What's up with anti-Palin bias in the Mass Media?

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Well another reason they dont like her, they were caught totally flat footed.

The only National News coverage of her was by Glenn Beck and he interviewed her about Alaska issues and states rights, and I beleive he asked her off the cuff if she would accept the VP role, and this was months ago.

The main stream media hates to be caught unaware.
As Mark Steyn put it:

What other country in the developed world produces beauty queens who hunt caribou and serve up a terrific moose stew? As an immigrant, I'm not saying I came to the United States purely to meet chicks like that, but it was certainly high on my list of priorities.
During her speech, which was excellent, I pretty much looked beyond the fact that she was a woman. She appears to be able to handle herself. Only when she showed a genuine tender side about her family and that was not to say she diminished herself any, it was a good balance.

When she was first selected as VP, I was excited, when the media got hold of her, I started to feel sorry for her. When she finally got a chance to speak for herself, I realized there was no need for sympathy. She is as strong as anyone I could hope for in that role. And hopefully, her full potential will be realized in 4 years and we'll see her at the next higher level (assuming McCain doesn't run again.).
Palin is being attacked for the same reason Obama recently slandered Clarence Thomas. Women and minorities are the constituency of the liberals and thus "belong" to them. When members of either group stray from the "intellectual plantation," they are to be punished.
I know Sarah Palin's choice was right on the money, but by the amount of
Flak she's getting you'd think she was a B-17 flying right over the Eagle's

We already knew that the media was liberal, but Dang. Leave the
woman alone. This witch hunt is getting me really upset, and I'll
bet the whole thing will back-fire on the organizer behind this journalist
community witch hunt.

Its called vetting. Something McCain did not do a good job of.

There are plenty of real issues that she should be questioned on. She is after all running to be the VP of the United States.
buzz_knox said:
Palin is being attacked for the same reason Obama recently slandered Clarence Thomas. Women and minorities are the constituency of the liberals and thus "belong" to them. When members of either group stray from the "intellectual plantation," they are to be punished.

Liberals sure like to sling labels such as "Uncle Tom" for black people who
don't support Affirmative Action (read racial discrimination) and "Racist"
for people who don't support the Great Community Organizer.

rellascout said:
There are plenty of real issues that she should be questioned on. She is after all running to be the VP of the United States.

There are plenty of real issues that the Great Community Organizer should be questioned on as well. He is after all running to be the P of the United States.
Maybe "inappropriate" is more suitable, such as her inability to be VP because as a woman, "she has too much to do taking care of her family and a special needs child".
Citizen Carrier,

good post, I think that pretty much hits the nail on the head.
Unlike others that use religion, family, and character as window dressing---and more importantly as just a means to and end, WHEN someone comes along that REALLY believes it and actually LIVES it, it does scare the crap out of those that find these things offensive.

I think that if you are going to make your family the poster child for special needs kids and special needs issues you have opened your self up to people questioning how you are going to run a campaign and take care of your family.

I think that this would apply to a man or a women. What else you got?
No Media Bias??? You Deside!!!


The media is obviously in the tank for Obama.
This is one of the recent interesting examples of media bias. But this is not really a surprise and will continue. Too many examples out there to bother with. The bottom line is that the liberal press wants Obama as President.


Tom Brokaw's Meet the Press this week was as prosaic as ever, but for one little line uttered by the increasingly partisan Andrea Mitchell. In a discussion about the McCain VP pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, guest Doris Kerns Goodwin, plagiarist/historian, said that the choice of Palin is a "very strange choice," showing how little she bothered to even think about the facts. But the most outrageous analysis came from Mitchell who said that only uneducated, female voters will be drawn to Sarah Palin, not those smart, college educated ones.

No Media Bias??? You Deside!!!

Great example. Says it in a nutshell.
I think that if you are going to make your family the poster child for special needs kids and special needs issues you have opened your self up to people questioning how you are going to run a campaign and take care of your family.

I already know the answer to that scout---the same way Hillary took care of Chelsea --the same way Nancy Pelosia took care of her 5 kids---the same way any woman in a similar position takes care of their children.
It's been done thousands of times by many women all over this country.
Guess you haven't noticed that there are women attorneys and doctors and congresswomen etc.

What else YOU got??

Are you getting a little testy there dipper?

I am not saying that she cannot do it. Please show me where I stated that. My point is that if she pushes her family and her special needs child to the front of the stage then she must be prepared to answer that question.

Why can't people be objective?
Thanks for posting the US magazine covers.

That is where I go to get my hard hitting news and become an informed voter. :barf:
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