What's Your Favorite Firearm Myth?

The MYTH is thinking "it can't happen here!" it has, and it can, again.
& the sad truth behind it is - the people - as in "We the People", will fight tooth and nail to dismantle every single one of the Bill of Rights & not even bat an eyelid.

This exchange took place about three weeks ago:
"The Bill of Rights, as you well know, protects Americans' rights — enshrines their right to practice their religion as they see fit and to congregate together to assemble peacefully," Carlson said. "By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order? How do you have the power to do that?"

"That's above my pay grade, Tucker," Murphy replied. "I wasn't thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this. ... We looked at all the data and the science and it says people have to stay away from each other. That is the best thing we can do to break the back of the curve of this virus, that leads to lower hospitalization and ultimately fatalities."
While the response of Murphy doesn't surprise or shock me - the total lack of this exchange showing up all over social media - is - disheartening.
Here's an elected official - sworn to uphold the constitution - that blatantly admits he tossed it aside & just flat out did what he wanted to do & the worst part is - nobody seems to care....
And whos' right out there on the front lines enforcing this violation?

Yep the very same ones that one day will come knocking on our doors to collect what someone has deemed us unfit to have.....
My dad told me when I was young that in the service they told him if you hit a man in the hand with a 45, it will spin him around. :) This would have been around 1953 when he was a Sailor.

I did have some Vietnam vets tell me the 223 tumbles in your body. Hit you in the chest it may come out some where else.

People claiming firearms kill people need be asvised that's not unlawful. No laws state that's unlawful.

Nor is against any law for a knife to kill someone.
Well, this is a thread about "myths" ergo examples of such shouldn't be accurate.

That being said, .30-06 being the most powerful rifle cartridge falls more under the category of "Fudd Lore" than Firearms Myth.
"Firearms are illegal for regular citizens to own in Europe and the UK".

Various semi-auto rifles (some allow SKS, AKs, VZ-58s, M-1 Garands) etc are legal in Switz., France, Belgium, Germany, Norway (Youtube "Katarina Vikor"), Czech R., Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia. Single-shot (modified) Mini 14s are legal in the UK. Some semi-autos might be legal in others.

The Czech Republic allows handgun carry, possibly one or two other countries.
A Czech attorney (often on TheHighRoad) can verify the basic info presented here, with a few corrections and additions.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4t39Fi_m9w Non-LEO Civilians in Slovenia.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnmWL746-jM Norway: 20-rd. mag in Katarina's semi-auto Mini 14?

https://vlaamsvredesinstituut.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/20120919_gun_ownership.pdf Belgian gun ownership.

https://germanculture.com.ua/daily/gun-laws-in-germany/ Germany.

"....Hey Man, No Way, I keep reading on gun forums that they are illegal over there".
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If you want to see a bunch of firearm myths "in action" just turn on your tv or watch about any movie where guns are used. There are a very few "truths" shown, here and there, but most it is BS.

One of the biggies is people firing guns, including short barrel AKs and ARs inside rooms and hallways, without any kind of hearing protection, and still hearing normally.
In 2019, EVERY SEMIAUTOMATIC RIFLE in Washington state legally became a "semiautomatic assault rifle"
Why, then, 'tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
William Shakespeare

One of my other favorite myths is "put a scope on it and you can't miss". Apparently I've been doing this wrong for the past 50 years.
If you want to see a bunch of firearm myths "in action" just turn on your tv or watch about any movie where guns are used. There are a very few "truths" shown, here and there, but most it is BS.

To be fair, how many of said movies and TV shows are portrayed in an accurate, realistic fashion otherwise, how many of them set out to be accurate/realistic, and how many of them pride themselves on their accurate depiction of firearms?

It's one thing to call out Anchormen, Reporters, and Journalists in general for inaccurate information regarding firearms, but cinema is meant to entertain, and seldom does it ever attempt to be 100% true-to-life in all aspects, so unless it is marketed for being specifically accurate to firearms, it seems silly to call it out for being inaccurate.

Don't get me wrong, it's one thing to have a good laugh over something like in Season 1 of Chicago P.D. when they find some green tip .223 ammo which they refer to as "Cop Killers" and then have a scene in which said ammo pierced through a TV, the brick wall of an apartment building, a fire hydrant, then came to rest inside the engine block of a delivery truck down the street. Because that show is at least going for some degree of realism. But most of the movies and TV shows in which firearms are featured are things like Action, Sci-Fi, or Horror genre which obviously aren't trying to be realistic, ergo it's ridiculous to complain that firearms aren't depicted realistically in most movies/TV shows.
In fact, it's kind of a buzz-kill sometimes. Like, I used to be a regular on a forum (you'll never guess which one) in which a lot of the regulars would complain endlessly about the unrealistic depiction of the performance of the Walther PPK in the James Bond films, as if a series of films about a Secret Agent who saves the world from total domination, economic disaster, or complete devastation with the use of high-tech gadgetry was ever meant to be taken that seriously.
I've heard this one in gun shops:

Put this collimator in the muzzle, zero the scope windage and elevation adjustments on its reticle, then adjust elevation up in MOA equal to bullet drop at target range plus sight height above the barrel and the scope will be zeroed just fine.
That bullets rise when fired

They seem to. Relative to the line of sight.

Reality is that gravity pulls the bullet down from the instant it leaves the muzzle, and to compensate for this, the bore is pointed up, relative to the line of sight, something that is not visually obvious, so the bullet seems to rise.
better use a bubble level on the barrel. If you aim the sights straight up, the bullet isn't going straight up when you fire it. ;)
better use a bubble level on the barrel. If you aim the sights straight up, the bullet isn't going straight up when you fire it. ;)
The general direction of up proves my point. The bubble level would require a true straight taper barrel to be anywhere close to correct.
And the thread descends into Minutia.

The point is bullets dont have any lift. Nothing causes a bullet to do anything but fall with gravity the instant it leaves the muzzle.

The SLIGHT angular convergence between line of sight and the bore point the bullet in an upward direction until gravity pulls it back to Earth. Hence an arc is formed and we get the bullet crossing LOS twice, once relatively close (~30-50yds) and once at our zero distance.

Basic external ballistics.