What's Bad About Wolf Ammo?

WildgetthatguyfortminfringementwheresmyshysterAlaska ™


Wow, when I posted this question, I really didn't intend for the thread to turn into a "Wolf sucks/Wolf is great" kind of thing. I was really just curious as to why my range doesn't like it. I think that question has been answered adequately.

However, if you guys want to keep bashing/lauding Wolf ammo, don't let me stop you. :cool:

Out of 3 boxes of .308 i had around 10 duds or more.

After shooting them my rifle had trouble fully cycling using Federal SP.

Hopefully i cleaned it good enough and will never put wolf in a 1500$ rifle ever again.
A couple years ago I bought some Wolf and the smoke was really nasty smelling at an indoor range. Both the indoor ranges I shoot at allow it by the way. Recently, due to the ammo "shortage" I bought some Tula in the white box and it has been fine in 1911s and other autos, and although it is a little dirtier than say Win. White Box it is not horrible. Don't know how it functions in any of my revolvers as I shoot brass there and keep it. Have only shot it in my .45 ACP pistols. The only split case I have had was with Silver Bear, not Wolf
Another thought is that the ranges that don't allow Wolf are "profiling". Either they are uppity and don't want shooters that can't afford quality or they are thinkin that buyers of Wolf ammo are kinda the spray and pray type. Did you ever wonder why SASS doesn't allow rimfires in their game? They want money people.

Next time I go to the range, I'm going to ask them why they ask about whether I'm using Wolf ammo. Then I'll report what they say here.
I use it in my AK and my CZ-82 but thats about it. I wouldnt mind using it in my handguns but for most of my calibers i reload or just go with WWB at wallyworld.
A couple years ago I bought some Wolf and the smoke was really nasty smelling at an indoor range.
Yep. Stinky powder and dirty primers. Some of the cases are lacquered, and that lacquer burns off and into the chamber.

There's also the misconception that steel case=steel core.

Last but not least, many ranges recycle and/or resell brass, and they don't like having to sort out the steel cases.
the smoke was really nasty smelling at an indoor range.

My mamma always told me not to smoke gunpowder - causes cancer and it's very addictive. I often wonder if I offend people when I'm shooting my Wolf ammo - perhaps its like standing next to a guy who is smoking a Chinese manufactured cigar?
So I was testing out my new Beretta Px4 9mm today and shot a box of wolf instead of my usual brass casing choices. Every time I got past six or seven in the factory magazine it looked like the friction of the rounds wouldn't allow the spring to properly push rounds up (They were loose or stuck down in magazine well)

I am a fairly new shooter so I've never seen this before. Has anyone experienced this before? I did switch to loading brass and had zero problems after that.
Wolf Ammo

hey all, I have fired around 300 rounds of .223 ammo through my Stag, and never had any problems with the ammo. Love these threads. Good shooting.
As many have pointed out; the ranges usually collect the brass, bag and sell it, and the Wolf is steel.

As for the ammo itself, I've shot about 3K rounds of .223 and zero malfs, but it is a nasty SOB, smoke and the cleaning that follows.
My understanding was that wolf is a bit dirtier, and the only ranges I've been to that care are indoor ranges. They told me it was because of ventilation. I don't know if there is any truth that though. Just my 2 cents.
Those of you who think Wolf is dirty have apparently never shot "WinClean" ammo. Talk about an unfitting name. That stuff makes revolvers hard to cycle in 50 rounds. Anyway, back to Wolf; I have used some of it in my .308 (Remington 700 Tactical) with no problems. Seems to shoot ok too. Another thing, I've never seen any steel jacketed Wolf ammo. If I ever go to a range that says anything about me keeping my brass, our business relationship will be short lived. I don't reload currently but plan to start soon so I keep all my reloadable brass.
I have fired countless rounds of wolf through my SKS and never had a problem and dont really clean it that often either sometimes as much as 500rds between cleanings and I have NEVER had a problem.

I have to agree with the "commie ammo for commie guns" statement. I know friend who own ar's and when shooting wolf they had nothin but problems. It's an AR which in my opinon is a problomatic weapon at best so thats not conclusive. But like someone else said the SKS and AK were made for it.
Cheap ammo is cheap ammo

It won't work in my CZ82, I'll get 2-3 shots before a jam for the entire megazine. The best I can figure is the shape of the bullet itself. Wolf has a funky conical shape in 9x18Mak rather than the normal round nose. The flat edge of the bullet seems to drag on the top of the chamber and as a result the rear of the casing doesn't slip up under the extractor properly and the gun fails to chamber. When it happens the cartridge is wedged between the bottom of the breechface and sits paralell to the feed ramp (I'm sure there is a 3 letter acronym for this but I don't know it). Silver Bear and Hornady XTP work great in it though so I'm not too worried about it.

7.62x39 is an entirly different story altogether, never had a problem with it in my AK or SKS. My only complaint is that when I run it through my AK is smoke will literally seep out of everywhere on the reciever fo 4-5 rounds per 30. Hard to see the sights with smoke in my eyes and those sights are bad enough already!
Wolf ammo is just fine for AKs and SKSs, although I wouldn't run it through a high quality handgun, unless perhaps if it was Eastern Bloc, and even then with more frequent cleanings than typical.
Wolf 9mm fmj is significantly hotter than (Monarch Brass) Privi 9mm fmj. I found it out all by myself.
What's wrong with it.....

......is first of all that it isn't made in USA. Using it instead of American ammo contributes to the decline and fall of America. Therefore it is un-American.