers, not small. also note when reading the old books that many incl. PSI figures that are not the same as the current method . there was PSI then CUP and now another PSI sometimes called PSIA. see Oehler. there are too many variables involved with different cartridges, like case volume and different powders used in them. the larger case can use slower powders. as far as stopping power , Hatcher said bullet shape, bullet composition, energy.