What was your very first handgun?

Ruger single six .22/.22 mag. Couldn't hit the side of a barn if I was in it. Brother in law could shoot it lights out, so I traded him ( don't remember what I got). Bought a Ruger MKI with 9 7/8" barrel and shot light out. You would be amazed how well you can shoot with enough practice. .22 bricks were $8 and I shot 3 a month.
Ruger Super Bearcat (all blue).

It was my dad's and I was just a kid--maybe 12 at most. The little .22 fit my hand perfectly in those days.
The first time I shot it, we were camping and he and some of his biker buddies were throwing beer cans into a creek and trying to sink them as they floated past (not a politically correct bunch, and not great shots, either). My old man saw me watching and offered me a try.
I had no idea what sights were for or how to work a trigger. But I knew how to point at something and that's what I did.
One shot, one handed, and the beer can spun around and started to sink.

Pure luck, and I knew it, so I just handed the pistol back and went off to ride dirt bikes with the other kids. But from that day on, Dad always called it my gun.
I regret to say I swapped it for a Ruger Mk I years later.

And for the record, I no longer throw tin cans into creeks, shoot at bodies of water or hang around shooters who have been drinking.
I survived my youth (many decades ago) and no longer care to push my luck.
My first handgun ever was a Colt lightweight Commander in 9mm. I remember being at Slide Rock (Sedona,Arizona) in the late 60's before it was a National Park and seeing my first mountain lion only 50 feet away. I remember thinking I should have bought the 45 but was told it was more likely to crack the frame.Shortly later while in NYC I bought a Colt Trooper MK III because the Python at $250 was out of my budget. I paid $125 for the Trooper and as it saved my life twice it was well worth it.
My very first handgun,a H&R mod. 999 Sportsman.
I was 11 or 12? When Mom and Dad gave me my first handgun,I did a lot of squirrel and rabbit hunting in the past 37 years.
Saturday Night Special

My first handgun was a Dixon Detective 25 ACP which I think qualifies as a Saturday Night Special-I bought it in Texas when I was in the service.Piece of junk.
Ruger SP101. I'm a newb to owning, but not to shooting. I finally got my first handgun and I felt the 101 was the best multipurpose gun. Heavy enough to enjoy at the range and on the edge of comfortable carry.
A mint S&W mdl 39 i bought from my uncle. Wished i still owned it . When i was younger i bought/ sold/!traded guns any time i got bored with one and that didnt take long.