What Rifle Would You Like Ruger To Make?

They should redesign the Deerfield and its magazine for higher capacity and perhaps introduce some new rimless calibers for it; 357, 10mm, etc. Make it more like an M1 Carbine on steroids.
It was already a handsome carbine; but being limited to only 4 rounds in the magazine probably doomed it to failure. The standard M1 Carbine came with 15 round magazines and could take 30 rounders. All it really needed was more power. You could forget 30 rounds, but 15 or 20 round magazines would have made a success of it.
I say rimless so that the magazine doesn't become shaped like a banana.
I don't mind the Deerfield with only a 4 round mag, but it's too short. If they re-design it it should be made long enough to take a Keith style Lyman ()4294521) SWC. That's as long as any 44 bullet made and so if it will take the Lyman 4290421 it will take any other bullet too. Give the barrel a twist somewhere from 1-18 to 1-20 and all the complaints about Ruger's previous 44 carbines would be "cured".

Then bring out a lever action that uses the same mag with the same twist.
But the rifles I would REALLY like to see would be a line of pumps. 22LR, 327 Fed Mag, 357mag, 41 and 44 mag. Then a different one made for 308 length shells fropm 243 to 2548 and maybe even a long version that takes 30-06 length from 25-06 to 9.3X62
I’d like to see a bolt action that uses 10/22 barrels with the same ability to swap them with the v-block. Why they didn’t build the American to use 10/22 barrels is beyond me.
Bring back an improved 44 Mag carbine with integrel rail on top of the receiver, another little rail section in front of the forearm and a couple M-Lok or Key-Mod slots on the sides. Also offer it in 327 and 357 and 10mm.
I noticed a lot of votes for a semi auto .44 mag carbine. While they're at it, why don't they upgrade it enough to also handle the .454 Casull and .480 Ruger? And I'd also suggest adding the .500 and .460 S&W to that list. But at least Ruger actually makes guns chambered for the first 2. It would be nice to have a companion long gun to go with their revolvers.
Economical big game lever {pack} rifle _short barreled_ light weight_ that shoots> well right out of the box.<
Not chambered in a wimpy cross/ over pistol cartridge but chambered in a true rifle cartridge.
30-30 or alike. Perhaps 35 Rem maybe? Something new and exciting gott'a have lever rifle that isn't the usual hyped ~ self defense or Apocalypse special. Just a handy hunting {lever} rifle. PLEASE!!
Bring back the .44 mag carbine exactly as it used to be. I keenly mourn that fine carbine.

But which version....?
Model 44 (Deerstalker) or the Deerfield.

I prefer the original tube-fed version, especially if they upped the capacity a bit.
But I suspect the Deerfield would be what we would get as many of the parts could come from the 77/44

:cool: ***** JUST MAKE IN 357 MAGNUM ***** :cool:
I like the 30-30 a lot.... but, what is often overlooked is the fact that a 44 magnum in a carbine or rifle, is actually more powerful than a 30-30, from the muzzle out to perhaps 100 yards depending on actual ammo. After that, the scales tip in favor of the flatter shooting, ballistically more efficient 30-30. The same can be said about a warm-loaded 45 Colt.
Modern .30 carbine, if it took GI mags all the better.
Ha, I was just scrolling to the end of the thread to post the same thing. And I would love Ruger/anyone to start making a AR upper in 30 carbine. I know Oly did but not seen one around. I would buy one in a minute.
I wonder how todays market would react to something that brought back the 8 round enbloc clips? Both medium and long actions, I'd be most interested in .22-250, .243, 6.5CM, .25-06, .270, and .30-06.
I was happy to see they have the American in .350Legend, but I really want one in a lever gun, which would be quite a step for Ruger.

The PC in .45 from 1911 mags. I had a Marlin Camp 9 for a while, but I really wanted the Camp 45.

Last, I'd like to see them bring out the American Rifle Hunter in a Long Action. .25-06, 280AI, .30-06 and .338-06 would be well received.
Ruger attempted that back in the 80s and failed. Google Ruger XGI for more info.

BBarn, I know, as I was around and reading the literature in that timeframe. I remember the bruhaha of it not working out.

Doesn't mean I don't want them to try again and get it right this time!
but, what is often overlooked is the fact that a 44 magnum in a carbine or rifle, is actually more powerful than a 30-30, from the muzzle out to perhaps 100 yards depending on actual ammo.

According to my Lyman manual, its not. The .30-30 has a 2-300ft/lb advantage over the .44 Mag, in carbines. The .44 Mag is close, but NOT "more powerful". in terms of calculated energy.
All my deer (I stopped counting around 20) were taken at 60 yards or less.

As a hobby shooter, I used 30-30 and loaded softer shooting .454 casull handloads (about .44 magnum velocity and bullet size and type) and I liked both. The closer and rougher the more I would like the handgun cartridge. They are different but work about the same but are different ends of the "Under 100 yards" deer spectrum in my opinion.

If you want to smell blood in your sinuses and feel a SLAP of muzzleblast on your face, light off a factory load .454 Casull in a lever carbine! MOST unpleasant!

As for what I want Ruger to make...

Make a 10/22 clone that shoots 327 Fed Mag. Now that's a curiosity! Of course it won't work as a blowback design... but a fella can wish. Heck, 32 special would be fun and could be done blowback. Not a soul would buy it, though.
"The .44 Mag is close, but NOT "more powerful". in terms of calculated energy."
44AMP, that depends entirely on what calculation you use.

