what kind of guy are you?

Aint sure But if I had to guess I would be a gun SLUT GUY:eek:You know big little,short or tall I Love them all.;)
I think I fall into the category of "gun guy".. I own import and domestics, plastic and steel, new and old, revolver and auto, striker and hammer, SA and DA. Even have a safe queen but the rest are shooters. While I might l have tendencies, I don't have set favorites. If I had to pick something more specific, I'd be a "Royal Blue Colt Python guy", lol.
I'm a revolver guy.

Specifically, .38 special and .357 magnum "duty" revolver guy! LOVE the old cop and military wheelguns. I spend most of my time at the range and in research with them.
Well for me I am a steel is real guy for sure. I like cz's & sig's the best but must be steel or alloy. None of the plastic crap for me. If I wanted that I would get a toy.
As I said before I'm a gun guy love em all but if someone is cruel enough to make me choose just on I'm a 4 inch k frame 357 magnum guy. Oh yea bright stainless with some nice wood on it.:cool:
I'm a 1911 and M14 guy... I was born in the wrong decade, I'm 24 and I also like mostly classic rock (Skynyrd rules!) and the sexiest looking cars on earth were muscle cars made between 1965 and 1970 (Challengers, Mustangs, Chevelles and GTOs).
Yep, you were born in the wrong decade. :p

I love classic rock and classic cars. 1965? I had a Ford Mustang (289), Buick Skylark (300 special aka baby Wildcat), Pontiac Tempest (326) and Plymouth Fury III (318) of that year.

Strong buggers and all small block.
As the old saying goes, "Ya' gotta dance with the one that brung ya'". As such, I prefer some form of M1911 and .45ACP if at all possible.
I'm a second amendment guy

I am a metal gun guy (love Sigs, Colts, Rugers, Sako's , LMT) ,

but first and foremost I am a second amendment guy that supports your right to keep and bare what ever you like, including non metal arms.:eek:
Striker fired, poly frame, service capable... G19, P99, M&P full size... I have a type, no question.
I am predominantly a stainless Ruger revolver guy. Redhawk, Blackhawk, GP100, SP101, Single Six ... even a couple of Old Armies. I enjoy reloading .357 and .44 mags across the full power spectrum from powder puff to heavy magnum loads, and it's nice not to have to chase my brass. So for range and field use, definitely a Ruger revolver guy.

That said, my (non-Ruger) semi-autos in 9mm and .40S&W see more CCW duty, even though I do carry an SP101 on occasion.
I am a metal gun guy (love Sigs, Colts, Rugers, Sako's , LMT) ,

but first and foremost I am a second amendment guy that supports your right to keep and bare what ever you like, including non metal arms.

I agree! I think this is what we all are! I like Revolvers, Others like 1911s, others like Glocks and still others like Derringers. No Matter what I like I support others rights to carry what they like.
Griffin12aaa; you are a bad person...... You must take a stand and decide what you enjoy shooting the most,,,, then just send the rest to me for safe keeping. I am here for you, if you need someone to talk to in a time of question and need,,, hey I am here for you. Ok, I admit it if it goes bang I too like it but I acknowledge my weakness and you must too. You must admit this weakness before you can start the healing process..... ahhh what was the question ??? :confused: