What was your very first handgun?

S&W 39-2 purchased just after I got out of school and saved up enough to buy my own pistol.

I will never sell it because it was my first, and it has never failed to go bang.
First was a Hamilton break-barrel .22 single shot rifle. Barrel was cut down to 6 in., stock was removed and replaced with a hand whittled grip held on with a 3/16" stove bolt. No it was not illegal. BATFE or none of the other alphabet agencies did not exist.
Mine was a Taurus revolver. It was a horrible jam-o-matic (timing was off and it bound up after every shot) and I got rid of it pretty quick.
My first handgun was a High Standard Sentinel (9-shot .22LR) revolver, blued, with a 6" barrel, purchased while I was in high school (early 1960's) in Maryland. Traded it for a Ruger Standard model, semi-auto .22.
When I was looking for a .22 revolver several years ago, I wished the Sentinel were still with me. Ended up with a Taurus M94, and still have it.
First I bought was a Ruger P-85. Couldn't hit the broad-side of a barn - even if you were IN THE BARN. I'm glad it didn't turn me off of autos forever"

Wow, this was my first experience also. Thanks Ruger!

Years later I read an article in a gun magazine where they were reviewing a later P-series pistol and they mentioned that the early P-series pistols were plagued with accuracy problems.
First pistol I bought was my '97 vintage Kimber Classic Stainless LE...........have had it for several years now, and it still cracks me up to see "Yonkers, NY" on the side of a firearm.