What's up with anti-Palin bias in the Mass Media?

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There are some issues that I need to take care of... But I have to get back to work, time is an angonizing master!

So I'm temporarily closing this thread until I can get the issues resolved, at which time I will re-open it. (I'm unorthodox, so sue me)

Do not start another thread in it's place, as it will disappear when I see it.

See ya all in a few hours.

ETA: All righty then. Issues resolved and thread re-opened. - Do I need to ask that everyone keep it civil? In light of things, I guess I do.
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Musketeer said:
I have been following this thread I and I would like to ask you all what is off limits, what is allowed in the "vetting process"

I think almost all the crap with which the liberals attacked Sarah Palin were
completely off limits.

Her husband's 20 year old DWI was off limits.
The whole pregnancy issue was off limits.

The liberals should be ashamed of themselves, and the whole thing back fired
on them.
If people want to play the "character" card on either side, which they often do, how are such topics off limits? If one side would love for you to believe their candidate is the more "moral" choice doesn't that open them up to having their private lives examined closely?
Can you show anywhere were anyone from the McCain campaign said Palin was more "moral"?
I can't find any such information.
Could you post some links---were someone said that---not what someone else inferred.;)
Ya got to be consistent dude if you want some credibility.:)

I am being completely consistant. They have played up Palin's religious convictions so it is fair game to see if she lives by those convictions. Just as it would be with anyone on the other side.

Hardly any questions should ever be off limits. It is almost always okay to ask a legitimate question. It is not alright to continue asking it after it has been answered just to give the impression that it has not been addressed. It is also fair for people to decide that the question is irrelevant to them. Such as her husbands DUI or pregnant daughter are to me.

Just because I find the question and the answer irrelevant does not mean the question should not be free to be asked. That is what America is all about.

Once it is asked you can answer it or you cannot answer it. if you answer honestly that should be that. if you lie and get caught you suffer to repercussions. If you avoid the question you accept the fact that many will see that as an admission of guilt.
Who has played up Palin's religious convictions?
I didn't notice that.
Who used the phrase "more moral"?
I think your adding YOUR own thoughts in there.
When did Palin, McCain or a member of their campaign say anything like that.
Maybe the MENTION of a subject that the liberals don't like to talk about is enough to extrapolate it into a different meaning---hardly seems a fair guy like you would fall into that.

Oh, I remember once you said " if a person denies an accusation then there's no proof"
Palin denied all the crap about her family so I guess there is no proof so it's a dead issue and a done deal.

Who has played up Palin's religious convictions?
Gee...I guess you are not watching the news then since they mention her "strong religious convictions" at almost every chance they get. Do not ask me to overcome the fact that you have your head buried in the sand...or worse...don't have cable. :)

Still, the whole point is NO VALID QUESTION SHOULD BE OFF LIMITS FOR ANY CANDIDATE. Hiding behind high ground is still hiding and not something I accept from any politician.
The liberals with their vicious attacks may as well have been shooting
Nambus. The attacks back-fired.

Women, especially the disaffected Hillary supporters, have come to Palin's

Sometimes, if you try too hard and try to force something to go your way,
you end up moving things in the opposite direction.

The liberals are like a gang that couldn't shoot straight. They're shooting
their feet full of holes.

This election could have been won by a trained Democratic hamster.
2000 was the Democrats' to lose. 2004 was the Democrats' to lose.
If the Democrats blow this one, they should just dissolve the party and
let another party, maybe the Whigs, become the other major party.
Sometimes, if you try too hard and try to force something to go your way, you end up moving things in the opposite direction
That is the risk you take when you ask tough questions. You might not like the answers or the results.
If people want to play the "character" card on either side, which they often do, how are such topics off limits?

They arent. I agree with PBP that every aspect of our future leaders lives should be examined. I'm not so much concerned with Palin's family, but more with Barack and the people/organizations he associates with or accepts money from...

