What pistol do you edc?

Since last December my EDC has been a Para 1911 elite commander .45acp. I don't think that will change anytime soon.

Ooh somebody in FL (generalize a hot humid place) carries more than a pocket gun. ;)
Your part of FL must be less hot & humid. :rolleyes:
IME a 103 degree heat index feels similar whether in FL, GA, TN (southeast).
Working outside, jogging, mowing yard, is not the same as going from air cond. building to vehicle to air cond. building.
What pistol do you edc?...

Same one(s) I carried when working as a LE firearms instructor, carried off-duty weapons, etc.

If pocket-holstered, usually one of my J-frame snubs, or a LCP if the jeans pockets are too short and tight for a snub wheelie.

If a cover garment is worn, usually one of my assorted well-used 9's, .40's or .45's, as I used all of them for training, drills, quals and practice when working the range sessions and teaching classes.

I've decided to reintroduce my medium-size .357MAG revolvers back into retirement CCW roles now and again, too. Medium-frame .357's were a mainstay for me for many years, on & off-duty.

That means my 4" Service-Six (tuned by MagNaPort many years ago) and a 3" M65 (built as a class gun by a longtime friend and mentor when he went through the older, longer revolver armorer class at the S&W factory many years ago) will see some use outside the range again. My .44's will likely stay in the safe, aside from occasional range trips, as I don't really care to lug around the large frame revolvers like I did off-duty in my youth. ;)
As I get older I find hauling around the extra weight of some of my full size pistols can be called exercise. Instead of paying a bunch for those little dumbbells I see other seniors jogging with I just strap on an N frame or 1917 or full size 1911 or Dan Wesson 15-2 six inch and get the benefit of carrying that extra weight all day long.

I also seem to get jostled less and even find folk holding doors open for me.

Must be my rugged good looks.



just wondering what pistol you guys carry for edc whether its for ccw or open carry. I carry a shield in the warmer days due to printing issues and a glock 17 or 21 in the colder days wearing a jacket. I don't see the point in carrying around $1200 pistol, Imagine losing a gun let alone a gun thats valued over a grand.
Glock 19X, maybe a 21 when it gets colder.

As for the expensive gun getting confiscated bit, if the gun saves your life in the exceedingly unlikely situation wherein you use deadly force in a good shoot, and you lose the gun in my mind its money well spent.

I'll likely have far more than the guns worth of practice ammo through it at that point anyhow.

My $0.02 anyhow.
I don't see the point in carrying around $1200 pistol

I carry a Shield. It's shootable, concealable, and reliable. If I found a $1,200 pistol that was more shootable, concealable, and reliable then I would carry it... but I haven't found one yet.
In really hot weather, shorts and t-shirts, I pocket carry my Taurus TCP.
If I'm wearing any kind of button up shirt that will help conceal a belt slide, I've been carrying my Sig P938. In cooler weather, if jackets are worn, I carry my Taurus PT111 G2.

I have a couple of other options, but haven't worked out the best holsters for them yet.
A boring ole G19 on my appendix.

Not a recommended carry mode. :rolleyes: Significant risk of detaching your, ah, 'junk' if negligent detonation should occur. :eek:

A safer carry mode is indicated. :cool:
LCP, Shield9, G23, $500. Will get one a fine CC gun. I’m more inclined to spend more on a hunting gun.

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I wimped out

Got tired of packing the G19 full time. It was enough of a PITA that I left it behind, far too often.
I went with an LCP in a pocket holster. Ya Ya Ya I know, not enough gun.

I figure it's far superior to fisticuffs, the G19 is a great carry piece, the size and weight are as good as it gets for packing 16 rounds of 9mm.

The LCP is always there. I also justify this choice by my low risk lifestyle. I don't visit places where the likelihood of "needing" that much gun exists.

I like the LCP a lot, it is a handful at the range tho. I'm MUCH slower getting back on target vs. the 19. That is to be expected, and I will get better with practice.

That itty bitty LCP is accurate.
We have three or four days of winter every year or so when you see the locals wearing coats and hoodies but even then that's when we are hosting the Winter Texans and they will still be in shorts & tank tops.

When the temperature plunges way down below about 60F it's time to hunker down and stay inside anyway.

Plus the gloves when it’s really cold. Tough to hold and very difficult to get a gloved finger in the trigger guard of a small nine or mouse gun.
For 16+ years, I carried a 5 shot jframe, but switched to autos a few years ago. These days, I have several options depending on the weather or what attire I'm wearing.

Hot months with light t-shirt, MP Shield in 9mm.

Moderate spring/fall months and sweat shirt or untucked shirt, Ruger SR9C or SA EMP in 9mm.

Cold months with heavier clothing, MP40c. Used to carry a SW1911 sub-compact in .45acp up until I sold it off to fund another purchase.

If in the woods or camping, my 2.5" SW 686+ .357 mag.
I usually carry a SIG P226, typically 9mm, but sometimes in 40 or 357 SIG.
Other times I might grab my P227 in 45 Auto and take that instead.

Glock 19 or Sig 938 depending on what I'm wearing or where I am going (the Glock more often than not).

As to the price argument, there is absolutely no reason not to carry an expensive pistol if it is what you shoot well. Just be emotionally prepared to have it kicked across an asphalt parking lot by the first LEO on scene if you ever have to use it.
* * * As to the price argument, there is absolutely no reason not to carry an expensive pistol if it is what you shoot well. Just be emotionally prepared to have it kicked across an asphalt parking lot by the first LEO on scene if you ever have to use it.

Actually, no.

If you ever have to use it, your $3K Wilson Combat Super Duper 1911 will be confiscated by the first officers on the scene as 'evidence' in a homocide investigation and held in the PD's property lock-up for six months or however long, ... until some proper authority rules or determines that your use of deadly-force was legally justified.

Depending on the jurisdiction, that decision as to justification could be up to a D.A. or County Prosecutor, a grand jury, a judge, or a trial jury. And none of them will be in a hurry ... :rolleyes:

Thus your psychology in choosing a carry weapon should be:

If I use it, am I prepared to lose it?" :eek: - for what could be a substantial period of time.

And during its time in the police property lock-up, your very pricey custom pistol will be fondled, dropped, drooled-over, dropped again, the slide repeatedly racked, the thing bumped and banged around and dry-fired a gazillion times, and with each shift-change more of the same, ... not to mention at some point it'll get 'test-fired' (but only for 'official reasons,' of course, such as to verify 'operability' - yeah, right. :rolleyes: ).

All that starts to make something like an well-used but still serviceable Glock 19 or some 'beater' of a snubby - like my 3" Ruger Service Six - look like the ideal EDC weapon.

My two primary carry handguns are my Taurus PT-22 (.22 LR) and an S&W Model 042 Centennial (.38 Spl.)

I also carry (depending on the season, clothing, etc.):

P7 PSP (9mm)

S&W Model 19 2.5" (.357)

S&W Model 30 (.32 Long)

I'll probably add my S&W 4506-1 (.45) and my S&W 410 (.40) at some point in the future.

I'm also looking at getting a Ruger Security 9 as both a house gun and occasional carry gun.

And, I bought an S&W Model 38 Humpback (.38) that I'll likely start carrying.
I'm surprised at the number of people that CC full size pistols (not judging btw, just didn't think the percentage of people carrying full size pistols was so high).
Also, not one P365? I know it has had some growing pains, but I figured there'd be at least one.
G26 here (on body)
Sometimes I carry in a backpack, and when I do, it's a full size M&P 9 2.0 (which I prefer).