What if it comes down to a situation where John McCain cannot win?

If McCain can't beat Obama, will you vote 3rd party?

  • No, I'll stick with the Republican Pary come Hell or high water!

    Votes: 40 54.8%
  • The Republicans have had enough chances to screw up our nation..I'm voting Libertarian!

    Votes: 17 23.3%
  • John McCain stinks...I'm voting for another third party candidate.

    Votes: 7 9.6%
  • I'm not voting for a loser...My vote's going to Obama.

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • I am note voting for anybody.

    Votes: 7 9.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The Republicans have ran this country for 8 years and things aren't looking very good. They certainly don't deserve to remain in power.
I will not vote for McCain and 4 more years of the same tired policies.

I don't buy into Obama's "change" speech and his lack of substance either.

I think its sad that in this great country the best we have is Obama or McCain?

I'm voting 3rd party to hopefully send a message.
Civics 101

The electoral vote is what counts. If you do a state by state analysis McCain is coming up short. The popular vote might not be so one sided, but trust me, unless something changes, early on the evening of November 4th, one candidate will hit the magic number. It won't be McCain.
While I would like to vote Libertarian because that is where my values lead me to. But I am NOT willing to risk taking votes away from McCain so that obama can win. I urge you all to do the same. It is too great a risk to let obama win just to send a meassge to the GOP. While I agree that the GOP is not headed down a path that I am super happy with, it is coming down to picking the lesser of two evils and I'm going with the one that is least likely to mess my RTKBA.
keep in mind that obama's main suport comes from two voter groups (youth and minorities)

Most of the "youth vote" I have met couldn't tell you when election day is.

I'm voting 3rd party to hopefully send a message.

Yep, Ginsberg 2.0

As much as I really do not like Bush he pulled through in the end on the two SCOTUS appointees. When the next case comes up who do you want to have nominated the justices, mind you we are in the real world here.
I will support McCain. I would support a Libertarian if one could win. But unfortunately in this election all that would do is help to get Obama elected.
One side had complete control for six years all they managed was to nearly destroy this country. I refuse to let "boogey man" tactics force me into placing them in power for another four years so that they can neuter congress until they can take control once again.

I feel neither side is a true friend to the second amendment, but I also think that neither side is a credible threat at this moment. All this nonsense of making a point that gun owners will never vote for dems is just forcing the dems to cozy up to non-gun owners and anti's...which I fear actually outnumber us by quite a bit.

It should be made clear that gun owners are not "single issue" voters as we have been labeled. Being a single issue voter really marginalizes us as a whole. It makes us seem like irrational gun freaks that will gladly sacrafice our privacy, freedom, and liberty as long as we are given the illusion of being self sufficient as far as defense by keeping our guns.
I will continue to hold my nose and vote McCain. I could maybe vote RP if he somehow was polling over McCain, but I don't see that happening.
Who believes the polls?? Who runs them. News folks?? They all want Obama.
This will be one election where all polls should be closed before any 'predicting' is allowed.
Polls are more accurate then you think. Just cause you don't like the results does not invalidate them.

This poll alone has McCain over all the other choices combined. It's like that with polls on other forums too.

My point exactly. The population of this forum would heavily favor McCain. But how many electoral votes is TFL worth?

I searched some polls today. Right now most polls show Obama with about 218 electoral votes and McCain with 168. That leaves 142 undecided. If these polls hold, Obama only needs to win 37% of the undecided ones while McCain needs 72% of them to reach 270.

Yes, anything can happen from now to November. But I am going to repeat myself, McCain's personality, or lack of it, ain't going to close this gap. Some you mention that Obama will be the media darling. I agree, that means that McCain needs to be that much stronger a candidate. I just don't see it.
Heavily favors McCain? This is a gun board which is very right of center and he is still only getting slightly more than half of the votes.

Well there are a lot of young people here with chit for brains and more than a few liberals too.
consider the probable TFL poster politics

and you have to conclude this is a fairly republican board with high expectation of 2nd ammendment rights. Should you go on a save the environment board you would certainly not see a majority for McCain. Overall you have to evaluate the board you are viewing when you try to use it as an indicator of the entire country.

Are there bad polls out there promoting either candidate certainly. In fact its fairly easy to know how bad some of these polls are when they call you or post them on any site. When a question or two is so leading that you can not deny it is an attempt to only promote one candidate you know the conclusions before you vote. Are there polls that have real credibility definatly. Campaigns are not spending million to get information they consider bogus.

Those who believe any poll that is not showing McCain as the winner are simply extensions of the liberals are totaly out of touch. It is the positions of those who foster such beliefs that has allowed the Republican party to go astray from its values and end up loosing elections across the country. Those individuals refuse to look at the results of the poll and change the direction of their candidates. Americans are tied of the flag waving non- performance politicians who are crying the same nonesence of: send us back and we will fix the problems. Well they have been sent back and they added to the problems.
Doesn't matter if they show up and vote

"Most of the "youth vote" I have met couldn't tell you when election day is." Musketeer

Nor do most senior citizens worried about the issues AARP feeds them; NRA members who are solid 2nd amendment only voters, church groups who have made some religious commitment to chose a canadian, veterans organizations who have take a position, and the list goes on and until you have probably covered 60% of the voting public. The remaining 40% actually spend time evaluating who they will vote for and why. Underestimating any voter group is a plan to loose votes from that segment of the population.
McCain's got a chance, but only because Obama is such a liberal circus act. If McCain were running against Kerry or Gore, he'd be obliterated. Even Mondale might take him. That's the state we're in at the moment. A badly flawed lightweight with no resume is the nominee of a major party and he's giving the other guy heck.

Now what will happen in October when the bloggers prove that Obama wasn't born in America, I don't know. Should be fun. Of course, McCain wasn't born in America either, so maybe that'll confuse enough people to allow Obama to make it to November.
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