What's up with anti-Palin bias in the Mass Media?

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No, not testy at all really.

I would really like to know how she PUSHED her family and her special needs child to the front of the stage?
I mean, what did she do differently than the others?

For example, what did she do differently than Edwards who paraded his family around and had his sick wife on TV with him talking about cancer and his dead son etc.??

What did she do differently than Obama when he had his children and wife on stage with him and thought it was cute when his little daughter kept asking questions??

I have seen them ALL walk out with their families and that is
one of the things Palin was suppose to do at this time, introduce her family.

I haven't heard her husband interject himself into the campaign yet but I'll bet when he does, he won't say that this is " the first time in my adult life I am proud of America."

So, tell us just how Sara Palin PUSHED her family out front while the others didn't.

How would you know? You know nothing about my political leanings.

You know what they say about assumptions.

You are so blinded by partisan politics that you have to attempt to fit me into democratic box. That is such a joke.
And children with special needs inspire a special love.

To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters.

I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House. Todd is a story all by himself.

I think that if you are going to make your family the poster child for special needs kids and special needs issues you have opened your self up to people questioning how you are going to run a campaign and take care of your family.

I think that this would apply to a man or a women. What else you got?

Can you honestly say that this same question has been asked of Obama or Edwards by the press? Or is it a question which can only be directed to a woman?
Its called vetting. Something McCain did not do a good job of.

This is the funniest issue raised by the Obamatrons. Obama has been running for President for two years and still hasn't been vetted. People who try to look at his connection to Ayers are stonewalled and intimidated. It is racist to ask about his Muslim family connections. You can't ask about his crazy com-symp mother. You can't ask where he was born, or anything about his schooling, all off-limits. Palin was vetted more in 3 days than Obama was in 3 years. What a crock.

Please state them. You are making a claim all I am doing is asking you to substantiate it.

Oh lawd, how about the goofy,unsubstantiated, outrageous claim made by self-appointed OB-GYNs that she pretended to be pregnant and her youngest child is her grandson. Some Obamowackos are even still clinging to it despite it being biologically impossible since her daughter's real pregnancy overlaps the birth of Palin's son. How about the attacks made right here that because she has a family that she is shirking them by running. I love how the Democrats suddenly become prudish, moralists when discussing Republican's children, but Democrat's children are off-limits. Have you been in a cave the past week?
Yes Edwards was questioned about how he was going to care for his wife who had cancer while he was campaigning.

I am not defending Obama. This thread is not about him. Its about Palin. Why are you deflecting?

She made her family and her record of family values, abstinence only programs, no condoms etc... part of her public persona. Once you do that you have opened the door to criticism.

If you want those thing to remain private matter well then keep them private.
Wasn't he a member of the Alaska party that wanted to succeed?

Yes, I don't know succeeding, I wish them success, but they're a pretty radical group. Here's their platform:

We pledge to exert our best efforts to accomplish the following:

1. To effect full compliance with the constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Alaska.
2. To support and defend States' Rights, Individual Rights, Property Rights, and the Equal Footing Doctrine as guaranteed by the constitutions of the United States of America and the state of Alaska.
3. To advocate the convening of a State Constitutional Convention at the constitutionally designated 10 year interval.
4. To reinforce the unalienable rights endowed by our Creator to Alaska law, by eliminating the use of the word "privilege" in the Alaska statutes.
5. To amend the Constitution of the State of Alaska so as to re-establish the rights of all Alaskan residents to entry upon all public lands within the state, and to acquire private property interest there in, under fair and reasonable conditions. Such property interest shall include surface and sub-surface patent.
6. To foster a constitutional amendment abolishing and prohibiting all property taxes.
7. To seek the complete repatriation of the public lands, held by the federal government, to the state and people of Alaska in conformance with Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, of the federal constitution.
8. To prohibit all bureaucratic regulations and judicial rulings purporting to have the effect of law, except that which shall be approved by the elected legislature.
9. To preserve and protect the Alaska Permanent Fund, Permanent fund earnings, earnings reserve fund and individual Permanent Fund Dividends.
10. To provide for the direct popular election of the attorney general, all judges, and magistrates.
11. To provide for the development of unrestricted, statewide, surface transportation and utility corridors as needed by the public or any individual.
12. To affirm and assert every possible right-of-way established under R.S. 2477 of July 26, 1866, before its repeal by the Federal Land Management Policy Act of October 21, 1976.
13. To support the right of the individual to keep and bear arms.
14. To support the complete abolition of the concept of sovereign or governmental immunity, so as to restore accountability for public servants.
15. To support the rights of parents to privately or home school their children.
16. To support the privatization of government services.
17. To oppose the borrowing of money by government for any purposes other than for capital improvements.
18. To strengthen the traditional family and support individual accountability without government interference or regulation.
19. To support the right of jurors to judge the law as well as the facts, according to their conscience.
20. To support "Jobs for Alaskans...First!"
I am not defending Obama. This thread is not about him. Its about Palin. Why are you deflecting?
She made her family and her record of family values, abstinence only programs, no condoms etc... part of her public persona.

