Agree 100% with pubilus and gyvel
The "military mindset" is a scary and sometimes ridiculous thing. Campus cops in SWAT pants? My question is can they hit a barn door with birdshot?
In small town America if they to want make law enforcement better require monthly handgun qualification and regular drug testing (drug test all public employees and elected officials for that matter).
The truth is many law enforcement presonel don't make me feel any safer and while on the subject, few of the TSA folks either.
The history of caliber selection in a deep subject, one worthy of a good book.
Often politics and political correctness get into the issue. And ammo selection is a critical part of caliber effectiveness.
Pray and Shoot Daily.
Lee Jones(Celtgun
It never seems to occur to people in procurement offices that if you cannot shoot, gadgetry will not help, and that if you can shoot, gadgetry is unnecessary.
Col. Jeff Cooper
The "military mindset" is a scary and sometimes ridiculous thing. Campus cops in SWAT pants? My question is can they hit a barn door with birdshot?
In small town America if they to want make law enforcement better require monthly handgun qualification and regular drug testing (drug test all public employees and elected officials for that matter).
The truth is many law enforcement presonel don't make me feel any safer and while on the subject, few of the TSA folks either.
The history of caliber selection in a deep subject, one worthy of a good book.
Often politics and political correctness get into the issue. And ammo selection is a critical part of caliber effectiveness.
Pray and Shoot Daily.
Lee Jones(Celtgun
It never seems to occur to people in procurement offices that if you cannot shoot, gadgetry will not help, and that if you can shoot, gadgetry is unnecessary.
Col. Jeff Cooper