I am Steve Zihn and I was the head ballistician for Cast Performance Co for a few years, and also a hunter and a guide who has been in on more game kills than I can count (into the thousands) and had an interest in internal ballistics since I was a teenager. I have over 55 years of experience in the field. So I will take a few minutes to explain myself here.

You see, foot-pounds" of energy are a bad way to make any calculations of true power in the field of firearms.

A 22-250 and a 45-70 have the same amount of "foot-pounds" at the muzzle and the 22-250 can show better numbers at 100 yards. Yet a 55 grain soft point .224" bullet is not well thought of as a buffalo round. 45-70s do supper well killing buffalo ----- even at black-powder velocities. In fact the 45-70 will shoot clear through a buffalo LENGTH WISE if the bullet leaves the muzzle at only 1300 FPS and the bullet is hard cast of 450 to 500 grains. That's not a theory. I have done it.

The foot pound formula is a way to calculate energy that is actually theoretical, not factual.

If you want to understand how things work in the real world we need to look at actual momentum and we need to compare bullets to other bullets of the same type of material and construction. True, the 22-250 is a light jacketed varmint bullet and the 45-70 is a cast homogeneous bullet. But if you hard-cast a 22-250 55 grain bullet and papwr patch it so you cna still fire it at 3700 FPS it still will not do the damage or give the penetration of the 45-70. Not even close.

So when facts and theories do not match, it's easy to see which one is wrong.

Bullets can transfer energy and use energy in only 2 ways.
#1 is cavitation and
#2 is penetration.
That's it! That's all there is.

All bullet wounds are calculated in length and diameter. (Square Inches of tissue displaced.) Some will try to argue that shock is part of the argument, but that is also just part of cavitation, listed as #2 above.

So comparing a 30-06 with a 162 grain AP bullet and a 30-06 with a 162 (or 165) grain soft point is an issue to examine. If both bullet have the same weight and the same speed, both have the same energy. But if one dumps it's energy in making a 2" diameter hole 2 feet deep, and the other one dumps all it's energy making a 3/8" hole 12 feet deep we see the AP round is going to be better for reaching the "guts" of a running engine and the SP is going to be better for damaging the guts of a deer. Neither is more powerful and nether has more energy------------ by any calculations. Joules, Ft/Pounds, Free Momentum or any other.

So when comparing the power of hunting rounds we need to look 1st at the performance of the bullet, not the shell and powder charge that fired them.

Energy transfer to a flesh and bone target is a function of penetration and cavitation and ideally the hole should stay straight. To illiterate, if you use 100% of your strength to slap water and 100% of your strength to knife hand the water the knife hand goes through the water easier, but the flat hand makes a bigger splash. Both have the same amount of energy.

So a 44 mag fires a .430" bullet and lets say we fire it at 1650 FPS and the bullet weight 240 grains and lets make it a jacketed soft point . If we calculate the energy transfer we have to look at the cavitation which relates to the diameter of the wound. If all things are equal in both bullets the one that is bigger around makes the bigger diameter hole, but not always the deepest hole.

The calculation that has real-world connections is as follows:

.430 X 240 X 1650 and then we divide by 7000 (because we calculate the bullet in grains, and there are 7000 grains in pound.)
Here is the calculation..430 X 240= 103.2. 103.2 X 1650 FPS = 170.280 and we divide by 7000 = 24.32 so lets just call that "24"

24 is just a comparative number and by itself it means nothing, but you need to view it as being twice 12 and half of 48. It's just a quantitative number for comparison to other sets of wound causing ballistics.

A 30-30 will fire a .308" bullet of 170 grain at about 2100 FPS so we do the same set of calculations and we see .308 X 170 X 2100 = divided by 7000 = 15.3 15.3 is LESS then 24.3. In calculating the actual momentum and energy transfer we see the 44 is quite a ways out in front of the 30-30. Using this formula I have found that if all bullets tested are equal in their construction, this type of calculation actually seems to follow real-world kills on game fairly closely.

30-30 with a 170 gr is about a 15.
30-06 with a 180 is about a 21
338 Win mag with a 250 is about a 32
243 with a 100 gr is about 10.4

And in the real world if you have seen a few hundred animals killed with various cartridges you see those seems to be about the right comparison.

To see the numbers at longer range we simply figure the same way, but enter the speed of the bullet at the range you want to figure it at. Speed at impact, not M.V. So in the above set of figures we would see the 30-30 is inferior in energy transfer by a factor of 9 at the muzzle, but at longer distances the gap get closer because the flight of the rifle bullet is more efficient then the handgun bullet, and so it doesn't shed it's velocity as quickly.

One thing I have seen many many times is the use of the 357 magnum firing our old LBT 187 grain bullet from 18" barreled carbines. I have seen about 65 head of game killed with this combination. It is a LOT better then most folks think a 357 would be---- but when you figure the momentum transfer mathematics above, we see something the equate to the real world very well. Our load chronograph at about 1840 FPS.

.357 X 1840 X 187 = divided by 7000= 17.54. So that number is 2 numbers better then a 30-30 with a 170 grain, and in the field I have seen results on game kills at least as good as the very best 30-30s I have ever used --------or seen used.

Anyway....info for those that are interested.
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