What to do - Armed Robbery

I agree with tossing the wallet to the weapon side of Perp.
I keep a few dollars in my shirt pocket as well.
I used to have a High Standard .22 mag derringer capable of being fired through the wallet it came with. When BATGe said it was a no-no , I got rid of it.

I concur with what one thinks they will do and what they will do are often two different things. Mindset, awareness , training are the keys. Bad stuff happens to good folks - has happened to me.

I come home from a long day , unlock my front door to find a gun pointed at me. I dropped the bottle of Scotch I had just bought in my weak hand - not from training, not from what ifs, I dropped it because I WAS surprised and natural reaction. Bottle crashes and BG steps back( natural reaction to breaking glass and booze going everywhere) and go forward with my total focus on his gun. Short version , I got his gun and diffused situation.

I was in a crowded parking lot,parked a long way off. Garmet bad over in weak hand , supported over weak side shoulder. I checked best could the area as I approached, including under the vehicle. As I insert my key my ankles are grabbed by a perp under my vehicle, he starts to pull, and I toss garmet bag away- and I am then holding onto opened door with weak hand, best can to stop, or break my fall. Here comes BG #2 as I do go down - but slowly- I am saying with expletives added I want to see hands NOW, I am in fear of my person and one will not let go of one ankle, the other is pushing his pocket towards me - screw it- I draw the 1911 Combat Commander, and - short version we had a Understanding , right quick about letting go, seeing hands and getting spread eagle and kissing the pavement. He had a piece of conduit with a hole drilled thru it and shoelace afixed and his wrist inserted . Gun, knife or whatever, I was in fear , outnumbered and drew my CCW.

Recently one elevator was closed for maintenence( out of order) , the other elevator was being mopped and wiped down, I took the stairs. Not all the doors have glass, and these lock behind one as one exits. I opened "briskly" and hesitated a sec before entering thru.NOw some doors with the design did not bounce off the wall / door stop, perhaps phenumatic dealie was strong enough to prevent this. I did this and entered one without the glass window, I didn't see anything on open side, I get about two steps and "whap" behind my knee. Plastic "mart" sack with something heavy and solid in it. I turn strong side and two gentleman come towards me, door closes " clicked" and locked, I have another flight of stairs to go down, up is not an option. " I want to see all hands NOW...we are NOT going to have a problem - are we?" I toss some loose one's from my shirt pocket to one, again using weak hand my Zippo and almost empty pack of smokes to the other. My strong hand was "near" but not onto the CCW at 4:30.
Watching six I decended the last flight of stairs. A couple of "gentleman" taking refuge from the cold...they obviously were using booze as antifreeze, and I startled them .

To paraphrase Richard Pryor ( and keep Art's Grammaw happy)
I did not venture down that dark alley - might have been a couple of dudes with a baseball bat

Sometimes the alley comes to you.

Avizpls: My bad. The joke, I thought, was that somehow AVISPLS was a reference to mvpel's screaming drill sergeant training... If they have one thing, the military definatley has lots of acronyms.

I think he was referring to the training offered in places like Fort Benning, Georgia by a screaming drill sergeant.

Um...I'll just get a bigger gun then.

(dont assult me, its just a joke ;) )
CanoeCrasher Wrote:


I feel as though I am walking into a joke, but please explain AVISPLS. Mr. google has not heard of it, and frankly neither have I.

Keep up the interesting discussion,

Uhhhmmmm....AVISPLS was the name of the user I was replying to in the message.....tho it was supposed to be AVIZPLS I believe.....uhhmmm.......

Dude? Are you ok? :D
CXM: I know it is possible, with a very few individuals, but I don't think your average CCW guy is anywhere near Mr. Jordan's legendary skill. :D

And yeah AVIZPLS, I was refering to screaming Drill Instructors. :D
I lived out the scenario you described last Easter Sunday. It was about 9PM and I was taking my customary walk through a normally safe neighborhood when I heard someone following about 50' behind me. I didn't think too much of this at first because many folks customarily walk these same streets in the evening. However, since it was Easter it seems everyone but me was visiting with family or out of town. So, it's just me and this guy in a hooded sweatshirt in a largely deserted neighborhood.

I was a little suspicious at first but suspicion turned to alarm when this BG suddenly started running towards me from behind. Before I knew it, he was in front of me pointing a revolver (about a 6" barrel, possibly .38 cal) at my chest. It's funny how a person acts when confronted with possible death at the hands of a gun-toting miscreant.

My first thought was, "this can't possibly be happening to me!" Any of you who may have been in similar circumstances might agree. It was so surreal...time seemed to slow down. My next thought turned to escape (I wasn't packing a gun). Just across the street was a hospice for older folks and I figured I could run in a zig-zag fashion to the door. But then, I figured, what if the door was locked or the felon followed me inside? I had no choice but to hand over my wallet.

The BG then asked me if I had any more valuables. I had enough composure to look him straight in the eye and said, "No, I swear!". For a few seconds his finger slid up and down the trigger and the gun started to shake a little (I remember thinking, "I hope this won't hurt too much"). I really thought he was going to pop me. However, he immediately turned and ran away.

After the incident, I thought about what I could have done. Looking back, I think I made the right decision in not running. If I had had a weapon on my person, I don't think I would have been able to use it at that moment anyway. Regardless of what some may claim, that he could draw a weapon on a person already aiming one at him or get the drop on him somehow, I believe that in a real life scenario the sensible part of the mind tells the body to do the sensible thing....that is, hand over your valuables and hope for the best.