What if it comes down to a situation where John McCain cannot win?

If McCain can't beat Obama, will you vote 3rd party?

  • No, I'll stick with the Republican Pary come Hell or high water!

    Votes: 40 54.8%
  • The Republicans have had enough chances to screw up our nation..I'm voting Libertarian!

    Votes: 17 23.3%
  • John McCain stinks...I'm voting for another third party candidate.

    Votes: 7 9.6%
  • I'm not voting for a loser...My vote's going to Obama.

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • I am note voting for anybody.

    Votes: 7 9.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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New member
I have a question for many of you. I good number of you are not enamored with John McCain but are willing to "hold your nose" and vote for him so that Barack Obama does not get elected.

My question is this: If, come the end of October or so, John McCain is polling so far behind Barack Obama that it is unlikely that he will win, Are any of you willing to vote for a third party candidate so that you do not have to hold your nose to vote for McCain?
I don't know yet. The Libertarian Party has changed a lot over the years, but that is what I've always voted. Since I wanted Ron Paul to win this year I "held my nose" and registered as a Republican so I could vote for him in the primaries here in Arizona. Now that he's out I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know if I have the stomach to cast a vote for McAmnesty, but Hussein will never be MY leader.
Really each person needs to ask this question with respect to his own state.

Does McCain have a chance at the electoral votes in your state? If not, consider him among the rest of the unelectable candidates and choose the one you like best, or write someone in.
and how would you know McCain has no chance? Possibly because the media told you so... Remember "Dewey Wins"?

Vote for who you want but remember this, two of two Dem appointed SCOTUS justices voted to do away with the 2A and five of seven Rep appointed justices saved it. Who do you want appointing those in the next four to eight years and who do you absolutely NOT want making appointments?
For the first time ever I would probably consider voting for a 3rd party. The problem is, I would not vote for Ralph Neigh-sayer to save my life. I guess my option would be Bob Barr.

I know he has no chance of winning but in this situation, where I see no truly desirable option from repubs or dems, I would rather vote and let the parties in control see just how many people chose to vote third party and hope it is a big enough number to scare them a little bit next time.
I always say you vote for the man (or woman) with all their strengths and weaknesses. I pay less attention to what they say and more to what they have done in the past. What Obama says this week about firearms doesn't mean anything as I believe I know what his beliefs are down deep. McCain, same deal, which is why I have so much trouble supporting him. I would never give him money to support his candidacy but ultimately I may hold my nose and vote for him. I do want to watch Bob Barr however and I have nothing against voting for him if you believe he is the best person for the job. Once a new president is elected, all the campaign promises don't mean squat. They will try to do what they feel is important. McCain will lead the charge to give citizenship for all the illegals in the country. It just bugs me that Mexicans (or the like) seem to get special treatment.

The main benefit that I see to legalizing the illegals is bringing their incomes out from the shadows to become taxable. Our tax system is so screwed up now and it will only get worse with Obama.
I've always held that McCain is a lousy candidate.
Look at the polls and look at him.
He's going to lose.

Now here comes the good part.
He's not yet the nominee of the party. There's a little thing called the Convention. We can still change horses.
Right now I'll say Mitt.

Right now I'll say Mitt.
Mitt Romney could not even get enough votes from his own party to beat someone like McCain. What makes anyone think he is electable?

Romney would be eaten alive in a general election and he knows it. Way to many radical religious moments from his past on tape.
but Hussein will never be MY leader.
I remember hearing this a lot back in 2000 and 2004 from the ultra-liberal crew about Bush, and the prevailing feeling was if they didn't like it, they should renounce their citizenship and move out. Funny how times change, politicians change, and majority parties change, but the rhetoric doesn't. :rolleyes:

Oh, and there is no way in hell I'm voting for Obama.
No If's About It

Unless someone, somehow, lights a fire under McCain he is going to lose. In fact, I don't think this election is going to be that close electoral wise. It won't be a landslide, but it won't be a nail-biter either.

These last few days Obama has left attack openings wide enough to drive a Mack Truck through. The McCain reposnses had all the excitment and enthusiasm of a tax audit. I bet Romney would be putting on a better show right now.:(
and how would you know McCain has no chance? Possibly because the media told you so... Remember "Dewey Wins"?

Precisely. And keep in mind that obama's main suport comes from two voter groups (youth and minorities) which have in the past shown themselves to be highly unreliable in actual turnout during the general election. That may or may not be the case this time around, but itwon't be known for sure until after the election. There is also concern (among dems at least) that some of the public support for obama is only lip service for the sake of appearances to friends/family/neighbors/colleagues - support that may well vanish when voters get in the privacy of the voting booth.
Obama is far too anti gun and an ultra liberal big spender IMO. He is indeed a gifted speaker but has shown little substance other than saying he's for change (and that would probably be the change our of our pockets).

McCain is far from perfect but Obama is light years farther. I will vote for McCain in spite of his 'warts.

You are wrong, Obama is now pro-gun.

Style does win over substance in presidential elections. That is the cold, hard truth.
Don't believe the polls

I don't believe the polls are all that accurate. Remember who still controls much of the media, and we have a ways to go before the general.

There will be plenty of opportunity along the way for both candidates show their strengths and weakness, and I think the vetting process will weaken Obama more than McCain.

Obama's spineless flip-flopping on campaign funding and now his new, disingenuous position on the Second Amendment are early examples of how vulnerable his credibilty is to being undermined.

Between McCain and Obama my choice is simple. A torture-tested war veteran vs. a Johnny-come-lately who's all flash and no substance? Hmm, let me think.

I just think it's too early to lose hope. We could do far, far worse than McCain.
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At this point, I'm voting for the possibility of a good Supreme Court justice or two. For me, one candidate may deliver that; the other definitely doesn't, nor anything else I'm interested in.
I will stick with the Republican party, but Bush has been a disaster, and I have a hard time supporting McCain. But maybe there is enough of the grand old party left that will still surface in the re-future.
The Republicans don't deserve our votes, but unless you're ready for an Obama and Pelosi led government you'd better vote for McCain.
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