What's up with anti-Palin bias in the Mass Media?

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Hey, maybe Obama can use this!!

He can promise special needs children more money---he can take it from the bad oil companies---they got lots of it.
Dipper did you listen to the speech?

Her exact words were:

And children with special needs inspire a special love.

To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters.

I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House. Todd is a story all by himself.

In every campaign she has ever run she has put family issues at the front of the agenda. You cannot put that cat back in the bag now.
You don't push them to the front. You draw the line and leave it at that.

You talk about policy. You talk about things other than your Mom status. You stick to issues that really concern the voting public vs pandering.

You're doing alot of talking but not answering my questions.
What about Biden??
What did he talk about and didn't he have his son take the oppertunity to be in the spot light and introduce him---shameless plug??

Dipper you forgot about the bad big pharmceutical companies, and bid tobacco, and those evil high income earners. They all need to 'donate' too...
Its not about Biden.

His record on putting family first speaks for itself. If there are issues concerning his family like their ties to the credit card banking industry then they should be explored. Which I think they are.
Dipper you forgot about the bad big pharmceutical companies, and bid tobacco, and those evil high income earners. They all need to 'donate' too...

Sorry JWT,
Yer right--them too!!:)

Its not about Biden.

His record on putting family first speaks for itself.

Oh, now I understand, you like them one sided arguments---probably a do as I say not as I do kind of guy.
Hey, are you ALgore in disguise??:eek:

If it ain't about Biden it ain't about Palin either---you don't get it one way.

Be objective and fair.

Dipper the more you post the deeper the hole is that you are digging.

I am all for vetting of everyone at ever level that they make an issue. Both sides. Unlike you I can see past a party symbol and make real choices based on real issues.

Keep up the group speak. It's been working great for the last 8 years in the white house why can't it work for another 8?
Opened the Columbus( Ohio) Dispatch the morning of 9/3/ 09. Approximately 1/3 of front page story on Palin and continued for 1/2 page further inside paper. When I started reading it, it was very obvious that instead of talking of things she has done politically(good or bad), the article quickly went into her family stating things like her husband got a DUI when he was 22:rolleyes:. Who cares. The thing that most stuck out to me which you don`t see very often in this paper was right in the middle of this article was a highlighted in light gray article solely about Palins daughter including her boyfriend. This highlighted kids article was almost dead center of original article and you had to read around daughters article to finish original article. Its sad that peoples kids have to be brought into this but you can rest assured the big guns( however sickening(kids articles) are being fired now. Good thing is they can`t dig up any substancial dirt on Palin or her family that descent people care about. Just trash.
No, you see Scout all the Dems have is a non-issue about a poor child and in their desperation they are trying to use it in anyway they can and people like you think that it is a REAL issue and should be talked about and used against her.
Pretty low in my book.

So, IF her family and poor child is a REAL issue to you, have at it.
In fact, like I said days ago---I hope the Dems attack the crap out of her over her family---it's only going to back fire.
People will look at her family and then look at the Obamas and Bidens.
They'll see what family more closely represents them--AND, I'm not talking race either--I'm talking about what family is in line with middle Americans--soccer moms that coach and buy groceries, go to PTA meeting, came up in a traditional manner, hunters, smowmobile racers, etc. etc. and most importantly, who matches THEIR VALUES.
And then they'll vote!!

Speer, I definitely caught the humor in it but please delete it. And the derriere comment. This has been a great thread and I would like to see it respectfully continue. Thanks.
Rellascout said:
Thanks for posting the US magazine covers.

That is where I go to get my hard hitting news and become an informed voter.

Keep chugging the Kool Aid man...

If you have not heard or seen her attacked for

1. Being a mother who would expose her pregnant daughter to the media (which is making the attacks).

2. Giving birth to a child with Downs syndrome (because the left thinks you should abort them).

3. Being "distracted" if elected because she has five children.

4. Continuing to drum up a groundless ethics accusation which revolves around a State Trooper who is documented to have made threats against the Gov's father's life, has been disciplined numerous times and is an alleged child and spousal abuser. (I thought the left protected women and children...)

5. Her husband had a DWI 22 years ago and before they were even married.

Then there was the NY Times with THREE anti-Palin articles on the cover on THE SAME DAY...
I have been following this thread I and I would like to ask you all what is off limits, what is allowed in the "vetting process"

Is it relevant to how the person does thier job, or future job. (If running for the US Senate and they only showed up for 50% of the votes in the State Senate)

Is it contrary to what the say they are for? (Like someone against drinking who own stock in Budwieser)

If you spouse how much does that effect you as a person, currently and in your development. Is it okay to ask if they are having sex on a regular basis, because this goes to the "health" of thier relationship.

They asked Bill Clinton Boxer or Briefs on MTV, are they going to ask Sarah Palin an underwear question.

I really dont know if any or all these questions are valid, I have never dealt on this issue before. Do the discuss these types of things in Journalism school.

Personally I wish I could just flush them all away and just go shooting.
Rellascout said:

Again I believe that is all call vetting.

Kind of like looking into where Obama goes to church.

Oh, so you think they should have passed her over for VP because she has a child with Downs, has five kids, has a pregnant daughter, her husband had a DWI 22 years ago and that there is an investigation going NOWHERE where even the guy fired isn't pushing the issue, only her political enemies.

Glad you are out in the open.

So women who have children should not do jobs where they may be distracted according to you, I guess men are less distractable in your world. Likewise any person with a family member suffering from a disability should be out, after all either their chromosomes may messed up also I guess or you believe that such a child should simply have been aborted at the get go, please indicate which is the problem to you?

Likewise a DWI from 22 years ago should preclude a spouse from ever running for office! If we are going to follow that logic shouldn't we also have never had Clinton who used pot or Obama who used cocaine?

A daughter who made a mistake and is now accepting responsibility for it... certainly she shoudl be grounds for barring a parent from elected office. Perhaps we should follow the Kennedy example on how to handle unruly daughters and have her lobotomized, even better if we did it through Obamacare!

Sorry rella but I do not see any of those above items as something that could preclude a person from elected office. It is not like she was caught repeatedly lying or outright plagiarizing another's work like Biden.
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