When you can't carry, less than lethal options

+1 for pax

I can also vouch personally for the Cold Steel Blackthorn, never had to use it offensively, and I'm sure a BG is glad I never had to.
I would go with pepper spray, with a few caveats. First, 90% of the pepper spray on the market is junk. The best you can get is by Fox Labs, the "cone mist" type, NOT the stream. This stuff has been described as feeling like "somebody dumped a spoonful of fireants on each eyeball." There are numerous YouTube videos of people getting sprayed with this stuff.

There are NO devices that don't have to be used properly, however. If you're using pepper spray, for example, DON'T hold it out in front of you at arm's length, where your attacker can anticipate it or knock it out of your hand. Put your finger on the button, but keep it concealed so you can spray him by surprise at just the right moment.

DON'T carry your pepper spray or defense tool on your keychain! If it gets dropped, thrown or broken in a struggle in a dark parking lot, you're stranded out there without your keys. Also, it will take longer to get the device positioned in your hand if it's tangled up with a dozen keys and Las Vegas key fobs.

Be AGGRESSIVE! ATTACK your assailant, SAVAGELY! This is what a lot of people don't prepare for psychologically. Go into "animal mode." ATTACK! DESTROY!

When the spray hits and he raises his hands, kick the HELL out of his kneecap, and I mean HARD. Kick it CLEAR INTO THE NEXT COUNTY! When he drops his hands instinctively in reaction, soak his face with it again. When he raises his hands back to his face, kick the other kneecap, or wallop him with a club or rock or something. I mean, just beat the living CRAP out of him!! You get the picture. Trust me, if you don't, he WILL do it to YOU.

Whatever you use, use it as a TOOL to enable you to disable the attacker, so you can safely get away. But without that focused, self-defense mindset, it's worthless. It's not like you go to the store, buy it, stick it in your purse or pocket, and everything's peachy.
I have a heavy oak "stockman's cane". The handle or crook is slightly larger (enough to fit around a neck) and the cane itself is about 1" in diameter. It WILL f*** you up if used properly. Several dvds, books as well as in person training available, just search for cane fighting. The best part is you can carry one pretty much anywhere. Just say you have an old football injury or such :)
I just looked at the cane websites. Some neat canes, high dollar for some of them too. I've never carried a cane but if I did, I think I'd carry one a little less conspicuous than some of them. I would think security people are less likely to question an ordinary looking cane than 1 that begs attention, just a thought. A slick shiny one might also draw the attention of more thieves.

But I can see how the cane would be a great weapon. Can hit, jab, block, trip, etc. How about this; remove rubber cap, drill a hole about 2 inches into the shaft, replace cap. If situation arises (time permitting), remove cap, place pencil in hole. Presto, you have a makeshift spear.
So, what good is lighter? I'm curious.

Well Glenn, it would be good to light whatever you've been smoking lately. You've made some really off the wall posts here.:D

Seriously; the lighter may not be needed at all. But it is cheap, small, light & easy to carry. There are moments when fire is needed. If the plane crashed somewhere rural, it may take awhile to be rescued. A fire might be needed if weather is cold, if plane can't provide shelter & heat. Not a big chance of it, but it's been known to happen. If no flares on board, a lighter could easily light a signal fire for a search plane to spot.

In a hijacking situation, it may be handy to light a paper cup or wrapper to make smoke & distract one of the BG's.

Don't you ever watch any movies? You could learn something.:)
Trust me, if you don't he WILL do it to you.

How right you are. As civilized people, we tend to forget sometimes and assume others are civilized too. A fight with a BG is a battle for survival. Fair play is for baseball & card games. I think that is one of the weaknesses of liberals. They assume everyone is basically good & plays by the rules. If a BG mistreats them, they think being nice to him will calm him down & help him "see the light". While that could possibly happen, I don't want to be the test case for it. If someone has gotten warped enough to threaten me with harm or death, he's dangerous & must be handled as such. BG's are like wolves & get bolder seeing fear or weakness.

I remember a female student pastor at a former church. Sweet woman & mostly smart, but trusting as a sheep. A hostage hostage arose in an office building. Police sharpshooter nailed the gunman. Was talk of the town. Some of us discussed it at church & she nearly cried; said "they didn't have to shoot him". I asked her what they should have done. Gunman had several hostages in an office, threatening to kill them at any moment. She couldn't think of another course of action they should have tried.
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+1 for flashlight...
I have worked in prisons for a while now and we can't carry anything. Except; huge set of brass keys, good size radio, pen/pencil, and I always have my surefire flashlight. In a fight you will use whatever you can, and I have used them all.
non lethal defense

i found out that a hi power stun gun can deter some people.....at a bar outside i pulled my stun gun on a guy that was assaulting a friend of mine after i threw him off my friend.

i grinned and giggled and lit up the stun gun, he called me some bad names, but for some reason wouldnt come within arms reach of me lol. sounds stupid but with my shoulders messed up i seriously got to have a good alco buzz to start throwing punches or i'll scream louder than the guy i hit haha

but seriously the crackling sound and the fact a good stun gun lights up the parking lot will let someone know he could be in for a shocking experience if he doesnt head off
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In Iowa a stun gun is considered a dangerous weapon and you need the permit to carry one legally, so may as well carry the gun it will do better.

I would also stay out of bars and places where young folks gather and drink.
Just a thought about canes. I took my son and grandaughter to the air port I noticed a large stack of wooden cane behind the TSA area. I guess those agents read these forums also.

A folding knife, while not allowed on an airplane a knife can be carried and used where guns are banned.

It doesn't have to be used in a deadly fashion. A butt stroke, or used as a roll of quarters without even opening it. Even if you open it a cut to the hand will make your attacker drop his weapon. JMHO