What pistol do you edc?

just wondering what pistol you guys carry for edc whether its for ccw or open carry. I carry a shield in the warmer days due to printing issues and a glock 17 or 21 in the colder days wearing a jacket. I don't see the point in carrying around $1200 pistol, Imagine losing a gun let alone a gun thats valued over a grand.
Guess I'm "that guy" in this crowd. My EDC is a custom Colt Wiley Clapp Commander, on occasions when it doesn't fit it's a custom S&W 360J .38spl/9mm convertible. I have others I carry on occasion but the majority of the time it's one of these two.

I don't see any point in carrying around a $400 pistol that I don't like just because it's inexpensive. I had the Colt built specifically to be my carry gun and the S&W was my BUG for several years before retiring from LE. I don't fret over the possibility of "losing" a gun since the only way that will happen is if I'm involved in a shooting and it's taken for evidence. Assuming I come out on top, the money I've invested will have been well spent and when I'm cleared I'll get my gun back, if I don't the gun is the last thing I'll be worrying about.
Ruger LCP in shorts weather, and custom .44 Special Bulldog when it gets colder. I just got a Gen 4 Glock 26, and it may replace the Bulldog as cold weather CCW.

I like the features of the HK P7, but at this point, most of them are at or beyond the point of being two thousand dollar pistols or more, so they are too precious to carry when there are extremely capable alternatives out there for $500-$600.

I could see something like a Sig P365 happening for peak summer season, although I think I'll let them work through their new model teething problems first... :o

Sometimes in winter (a rare event in Georgia :rolleyes: ) I'll carry a 1911 5" or 92FS or Hi Power under a jacket.
Five or six days a week, I carry a Glock 26, IWB, with a cover garment. When IWB doesn't work I also have a Sig P238 and holster for pocket carry. My other handguns are for fun.
G26 in CBST holster when possible and always a P3AT in my pocket, even at home. Also always have my Spyderco C07 knife on me as well.

Always cargo type pants here. Most often Glock 43 TALO with 2 spare mags in other pocket, or a 642 with 2 speed strips. 642 in ankle holster for khakis etc. Shorts? Stuff a 642 there also cause those are usually cargo type also. Winter might get a wild hair and carry my G21 45 esp if travelling to some nefarious areas.
I'll take a stab at this..

Summer: People tend to EDC a smaller less printing gun due to light clothing.
i.e. Shorts and T-Shirts. Even Pocket guns.

Winter: You can EDC a larger / Full Size gun because it is easy to hide due to the heavier winter clothing and coats.

I live in South Florida but was company transferred and lived in Upstate NY for 4 years. First time I ever saw Snow!
That's my thought though Armybrat may have another reason.

For myself I wear my P365 for work and when I will be very active!
I am a X-Ray Imaging Engineer and service can be standing or on my knees moving around equipment..definitely not a desk job.

I wear my P320c RX mainly at night or weekends because it is a larger gun and I am not as active.
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I've never heard of people carrying different guns for warm and cold weather. Can someone explain the reasoning behind this?
Mackie244Bud put up some of the reasons for cold/warm weather changes in EDC. I'll add another: differences in a potential assailant's clothing. In the winter, I'm more likely to have to shoot an attacker through several layers of clothing and may wind up needing more rounds. Bigger guns hold more rounds. Hence, bigger guns in winter.
We have three or four days of winter every year or so when you see the locals wearing coats and hoodies but even then that's when we are hosting the Winter Texans and they will still be in shorts & tank tops.

When the temperature plunges way down below about 60F it's time to hunker down and stay inside anyway.
Since last December my EDC has been a Para 1911 elite commander .45acp. I don't think that will change anytime soon, particularly now that I'm seriously considering converting it to .460 Rowland for those rare times a .45acp doesn't seem like enough. Not many bears here to run into hiking or camping, but I'd still be more comfortable having a mag full of .460 than .45acp.