What is the worst gun you actually purchased?

I don't think it's a dog, but the S&W Thunder Ranch Model 22 that I bought four or five years ago, shot a foot low and six inches right, at 25 yards.
And it wasn't just my gun; they developed a corrected front sight and would pay shipping both ways to replace the sight with a shorter one. I decided to file mine down for a perfect zero, and shortly thereafter noticed a large crack in the trigger, emanating downward from inside the frame. To their credit, S&W replaced the trigger, but still.
I sent it back yet again, because there appeared to be a problem with the timing. A ring around the cylinder is apparently now standard on S&W DA revolvers, as even the guns pictured on the website have rings, but mine had little peck marks half-way between the locking notches, from where the cylinder stop was rising early in the cycle. They replaced the cylinder, but I don't know if they actually fixed it. I still have the gun, and still shoot it.
I have disliked a bunch of guns over the years but only had two I ever regretted buying to the point that I got rid of them out of frustration.

The first was a Hi-Point. I bought it just to see what it was like. I had friends that owned them and said they were great... Well that was a mistake.

The other was a Glock 27. Never liked it. Felt ok when I first held it but after a couple of hundred rounds I started to dislike the grip. Angle just doesn't feel natural and I was never able to just point and shoot because of it. Sold it with less than a 1000 rounds and never looked at Glocks again.
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I don't think many would remember this one. The RamLine Exactor from the late 80's or early 90's.

It looked like a gray space gun and was made entirely out of polymer. The barrel had a steel liner and the receiver was steel. The thing came with a 15 round magazine and I think 20 round mags were also available for it. The gun was so off balanced that I couldn't hit diddly with it. It also could not run a mag all the way through. I don't think I ever got it to feed an entire mag without jamming or misfiring. If I recall, the gun needed an Allen Wrench to field strip. It's been so long that it's pretty fuzzy. The crazy thing is that some people want it as a collectible!

I bought a charter arms bulldog .44 special. Two of the chambers in the cylinder were slightly smaller and could not be loaded. When i got it back from the manufacturer a month later i enjoyed it for about 40 rounds until the cylinder jammed and i could not fire it anymore.
Beretta 9000S. I was new into guns and I knew Beretta was a good name so I bought it on a whim at a gunshow. Paid $300 for it LNIB. It turned out to be a horrible jam-o-matic. I tried multiple types of positions by multiple shooters but it would not go through a mag without a jam. It was supposed to be a compact gun but it is so thick I would never carry it. I put probably 700 rounds through it while I kept hoping it just needed to be "broken in". Finally traded it for $350 credit at my LGS. I guess that's not too bad of a deal.
Kimber Ultra Carry II

Constant malfunctions including FTF, FTE, stovepiping, doublefeed, etc. Dealt with their CS numerous times with their usual bull. Tried everything under the sun. As frustrating as it was dealing with the gun and the money dumped in it, it was the CS that went over like stroking a cat from its tail to its head. I really, REALLY wanted to make it work. I coveted their Clackamas guns and knew (or thought I knew) Kimber made great quality 1911 variants.

I sold it with disclaimer. I would still buy a Clackamas if it was the right price and model...
Winchester model 1911 I got in a lot trade. I owned it for every bit of 10 minutes and that was 10 minutes too long for me. That was the amount of time it was in my truck on the way home when I seen a friend out in his yard and I pulled up and gave him the Win. model 1911 along with all the bad rep. that goes with them. He was tickled pink and I was too. 10 minutes in a truck ride, does that really count as me owning it? I was more or less just a chauffeur for it for 10 minutes. ;) There will never be a Winchester model 1911 or a Remington model 870 Express that will spend the night at my farm as me being the owner....ever.
cobra ca380. jam-o-matic. stove-pipe city. bought it for $150 sold it for $50. will never by a cobra again not that i'm surprised basically every cobra is a renamed lorcin,davis,bryco,raven,etc...
The worst gun I actually purchased is a Jennings J-22.

WHY I considered it: I had shot one before when I was in high school, belonged to a regular at the Sportsman's Club I hung out at. It was nothing special back then, but it did work.

WHY I actually bought one: Heck, it was only $59 new. Big ad in the newspaper at a local gun shop. How could I miss for $59?

WHY it's the worst gun I ever purchased: It's a cheap, pot-metal clunker. I call it the jammo-matic. It has a horrible time feeding and I've tried many different brands of ammo.

WHAT did I do with it? Still have it. Don't shoot it much, but I've farted around with it many times over the years. The nickel plated finish was done VERY well because this little thing still looks new and... hell... it's like 18 years old now.

It's the worst gun I've ever bought, but it's worth fifty nine bucks, really. Can't do much of anything with it, but heck... wasn't much dough. Cute little thing. I really don't consider it one of my guns.
COP 4 barrelled .357. It was thicker and heavier than a Glock or J-frame, only held 4 rounds so was also lower capacity, was slower to reload, did not go bang every time you pulled the trigger, had a 20+ pound trigger pull, and the barrels where not regulated to a common impact point. It shot groups over one foot at 7 yards and was not on a B27 at 15.

If you were close enough to engage the opponent in hand to hand fighting it was small and easy to hold and the weight would be useful to beat them into submission. Too bad it didn't have any sharp edges to make it easier to draw blood, but it would probably have drawn mine.

I understand that there were some that worked better than mine, but that seems to be the exception to the rule.
Glock 19 no question worst

No comparison to the much smoother Sig 226 / 229.
Crappy sights, less accurate compared to SW MP 9mm w/ fiber sites.
No where near the fun of ripping off 100 rounds from a Draco.
In 1988 some gun maker in Isreael came up with a striker-fired sub-compact that was the smallest 9mm on the market. I read some really great review of it in one of the gun magazines (hardly any Internet back then), and I ordered one.

The only 2 things I didn't have happen were - it didn't blow up in my hands and I didn't have hang-fires.

Failure to feed the first round, wouldn't cycle more than three rounds before jamming. Stove pipes, light strikes, failure to go into battery, failure to lock back on the last round, but it would lock back on the third or fourth round - even when there were more rounds in the mag.

I wanted to get my money back but the dealer was reluctant to give me a refund and offered a FN hi-Power so I took it.

I don't even remember the name of that pistol, but I learned the hard way that most of the great stuff you read in the gun mags is BS.
I don't even remember the name of that pistol, but I learned the hard way that most of the great stuff you read in the gun mags is BS.

I was going to say "Detonics Pocket 9mm", but it isn't striker fired.
Sorry to hear from Mr. Tuttle that his UCII was crap ... I bought one in all-black a few years ago that has been golden since day one, no failures ever, it's my winter carry gun ... as for my personal POS, I'm nominating my Bond Cowboy Defender Derringer in 9mm ... bought it because I'd always wanted one and even tried to use it for dog-walking duty ... but while it worked fine, it was a bear to shoot, recoiled like crazy, weighed a ton, took forever to reload and, at least in my hands, offered accuracy that was pathetic ... traded it quickly to my LGS, where it languished in their showcase for more than a year ... can't recommend it for anything but a range toy, would never own another ...