What is the big deal about "TALO"??

As a few other posters have said-
Occasionally, they'll have a "Distributor Exclusive" that is a configuration (barrel length, metal finish, etc) the manufacturer doesn't normally produce. When that happens, you buy the Talo version, or continue to wish for the manufacturer to pull their head out...

Generally, I find their 'Exclusives' to be stupid, and over priced. $400 for plastic sights and butt ugly grips; when both are a down-grade from the factory versions? Yea....
whyrob --

Welcome to the forum. From your posts, it sounds like you are associated with Talo. I'm a SW and Colt revolver guy but that Ruger looks very sweet.
TALO guns

Thank you. I am associated with TALO as the Executive Director for the last 14 years. I helped to make Lew Horton Specials before this.
I'll take responsibility for most of the "stupid, over-priced, downgrades".

I am not offended. Can't please them all.

Much of the email we get at TALO is from folks who are pretty happy with their guns.

We'll keep doing it.

Thanks for the kind words.
Thank you. I am associated with TALO as the Executive Director for the last 14 years. I helped to make Lew Horton Specials before this.
I'll take responsibility for most of the "stupid, over-priced, downgrades".

I am not offended. Can't please them all.
And that's the perfect attitude to have (as I'm sure, you know very well). If there was a one-size-fits-all solution, we'd all be using the same, boring weapons. It's the variety that makes people love particular pieces.

I just happen to find many of the TALO exclusives to be unappealing. But, they're obviously selling to some one. ;) ...And there IS, occasionally, something interesting.
Post #13 is absolutely sharp. Classy, and not gaudy. I like the Ruger as well. That dragon is awful to me.

With the exception of the 1911 in post #19, there is nothing in this thread that appeals to me. That said, I'm not sure what is all TALO about the one in post #19. :)

And maybe therein lies the rub.

To each his own, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Best to all.
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I helped to make Lew Horton Specials before this

I have a Lew Horton PC 629 Magnum Hunter that is scary accurate. Again, it was no more monies OTD than a regular PC629, but came lookin' like I want my guns to look.(again with the unfluted cylinder!)
This thread can be used as an example of:
"There no accounting for taste."

Not a criticism, just an observation.

Beyond that, I am in favor of having stuff out there so we have lots of choices.

I sometimes kid around with my family when a situation arises where someone has choices to make. I say "Ain't it great to be an American."; as a comment to draw attention to the fact that Americans often have more freedom to make more choices about what we are going to buy than many others on this planet.
I recently bought a Talo Colt Night Defender; it was $1,010 plus shipping versus $900 for the regular Defender.
What did I get for $110 ?
I got a two tone look (blued slide), front night sight, and a snazzy looking pair of grips.
Obviously it was worth the extra $ to me.
Thank you for the infomation. I was not trying to knock any TALO edition guns. I just wanted to know what the deal was. It appears that they do an esthic upgrade to a firearm. I can appreciate a beautiful piece. The gun as art is just as valid as a work horse gun. However, there was little in descriptions I had seen that detailed the exact changes done. A TALO edition was just that, a TALO edition. No mention of enhancements of any kind. This does bring to light what they do. Give choices to us. I do admit, some of their stuff is pretty nice.
It's not often that I can irritate two segments of the forum
at the same time. A Talo Glock: :D


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Some of them are gaudy and stupid-looking commemorative guns, but some offer minor improvements over the factory gun for a minor increase in cost.

The new Ruger GP100 with dovetailed sights and fiberoptic front sight is a good example. As is the CCO, which, while stuck with the 1991-style sights, does have an upswept grip safety with a memory bump (Unlike almost all other current-production Colts) and a National Match barrel. At $1,000, it's a good deal.

The Colt Night Defender, Night Commander, Wiley Clapp Commander, and the New Agent upgrades (grips and XS sights) are also functional guns that aren't ugly, add some features, and are at the right price.
As is the CCO, which, while stuck with the 1991-style sights, does have an upswept grip safety with a memory bump (Unlike almost all other current-production Colts) and a National Match barrel. At $1,000, it's a good deal.
I was going to purchase a DW CCO but now am considering the Colt first.
Here's my talo sp101. There are a few other talk guns I'd like to have also.
I have no problems with what Talo does.

Look at Cabelas... Gander Mountain... Bass Pro shop ect.... gun manufactures do special runs for them and call them exclusives. Generally all it is is a different color pattern or sights option, that wouldn't come from the factory otherwise.

If Talo wasn't doing what they are doing... there would be people crying that no one is making special runs of guns in some fashion.:rolleyes:
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They are the instant collectibles of the gun world. They make as many as they can sell and still they call them collectibles. Some configs are nice because they are unique like the Colt CCO which was mentioned before but in the end even that one is now in the standard Colt mix. IIRC.
What' the big deal about Talo

I bought the same gun in the 3" version. I also paid about $10 more for the Talo than the standard 686P which had a fluted cylinder and Hogue rubber grips. To me the grips alone were worth more than $10 not to mention the addition of the non-fluted cylinder. Also the action on mine is smoother than my buddy's new standard 686P. Mine is extremely accurate at 50' which makes me wonder how much more accurate the longer barrels might be. Maybe I need the 5 or 7 inch model as well!:)