What is the lowest serial numbered gun you have ever owned?

Serial #122...

The lowest I have (or had & sold):

Protector Spanish pistol .25acp (the Spanish Eibar region had a myriad of small shop metal works - the shop that turned this out may not have made many anyway before they all folded in pre-WWII)
Ser #: 040

Star model BM 9mm
Ser#: 15xx

Eibar "Liberty" 1924 pistol .25acp (see note above on the Protector)
Ser. #: 161x

Beretta Model 1951 - this one is my favorite old gun; a sweet shooter
Ser#: 020xx

Remington Model 740 .30-06
Ser#: 53xx

Iver Johnson 22 Supershot
Ser: 63xx
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Have some old .22s and .410 shotgun with no serial number, had a Siamese mauser with no serial number. No serial number is not the same as a low serial number. ;)
My friend owns a mossberg brownie which at one point was the earliest known mossberg firearm to be produced.... all for $75 from someone who didnt know what they had. He had no idea he just thought it was neat little pistol and didnt know until he had done some research.
So, who has serial numbers 1 through 10 on the first Colt Pythons from 1955?
Good question. In the 30 years I've been active in handguns the lowest Python SN I've seen is 13.

There is a guy over on the 1911 forums that has four Colt 1911's from the first day of manufacture, serial numbers 4, 10, 31 and 39.

One of my guns has the serial number xx001. Another one has x1846.

I have a few guns with no serial number at all; they weren't made with one. And I haven't bothered to number my homebuilts.
My Ruger American . I've never looked at the number really but I bought it early the first year they came out . I'd think it should be pretty low in comparison to where there at now . I'm sure some day it will be considered VERY low seeing how popular they have become .