You made the statement with regard to involving ones family in the political process. Obama has done that.......so, the question applies to him as well, does it not?
Wrong party


It has been brought to our attention that there is a COUNTERFEIT SITE now up on the net. This site is a FRAUD and has infringed our copy write. We are presently seeking legal recourse.

Contrary to initial reports, Vice-President candidate Governor Sarah Palin was never a member of our party. We stand corrected. We issued a press release today. It is posted here to those members of the media who did not recieve it.

Todd Palin was registered as a member but never participated in any party activities aside from attending a convention in 1994.
Now Now Scout, stay on point here---don't get testy after all.:)

You didn't really answer my question yet.
So, because Sara mentioned her special needs child and that she would be an advocate, your saying that she PUSHED her family out front??

Don't you think all that is kind of obvious??

And children with special needs inspire a special love.

Yeah, and what's wrong with that?
I hear that all the time when I go to Victory Junction--so?
I have found that to be true.

What about the hypocrite Edwards, did he push his family out front?
How about Bill Clinton?? Didn't he push Hillary out front?
I thought he gave her the project of reforming health care.
How about Biden, didn't he talk about his parents and family when he accepted the VP nomination??
About his first wife that was killed and how he went home every night to take care of his sons? How he road the train?
Didn't his son introduce him when he accepted the VP nomination??
Didn't he go on to say how proud he was of his sons??

Just being objective here---how about you??

Again you are deflecting.

I think both should leave their families out of the picture. I could care less about them. They do not play into my political decisions.
She made her family and her record of family values, abstinence only programs, no condoms etc... part of her public persona. Once you do that you have opened the door to criticism.

This thread is about bias and double standards. Why are you redefining it? Do politician who hand out condoms to third graders get called on it when their children have unplanned pregnancies? Why haven't they "opened the door?' Do you think children always listen to you whether you preach abstinence or you preach contraception?
Dipper keep deflecting.

It is one thing to say I am the proud mother of 5 vs using the stage of the convention to point out your special needs child and advocate for it.

I think there is a clear difference. She is making it a issue. Once the door is open it is open to all not just the questions she wants asked.
Palin didn't make her special needs child an issue. The media had already done that by questioning how she could care for him and also run for VP.
This thread is about bias and double standards. Why are you redefining it? Do politician who hand out condoms to third graders get called on it when their children have unplanned pregnancies? Why haven't they "opened the door?' Do you think children always listen to you whether you preach abstinence or you preach contraception?

I am not sure what planet you are on or where you live but I have never seen politicians at the local elem school handing out condoms.

And to answer your question directly yes when politicians who support proper birth control methods children have unwanted pregnancies it is scrutinized by the media.
It is one thing to say I am the proud mother of 5 vs using the stage of the convention to point out your special needs child and advocate for it.

No Scout, she didn't point out her special needs child, the wacko far left did---and not in a very compassionate way either.
Maybe that was just a very Lady like way to respond to the horrific crap her family is getting over a subject that should be left alone or at best, since the DEMS are the compassionate we care for you---please let us care for you party, should have been handled differently.

They're a bunch of immoral hypocrites and going after Sara Palin's family will back fire on them for sure---middle America doesn't read or support the DailyKos.;)
You don't push them to the front. You draw the line and leave it at that.

You talk about policy. You talk about things other than your Mom status. You stick to issues that really concern the voting public vs pandering.
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