What if it comes down to a situation where John McCain cannot win?

If McCain can't beat Obama, will you vote 3rd party?

  • No, I'll stick with the Republican Pary come Hell or high water!

    Votes: 40 54.8%
  • The Republicans have had enough chances to screw up our nation..I'm voting Libertarian!

    Votes: 17 23.3%
  • John McCain stinks...I'm voting for another third party candidate.

    Votes: 7 9.6%
  • I'm not voting for a loser...My vote's going to Obama.

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • I am note voting for anybody.

    Votes: 7 9.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I assume you've read the decision.

Which of the dissenters would have switched their vote if the "Bush hatred" weren't so intense?

What credible evidence (or reasonable argument) can you provide to support the idea that Gore or Kerry would have appointed justices that support the 2nd?

Without BOTH switched votes and 2nd supporter appointees by Gore or Kerry, the contention that Bush can not be credited for the Heller outcome can not be valid.
WhyteP38 said:
At this point, I'm voting for the possibility of a good Supreme Court justice or two. For me, one candidate may deliver that; the other definitely doesn't, nor anything else I'm interested in.

This is my thought as well. There will be cases coming before the court in the next 10 years that will spell out the limits of the 2A. I would like those decisions to be as favorable as possible to RKBA within the constaints set by Heller. I'm voting for the Republican.
His appointments were more to assure cooperation when he breaks laws and violated civil liberties.
Now, what were you saying about “sleazy tactics?” :rolleyes:

At least, I can prove my cheap shots are factual!
Don't Panic So Fast

Let us say that Obama wins. He won't mess with the second amendment for the first two years. He has to worry about the midterm election of 2010. If the economy continues to take a dive, second amendment or not, 2010 might be a good year for the GOP if they get their heads out of the sand. Then for two years Obama would be have less power to touch our guns.

Yes, this is only theory and conjecture. But crying that the sky is falling isn't exactly rational.
Let us say that Obama wins. He won't mess with the second amendment for the first two years.

I love it, another "don't worry, Obama won't have time" rationalization. There's pending gun control legislation in congress right nowthat reinstates the assault weapon ban. It is sponsored by Obama's liberal democrat friends. Obama supports so-called "sensible gun control", and he wants to ban all semi-auto guns. If Obama were elected, and that gun control legislation were sent to him for his signature, he would certainly sign it. Or he'd simply wait for the required amount of time, and the legislation would become law without his signature. More likely, the legislation will be attached to a spending bill, and Obama would justify the signing of the legislation by taking about sensible gun control, and about how important the spending legislation is. Obama is anti-gun. The democrats in congress are mostly anti-gun. Obama will certainly support anti-gun legislation, and he'll have plenty of time to allow anti-gun legislation to become the law in his first two years.

President Bush's appointees saved the day in the Heller decision. You all realize that but-for President Bush's supreme court appointees, you wouldn't have an individual right to keep and bear arms, right? You would if you read the Heller decision. Read it. This is why you should support McCain. He will appoint supreme court judges who recognize and support the individual's right to keep and bear arms.
I love it, another "don't worry, Obama won't have time" rationalization. There's pending gun control legislation in congress right nowthat reinstates the assault weapon ban.
Which your beloved Bush has pledged to sign.
Obama not born in America? And here I thought hawaii was a state.

Hawaii is a state, but the birth certificate that Obama (at the moment) says is his (he didn't produce it, but his campaign is claiming it) is fake. He may come up with a real one eventually. If he doesn't, the issue may just go away (the MSM is profoundly disinterested), or it may remain unresolved, or it may blow up due to efforts of the blogosphere (forcing the MSM to cover it).
Which of the dissenters would have switched their vote if the "Bush hatred" weren't so intense?
This country is due for a revolution. All economic and social indicators are perfectly primed for such an event. A great deal of social scholars have been pointing this out for quite a while now and many are even in agreement that it would have already happened if it were not for McDonald's and cable TV. The whole fat and distracted populace theory.

With the amount of anti-government sentiment that is currently prevalent in this country many judges will be reluctant to remove power from the congress. This is why I feel that some of the justices confused the issue.

