what kind of guy are you?

I am a Septuagenarian that means I have used the old ones and the new ones in all flavors, shapes and sizes. (From Luger, Colt, Browning, Beretta, S&W, Ruger, Astra, Star, Bersa, Taurus, Kimber, High Standard, Iver Johnson, Walther, CZ, Hi-Point, Mossberg, Savage, Armilite, Bushmaster, Marlin, Weatherby and even Remington. And I like the new ones more so than some of the old ones I have owned.

Never tried a Glock (and never will). DAO's are for the birds and it must have a hammer and be at least DA/SA.

I love pistols, but I really love my rifles (comes with old age.)

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:D" Griffin12aaa; you are a bad person...... You must take a stand and decide what you enjoy shooting the most,,,, then just send the rest to me for safe keeping. I am here for you, if you need someone to talk to in a time of question and need,,, hey I am here for you. Ok, I admit it if it goes bang I too like it but I acknowledge my weakness and you must too. You must admit this weakness before you can start the healing process..... ahhh what was the question ??? "

Okay okay I just might have a problem i admit it....:(
but now that i think about it I kinda like it:D
My only real handgun bias is for Smith and Wesson revolvers.

Semi autos I have no bias, but........I am really starting to like those HK's.
I was a 1911 guy, mostly Colts, although I appreciate any good 1911. Really beginning to like my Les Baer UTC. However, I think I am becoming a 3 Gun Guy. After shooting a 3 gun match, I find I am loving it. I still like the 1911's, but think sometime I will HAVE to get a large capacity 1911, but now I am loving the AR's and shotguns that we use also. Find myself thinking - how can I get one more round in my shotgun; which scope would be best on the AR; and those type of things. Warning: DO NOT TRY 3 GUN!!!! You will be dreaming and spending more than ever.
I don't care for Glock, S&W, and Ruger though I don't have a valid reason. If they were the only thing available then I would gladly own one. I'm partial to CZ's and Colt Snubbies and just bought my first RIA 1911's which I am impressed with.
I'm not a any one kind of guy . I have 12 different makes and might have a few more before I kick off and I am a picky out spoken old fart.
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I try not to lock myself into one brand, BUT, I think I may be a Beretta 92 kind of guy, It's my platform of choice for the 9mm, I think I own a total of 7 of them now.

Other than that I have numerous other brands and calibers.

Ruger Revolvers
Various brands of ARs
Remington, Ruger, Winchester bolt guns.
Various brands of shotguns
I tend to be a bottom-feeder type of guy, instead of a rotational dude. :cool:

Seriously, I shoot semi's better than revolvers, but I am not brand loyal. I will say I find I am more accurate with single-action semi's [1911 and BHP], but like them all!
I do the "purr/fart" test. Whenever I pick up a firearm, I listen to see whether it purrs at me or farts at me. I put the one down which doesn't purr.

That said, there are firearms from certain manufacturers which I do not consider, as in the old days they had pretty sorry reputations. Like Bryco, and some others. The manufacturers may have improved them quite a bit, but I wouldn't know. Same for some of the unknown named guns I see about. If I don't recognize the name, typically I will pass.
Eclectic. Glocks, Hi-powers, Colt SAA, Colt Python, S&W Revolvers, Marlin & Winchester rifles ........ Ruger, Sig, Kahr ....... I'm probably missing some, but you get the idea. :)
I can honestly say I like all things guns to be sure. That said, I have a huge interests in weapons (handguns specifically in this thread but my interests span the gamut) historically speaking. Thus, I tend to favor handguns that have been 1) game changers and 2) aesthetically pleasing from a design perspective.

A few examples here would be the Colt Walker 1847, 1911, German Luger, Walther PPK, Browning Hi Power, Smith Model 29/Colt Python and so on down the line.
Never really thought about it before, but I guess I've been a semi-auto guy. I own semi's in .22, .380, 9m, .45 as well as my AR.

But I did just buy a Ruger SP101 .357/.38 - Even though I've always preferred semi's the one area I was severely lacking was owning a revolver. I do have a Judge but consider it more a toy/novelty.
I had previously viewed revolvers as "old timey" and also didn't care for the lack of capacity. But the last few years I've been admiring them more and also thought there was something to be said for simplicity. No safety. No slide racking. Just a powerful gun that'll go boom everytime.

Right now I feel like I have a full collection....until next time.
Blonds/Brunettes/Readheads........plastic/steel......hell, you could make it out of ceramic & if it shot well enough & took my fancy I'd like it.........

In Hillary's famous words: WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?
I've got a 1911 knock-off in .45 and one in .22. I'll be picking up another in .45 today. I only sort of co-own one revolver, but I do admire them quite a bit, and eventually plan on getting more. The problem with liking all three firearms types is it's very slow collecting. Having just picked up a Browning 725 citori, it gets even a little slower. On the horizon I've got my eyes on maybe Python, or a 686. A 460 is calling to me. An M9A1. As you can see, outside of the 460, all or most of my choices have some long history, especially in law enforcement or military. I really hate regretting a purchase, so I figure if those folks used em for so long, the chances I'll regret one is pretty small.