I would like to shoot the 44 magnum endlessly
I was going to say 357 magnum....but thats too easy a choice, IMO and many others picked it.
So instead....the "second magnum", the 44 magnum is my choice. Choosing that because its more legitimate for hunting, anything that is, can be carried with 44 special SD loads, and the biggest reason is because I regard shooting it as much more a challenge than say a 357 mag or anything else because the bark, and bite can psych you out. Its no less accurate or uncontrollable than another round but because of the force, sometimes flinching and other mental errors occur. Since price isn't a factor, I would eventually master what I think to be a difficult round to shoot well with consistency. I also am shooting it out of older N frames that have presentation grips, without a muzzle break. I consider the 44 magnum to be more uncomfortable to shoot than my 460 XVR since the 460 is designed to lessen recoil, where as the model 29 and many other 44 mags are simply scaled up revolvers with no consideration for the recoil, unlike the more modern 44 mags of today. For the challenge, I pick the 44 magnum.