Why are the Republicans so worried about Ron Paul?

Its the denial that everything is fine with the platform by moderates that make me afraid

Can anyone show me where I ever said everything is fine? Can't recall I ever did. Probably because I didn't since I see many problems with out country.

Heres the thing though. I don't think the the best solution for fixing our country is to hand it over to the people that broke it in the first place in the hopes that they royally screw it so bad that the people turn it back over to conservatives.

Any of you Paulites ever think that something might happen where the people actually keep voting in liberals? Isn't that a possibility? What if Hillary does something which guarantees several decades of democratic government? Where is it written on the wall that if Hillary is elected, 4 or even 8 years later, the government will revert back to conservative hands. Thats kind of a huge ASSumption if you ask me.

If it takes seconds to lose rights, and years to restore them, what does 20 years of democratic rule mean?

I'm no math wiz, but I'm just sayin.
Stage 2, are you actually trying to claim the Republican party is against illegal immigration?

Also, before you hold the Republicans up as great defenders of the 2nd, you need to check Rudy's stance on the 2nd Amendment and explain to me exactly how it is different than Hillary.

By the way, I am not a Ron Paul supporter.
Uh, outside of some Internet sites frequented most by late-20-something to 30-somethings, nobody, and I do mean nobody is paying any attention to Ron Paul.

Heres the thing though. I don't think the the best solution for fixing our country is to hand it over to the people that broke it in the first place

That would be the fans of big government on both sides of the aisle, and they already seem to be in control. Government under one-party GOP rule grew at about twice the rate we saw in the 1990's. These are the people who are supposed to fix what is broken? That's why I think the best solution is to mix in some small-government fans. We need someone who has the word "no" in his vocabulary.
The dirty little secret here is that all parties tax and spend.

They have to spend money to keep our country going, and there is no federal lemonade stand. They tax to secure revenue.

Additionally, each party winds up spending more money than the incumbent before him. There will usually be some inflation--which does outstrip a COLA--and there are new programs added each term.

The trick here is to minimize just how much new debt is going to be secured.

As of right now, no candidate can do that. For the short run, there will be new/continuing military costs, 'boomers applying for Social Security and a smaller tax base.

In short, RP has no workable plank. Having said that, I am still searching for any candidate who does.
If the Republicans lose the next ten election cycles due to my vote, that's their fault for not promoting a candidate I can stomach.


I am a one issue voter. The US Constitution is my issue. Constitutional governance is important to me. I will vote the candidate, Democrat or Republican who I believe will actually "Uphold and defend" the constitution the best. I will oppose those who do not. A vote for Ron Paul is simply a vote for Ron Paul.

The Republicans have counted on the old "who else you gonna vote for?" logic for too long. They have won being the lesser of two evils, but they have not done much to do any real good.

Like in 2000 (look up my posts if you wish) when I supported Alan Keyes, (and to be fair, Harry Brown) I will support Ron Paul in this primary. He may not be successful, but he will likely bring up some issues worth speaking of. In the General election, I will again support the person who has the best history of supporting the US Constitution. If that is Rudy or Hillary or Fred, or Barrack, I don't care. I personally like Fred if not Ron Paul, but I think most have done enough switching positions depending on the election cycle to worry me.

Ron Paul at least has a 20 year history of being on the correct end of the constitution. It is difficult to find a politician who can point to their record and say that they've been as staunch a supporter as RP.
Stage 2: Which party has cut taxes and is trying to make the cuts permanent.

Yes, Bush cut taxes, while simultaneously overseeing the highest increase in federal spending seen since FDR and the New Deal, sending us soaring into record deficits.

Did you know that the current US debt is equal to twenty-eight Eiffel towers made of solid gold?
Stage 2, are you actually trying to claim the Republican party is against illegal immigration?

Yes I am. The party split with Bush and refused to support a horrible bill. Everytime amnesty comes up guess who supports it. Everytime the issue of deportations come up, guess who is against them. Which party supports the minutemen.

Yes, Bush cut taxes, while simultaneously overseeing the highest increase in federal spending seen since FDR and the New Deal, sending us soaring into record deficits.

And your point is? The choice is between a party that cuts taxes and spends too much, or a party that raises taxes and spends too much. Not a difficult choice to me.
That's not a reason to be afraid of Paul; He's already stated in no uncertain terms that he's not going to run as an independent or third party candidate if he doesn't get the Republican nomination, and if there's one thing he has a reputation for, it's keeping his promises.

I think he frightens them because if he manages to convince the Republican base that they don't have to settle for the lesser of two evils, Republican politicians might have to stop being evil. And they really don't want to.
I think you may have something there Brett. If there's anything the Republican candidates DON'T want it would be an honest politician opposing them. We've already seen attack dogs turned loose on Guliani over his stance on abortion and gun control and his only defense has been a halfhearted denial which no one really believed. Romney is getting cut up over his religion and McCain is trying to overcome a long record of evil temper. Some of them may be able to pull enough wool over the eyes of the general voting public to win an election but that's just what they'll have to do to do it.
On the other hand, Ron Paul has a twenty year record of real conservatism with no skeletons in his closets. His detractors have had to resort to calling him names and ridiculing his ideas, even when those ideas are the same ones they themselves have pushed in non-election years. How many times have we read - here and elsewhere- that Paul is a "kook," or a "dingbat" or any of a dozen other disparaging names? Yet we haven't heard him called a liar or an adulterer or a thief. Would that the others could say as much.
He may be naive and he may look like a caricature of Howdy Doody and he might even be wrong on some points, but he's honest and that's more than can be said for his detractors.
He may be naive and he may look like a caricature of Howdy Doody and he might even be wrong on some points, but he's honest and that's more than can be said for his detractors.

I see. So Paul is honest, but Huckabee, Hunter, Thompson, Brownback, and Tancredo aren't.
Out of curiosity, how many folks have been to a college campus in the past few months? His name is spreading very quickly among the younger generation and not just on the internet.

Many in my generation feel the baby boomers - hippies and bible thumpers alike - have broken America and it's our responsibility to fix it. He's quite popular amongst generation X and a hell of a lot more with generation Y (yes, I also dislike those terms but whadaya gonna do).

It'd be interesting to see how many more 20-somethings vote in this presidential election than previous ones.
As someone else just mentioned in another thread many of those polls are skewed. Scientific or not many college students are often simply not included in such polls. Not only does the younger generation have a smaller likelihood of having a land line in the first place but even those that do are rarely going to list that number as their primary contact, especially if its their dorm room or their parent's house.

Yes, he's very popular. Visit any college campus of significant size in the country and you're likely to meet plenty of kids what will gladly have a conversation with you about the good doctor.

Oh Facebook, what else will you teach me today?
Because he is the only true Republican in Congress and the race. His views of the Constitution are not compromised by large corporations, Christian groups that wish to push their views on us, pro-war lobbyists, lobbyists in general, and neo-conservative dreamers.

He does not fear these people and groups. He will stick to his beliefs and not compromise them to cater to all of these special interests. What happens then is these groups which typically lobby and endorse the Republicans will not back Ron Paul. What happens is that people who are members of these groups will not get their agenda accomplished and this scares them.
If they swore to uphold the constitution, and then don't (and they do not), then yes.

Well, since we have at leat one example of Ron Paul doing something in violation in the constitution, I'd say thats a hugely hypocritical standard.

But I'm curious. How exactly has Hunter failed to uphold the constitution.