What is the best gun acquisition you have made?

I was pretty happy to get this one...

one of the last, with case, all the papers, oil, wrenches, and a box of ammo!

Also rather pleased to get this one, one of the first, a Model A
WVsig & Rock, those are two of the prettiest Hi-Powers I've ever seen...I've been a long time fan of them since late '69, when I bought a NIB model for the princely sum of $125. It was a shooter, but never particularly accurate..groups running just under 3" at 25 yds from a rest...but the fit & finish, and reliability were unmatched.

Fast Fwd to 1970 when I was bunkered-in in northern lll Corp, flying FAC missions for 5th Special Forces units out of An Loc, Loc Ninh, and Song Be. I found an Army Sgt. with one, took it off his hands for $50 along with 3 mags and started carrying it in the airplane with me. I'd dearly wanted to take my HP with me, overseas, but the regs said no and I was too green to know that they could be bypassed.

That beat up Hi-Power was never out of arm's reach for the remainder of my 1st tour and spent a lot of nights in our slit trenches there at An Loc, listening to the tin cans rattling in the concertina as the little bas***ds slipped through the wire...and that Hi-Power got plenty of use. Now whether I ever hit anything it is another question, but it fed all the military ball I could scrounge for it.

I sold it off to my replacement, who promptly used it when shot down, garnering an Air Force Cross in the process. He actually got more with the HP than the air strike he was directing at the time. Fortunately, an Army Snake picked him up on a skid before the NVA got a chance at him.

Since then, 40+ years now, I've kept a look out for it...or its cousin...and never got lucky....Congrats on two very fine pistols...and sorry for this long-winded discussion on the HP's many good qualities.

Best Regards, Rod
This is about which handgun you are most pleased with having acquired

That is a tough, tough question! I've gotten lots better at figuring out what I'll like _before_ I plunk down money so I have a bunch that I'm really pleased that I acquired.

But the first one that really fits that statement is probably my commander length S&W 1911. It was my first 1911, my first .45, and lately it's my duty gun too.
There are a couple of ways to answer this question.

The best deal I ever got was likely this 14-3 I bought for $100.


The most significant handgun purchase I made was my first Model 27 that I bought back in 1976. It was a 3.5" 27-2 that was stolen in 1986. This gun sparked my love for all things 27. I bought another one just like it.


The pistol with the most personal meaning for me would be this Colt. Not my first pistol, but the one I have had the longest (bought new in 1973). This was the first gun I ever carried into harm's way and it saw me through a couple of tough scrapes. The S&W sights and ivory stocks were added in 1975.


Recognizing its importance, two years ago I had it engraved.

well handguns I've really not made any amazing deals on. my XDM45 compact is by far the best handgun I've owned but I didn't get a super amazing deal on it.
Best = my 7.5" 357 Redhawk

Honorable mention =
1) my custom EAA Witness in 9x19
2) my custom 1911 (Caspian of course) in 45 ACP and 400 CorBon

Actually, the guns I still own are all my best.
WVsig & Rock, those are two of the prettiest Hi-Powers I've ever seen...I've been a long time fan of them since late '69, when I bought a NIB model for the princely sum of $125. It was a shooter, but never particularly accurate..groups running just under 3" at 25 yds from a rest...but the fit & finish, and reliability were unmatched.

Thanks I am a big fan of the BHP.

I have a few others... LOL

This is about which handgun you are most pleased with having acquired.
First place goes to Ruger SR9C. Shoots real nice, fits my hand well, conceals well. The price is a plus, but I would be happy with it if it cost considerably more than it did.

Second place goes to Ruger SP101 357 2" I like the weight of it, and the way it shoots. Still small enough to conceal well. It is just the right size for me.
Third place goes to Diamondback DB9. Small, reliable, not unpleasant to shoot.

I own a number of different manufactures and calibers including Glock and S&W, but my favorite edc are the two Rugers. When I need to deep conceal, it is the Diamondback. If I sold the other guns I have I would most likely not buy them again. The top 3 I would never sell.
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Come on, folks!
Let's exercise a bit of restraint!!

In the OP I gave full flexibility on the "why" you might choose a particular gun.

However, the compromise to such charitably (;)) granted terms was that you could only choose one gun!! I know it is tough on occasion.

Let's try and keep the spirit of this thread by naming that one, single gun that holds that particular place in your heart.
Otherwise it is just a case of "list the guns you like"
My "greatest" acquisition was on my 21st birthday.
My father (a wood working master) handed me a presentation case, beautifully stained, lacquered with ornate brass hinges and clasp to lock it.

I opened it, and inside the red velvet lined foam was his S&W 38/44 Heavy Duty.
Also below the Smith was a NRA eagle belt buckle, and also an unopened box of late 1940's military ball ammo.

When he said "happy birthday son" I didn't believe him.
But the misty water I caught a glimpse of in his eyes confirmed it was truly mine and he had put a lot of love into the gift.

My saddest acquisition (his collection) will be coming I hate to say..
Pops is 84 and won't be around for too many more years.
He has at least 7 S&W model 10's..I think one might be inside his suit jacket when the time comes.
Truly was...27 years ago and will never forget a moment of it.
I hope so too...sad he hasn't been healthy enough to be able to shoot...
Not for a good 10 years now..
Hands down my Colt 1911 Rail Gun, picked it up "used" on Gunbroker for $900, MSRP is closer to $1200-1400. I was expecting it to show some wear but it looks like the previous owner put one box through it, two at most. It is the most reliable gun I have ever owned with the exception of my AK, the only malfunctions I have ever had from it were from some VERY worn out CMC mags with weak springs. Using Wilson Combat mags I have yet to have a malfunction in over 1000 rounds. And she looks darn good to boot!
My 92fs. Never so much of a hiccup in the 7000 rounds through it. Every other gun I have shot of my family members and friends has had a malfunction of some kind. Including kimbers and other 1911, a baby eagle, p226, ar15, and assorted shotguns feed problems. Many of the issues are likely from cleaning and oiling problems, but my 92fs is still 100% stock with only field strip cleanings after every range trip.
The one gun would be my Dan Wesson's I can change the barrels on them! From 2 in to 15 in I have then in the lite barrels and the heavy ones 38/357.
My best acquisition to date has been a S & W M66-2. I had wanted a K frame for a long time and the opportunity finally presented itself in the local pawn shop. The gun had been lovingly taken care of by its former owner and when I held it in my hand it just felt "right". Everyone here knows just what I mean. Never have I had such a smooth shooter. It just feels like magic in my hands. This will be the last gun to go should I ever get into serious financial straits.
I'd offer this reply but it could be equally stated regarding two other models. One of my very best haves / then / have not was a S&W model 28.
Someday I might fix that, but it's not the end of the world having my good looking nickel model 19. And since it lacks the forcing cone fractures or cracks that I've seen reported, it works quite well for my needs at the time.
Some day I may get another 3 inch S&W 44Mag as well as another model 28, but for the time being, the model 19 is a pretty good and capable handgun in 357Mag. Either sitting on the nightstand or in a belted holster under a jacket.
The one gun would be my Dan Wesson's I can change the barrels on them! From 2 in to 15 in I have then in the lite barrels and the heavy ones 38/357.
DW Pistol Pac! Always wanted one of those in VRH. Never could afford it. Certainly couldn't now!;)
I'll narrow it down to best deals and favorite one...

Best deal was this Springfield A1 loaded SS for 400 bucks 4-5 years ago. It had less than 100 rounds through it and the kid needed money. It prolly has 15k through it now....

Best trade... A month ago. I traded an SR22 and a beretta 950bs in 22short that was beat for a CZ 75b full size.