I especially think Souter and Stevens would have been more easily persuaded to center on the issue of an individual right and less on the issue of allowing congress to enact limits on said rights if the American climate was not at such a boiling point.

I can't take full ownership of that theory since I came to that opinion while discussing the topic with a friend of ours who is a judge in Portland. His opinions on the topic are what shaped my conclusion. He is very conservative but expressed how he would be reluctant to be neutering congress at this time.

Also, lets not forget that the current administration itself sent briefs to the court asking for protection of the government's right to impose limitations on gun rights.
President Bush's appointees saved the day in the Heller decision. You all realize that but-for President Bush's supreme court appointees, you wouldn't have an individual right to keep and bear arms, right? You would if you read the Heller decision. Read it. This is why you should support McCain. He will appoint supreme court judges who recognize and support the individual's right to keep and bear arms.

For those living in states where the electoral vote outcome is uncertain (and that may well apply to me in FL), I agree at least in part with this argument. I would not say that McCain appointees are likely to please me, but I suspect I would like Obama appointees less. Really, I can't believe the Dems are nominating this unknown empty suit, and I can't believe the Republicans nominated their "Maverick" to represent the party. I hope I wake up soon. ;)
I would not say that McCain appointees are likely to please me, but I suspect I would like Obama appointees less
I actually do not want McCain to be making conservative republican appointments to the supreme court. The only members set to retire re all more liberal appointees and I feel, just as I do with congress, it is necessary to maintain at least some balance on the court.

We all saw what happens when one side is allowed full control and it is not pretty. When one side gets complete control what is right tends to get trumped by what is on the party agenda.
Now, what were you saying about “sleazy tactics?”

At least, I can prove my cheap shots are factual!
Your cheapshots are childish name calling and use racial predjudice as their basis.

Mine are simply pointing out the fact that the current administration has consistently violated national and international law regarding treatment of prisoners and personal liberties.

See a difference?
That SOB will NEVER be my president.
My how times change. Seems like only last year when it was "un-American" to not support your CinC. :rolleyes:

I like how so many folks here would vote for the Republican candidate even if they knew he couldn't win, then turn around and attack the 3rd party folks for doing the same. Hypocrisy knows no bounds. :D
AFA the SC nomination meme, someone would have to prove to me how McCain would get us a more conservative Justice than Obama. The Dems will have a majority, but not a filibuster-proof majority and the Republicans will develop a rapid case of amnesia about their hatred of filibusters over judicial nominees should Obama nominate someone not to their liking.

They'd both end up putting forth equivalent nominees if they hoped to get 'em passed.

*Edit* In fact, we might actually get more liberal nominees from McCain than Obama. How? Because the Republican minority will more readily fight Obama than McCain.
racial predjudice

What racial prejudice? Because I quoted Teddy, or dared to utter Obama's middle name? Or, is this to be the left's answer to any comments critical of Obama? I would be very careful accusing people you don't know of racial prejudice. Very careful.

And, no, you said, “His appointments were more to assure cooperation when he breaks laws and violated civil liberties.” What evidence do you have for this statement? Did George Bush say he did that, or did anyone else quote him as saying that? Face it, this is conjecture.

So, to answer your question, yes, I do see the difference. My snarky comments are based on fact, yours are not. And, that is a big difference.
Mine are simply pointing out the fact that the current administration has consistently violated national and international law regarding treatment of prisoners and personal liberties.

And they treat our prisoners how? Personal liberties be damned, do whatever it takes. :mad::mad::mad:
Getting off topic but these people are scum that want to see each and every one of us dead and y'all want to baby them and treat them humanely? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Getting off topic but these people are scum that want to see each and every one of us dead and y'all want to baby them and treat them humanely?
A good portion of the people held have never raised a hand against America and probably never would. Without due process the innocent re punished with the guilty. To try and somehow portray it as okay to take a "kill them all and let god sort them out" approach to American justice is the most un-American thing I have ever heard.

People like to say things like "if you don't love this country then leave" all the time. Due process and fair/equal treatment is the American way. If you don't like that pack your bags and move to Iran.
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