I went to school in Utah, where shooting in the canyons was not a problem. My first gun was a Ruger Security-Six .357. What a gun!
Then I bought a box of ammo. Yeeeeesh!
Weeks later I bought an RG nickel-plated cowboy single-action pistol with plastic grips, fixed sights and alloy frame. Price: $69. It was cheap, it was junk, it was light, but it was one of the funnest guns. Yeah, I had to tighten the grips every time I went out, but I learned to shoot it.
Months later, I saved some money and traded the gun up for a Ruger Standard Auto, a much better pistol; but I always missed the RG, not because it was an RG, but because it was a cowboy gun.
To this day, I have no great love of larger-bore single-actions, but I finally bought a Ruger Single-Six, which came with a cylinder for .22 mag, which I'll most likely never use. It's a pain to unload, but it's sooooooo fun to shoot. If I lived out on the prarie and could shoot tin cans every day, that gun would be my top choice.
For a post-apocalyptic 2012 world, I'd take a Ruger Mark II, but it's a practical gun. For casual shooting, it's hard to beat. It's even fun to clean.