- P-Diddy (Obama or DIE campaign on BET)
- Bill Ayers - (self proclaimed revolutionary Marxist & Communist)
- Marion Barry (former DC mayor / crack head)
- Shepard Fairey (Obama's official poster maker and Stalin lover - he does make cool shirts though)
- Louis Farrakhan (no remarks needed)
- Hamas (God help us... http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MTY3MDA2M2YzZmNhYWU3ZmFiNDYyZWNlYTgwYWVhYmY= Of course Mr. Obama hasnt associated with Hamas but aparantley he was flattered by the endorsement)
- Kwame Kilpatrick (anybody see the news this morning?)
- Spike Lee ( http://www.reuters.com/article/poli...Type=RSS&feedName=politicsNews&rpc=22&sp=true )
- Marxists, Socialists, Communists ( http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/3770 )
- Michael Moore (suprise!)
- Muslims for America ( http://www.theobamafile.com/_exhibits/Muslims for Barack Obama '08.mht )
Tony Rezko, Rev. Wright, and last but not least...Oprah!

As far as character is concerned... Youre only as good as the people you surround yourself with.
I have to admit, I haven't caught any talk of her religious convictions except from the media. She has been playing her stand on abortion pretty soft, if at all. I've heard conflicting stories on teaching creationism in schools, again not from the Party just the media.
I've been glued to the TV, radio or Internet for 4 days. Do they have all that stuff in the sand now?
Gee...I guess you are not watching the news then since they mention her "strong religious convictions" at almost every chance they get.

Heaven forbid she is religious! I completely forgot that this great country was founded on atheist ideals... oh wait, that was Russia.
If people want to play the "character" card on either side, which they often do, how are such topics off limits? If one side would love for you to believe their candidate is the more "moral" choice doesn't that open them up to having their private lives examined closely?

Perhaps it does, but it does not necessarily open up attacks on their loved ones. If Sarah Palin herself had been arrested for DUI or been an unwed pregnant teen, things might be different. However such is not the case. Now, many will say that if attacks on Palin's family are unwarranted, then attacks on Michelle Obama are also but that's really an apples to oranges comparison. Michelle Obama is making public statements and actively campaigning for her husband, both things that I've yet to see Sarah Palin's husband or daughter do. I kind of agree with you that when a person makes the decision to put themselves in the public eye then they open themselves to possible attack, however I don't feel the same way about their family who do not. Also, the whole story of these issues with Palin either aren't being told or are being downplayed. Her husband was arrested before they were married and such an instance hasn't happened again since. Her daughter is carrying the baby to term and planning to marry the father (both of which seem consistent with Palin's supposed religious beliefs and morals). Finally, it's the double standard that really sticks in my craw. We've heard minimal or non-existant coverage of the scandal surrounding Joe Biden's son, nor did we hear much about Al Gore III getting arrested for wreckless driving shortly before the DNC in 2000. As far as whether Obama is behind the attacks or not, well I don't know. It's kind of irrelevant anyway as the left-leaning media seems both capable and willing to attack Palin and her family with or without Obama's help and/or blessing.
Gee...I guess you are not watching the news then since they mention her "strong religious convictions" at almost every chance they get. Do not ask me to overcome the fact that you have your head buried in the sand...or worse...don't have cable.

I have cable Playboy!!
I sold my beer can collection and a few chickens to get it!:)

Now, you're not being consistent---you always scream for proof but when you are asked, you offer none.
I asked you specific questions and you say I'm not watching the news.
Your double standard is showing!
I understand that you CAN'T answer my questions so I'll leave it there.
I'll take my head out of the sand when you answer my questions and offer the proof that you so often cry out for and hold so dear---or do you??

She has the right enemies.

Agreed. I like Palin so it's hard to watch her have to put up with these unfair attacks referencing her daughter, special needs child, and even the ability to be VP while being a mother. But then I have to remind myself that from a political standpoint this is a good thing...yes a good thing. If the only thing the opposition has to say about Palin a month from now is the same old dribble about her family, then we will know they are shooting blanks. Voters are smart enough to sort it all out, and Palin will come out the winner.

So, I guess I have to say as others have said. Bring on the brainless attacks, you are just getting more votes for Palin.:)
We conservatives aren't sexists. We just don't like bitter, bitchy, obnoxious, man-hating feminists.

My take is that you have to follow the money. The mass media/big government complex is afraid of the possibility that somebody is going to figure out a way to stop their big tax and spend monopoly. Look at the liberal left and you'll see it is funded by big money - tax exempt foundations, big government grants and the like. Look at the abortion industry, easily a billion dollars a year then look at the woman with an unplanned but loved baby and an unplanned but loved grandchild on the way. Look at the oil industry with its big profits suddenly in doubt. Look at all the earmarked government spending. Look at all the millionaire and billionaire "celebrities". Just follow the money.
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