What if it comes down to a situation where John McCain cannot win?

If McCain can't beat Obama, will you vote 3rd party?

  • No, I'll stick with the Republican Pary come Hell or high water!

    Votes: 40 54.8%
  • The Republicans have had enough chances to screw up our nation..I'm voting Libertarian!

    Votes: 17 23.3%
  • John McCain stinks...I'm voting for another third party candidate.

    Votes: 7 9.6%
  • I'm not voting for a loser...My vote's going to Obama.

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • I am note voting for anybody.

    Votes: 7 9.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I actually do not want McCain to be making conservative republican appointments to the supreme court. The only members set to retire re all more liberal appointees and I feel, just as I do with congress, it is necessary to maintain at least some balance on the court.

The most important recent court cases to me were Raich (liberals won 6-3), Kelo (liberals won 5-4), and Heller (conservatives won 5-4). So you can see how it seems to me as though the balance is a bit tilted already, and needs to be righted, so to speak. ;)
The most important recent court cases to me were Raich (liberals won 6-3), Kelo (liberals won 5-4), and Heller (conservatives won 5-4). So you can see how it seems to me as though the balance is a bit tilted already, and needs to be righted, so to spea
When you look at something from far to one side the middle always looks like the other side.

Those decisions you just mentioned are also victories for the neo-cons...not liberals. You need to get it out of your head that the current administration is somehow against big government. They are all about big government and complete control.

As it stands now, there are only two "liberal" judges that were appointed by democrats. The judges people like to call "conservative" judges now (Robert, Thomas, etc) are actually neo-con judges. Judges more indoctrinated into a political mindset and not that worried about fairness. You also have to remember that justices on both sides are very similar to congress in another way. When they know something is going to pass that they agree with but would tarnish their image they will dissent just to look good...as long as it still passes.

Scalia - Appointed by Ronald Reagan (R)
Roberts - Appointed by George W. Bush (R)
Kennedy - Appointed by Ronald Reagan (R)
Thomas - Appointed by George H. W. Bush (R)
Alito - Appointed by George W. Bush (R)
Stevens - Appointed by Gerald R. Ford (R)
Souter - Appointed by George H. W. Bush (R)
Ginsburg - Appointed by Bill Clinton (D)
Breyer - Appointed by Bill Clinton (D)
A good portion of the people held have never raised a hand against America and probably never would.

You now that for a fact huh?

The president appoints judges but they have to be approved by the senate. Right now the dems control the senate. It's going to be hard(but not impossible) for McCain to get conservative judges but we know what we'll get with Obama.
You now that for a fact huh?
How does anyone know without due process? Besides, anyone serving now realizes that a lot of the detainees were brought in on "per head" bounties by local militia leaders. Not exactly a reliable way to capture the enemy.
How many of the Nazi war criminals lifted a gun towards any American?
I must have missed the part of history where we paid a thrid party to raid the towns of Germany and pull civilians from their home and then locked them away without trial. :rolleyes:
With the two justices most likely to be replaced in the coming administration being liberal it is not likely that Obama would make it more liberal. But, McCain could conceivably make it more conservative if his appointees aren't "Borked".
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