What I Don't Like About Glock...

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This is the longest thread I've read every single post in! VERY interesting info I never knew about my Glocks. The Glock 17 in the pic below was the first semi-auto I ever shot at an indoor range years ago, and was one of the first HANDGUNS I owned. I loved it. I liked how easy it was to shoot but back then didn't have much else to compare it to. Now that I have a "few" more handguns and can compare, I have to say I still like shooting it. I think it feels better than my M&P 2.0 9mm, altho not to much difference. The M&P has a better trigger for sure. All that said... just added a Beretta 92FS to my safe. I just have to say, and I know this is purely subjective... compared to my Beretta, it sure doesn't hold a candle in the looks department, does it?? Look at the two 9mm's below and tell me which once makes you want to just pick it up and feel it... handle it... no contest.
If I were more southern. I might say "you all" (y'all)

Not to get too far off topic here, but the southern plural for a group is "all y'all". I know this because I was admonished by a not-so-southern English teacher in grade school for using this term.
Actually it's like this:

"If y'all want to talk about Glocks let's get to it!"

"If you think you can just sit here and just dis Glocks then all y'all can get the frack out of my house!"

That's the proper usage of the two terms. Adds emphasis.

In other news. I have my Glock 19 appendix with a spare mag right next to it and a Glock 34 in my bag.

And many, many more items for my EDC :) Glock is good. Y'all know it.
The only pistols I own are Glocks. A gen4 g19 & g43. My accuracy with my G19 is excellent. My G43 is satisfactory. But it's difficult to carry my G19 because in Florida you have to carry concealed. That being said, I carry either a Ruger 327 Federal Magnum or a 2" 357 in magnum EAA revolver.
On the pistol-forum, a survey was done with 683 respondents on carry guns. 45% chose a Glock model. They should get a grip. The next brand was SW at about 15%

9mm about 81%

Revolvers - 6.6%

In general, that forum has pretty knowledgeable members.

Didn't see any black powder carry.
Not to get too far off topic here, but the southern plural for a group is "all y'all". I know this because I was admonished by a not-so-southern English teacher in grade school for using this term.

Hmm... since y'all is already plural, "all y'all" is really just for emphasis when someone is mad or exasperated at a group. At least that's been my experience. For example, "All y'all can go on and git out of here. You can also substitute "you'uns" (pronounced as yuns).

And for the record, I like Glocks.
I am not comfortable carrying a handgun with a relatively light trigger pull, with one in the pipe without an external safety that I can manually manipulate. I've been a gun-owner for many years and have owned, shot and carried many guns. I've heard all of the "safety" retorts, such as "the only safety you need is your finger, etc." Sure, some people train relentlessly with their Glock and they fee comfortable carrying it. No problem there, it's just not for me
If you're not ready for a shooting encounter, then keep the pistol in its holster.
A holstered Glock is 100% safe.

2. I am not nearly as accurate with my full-sized Glock 17 as I am with a number of other 9mm's which are mostly steel. I am a much better shot with my CZ 75B, S&W 659, old Steyr GB, Hi-Power and a number of other older 9mm's than I am with my Glock.
This is merely a training issue.
The Glock, like every other firearm, takes a bit of practice.

3. The Glock's trigger out of the box is not what I consider to be a good trigger. I completely understand the mechanics of the Glock, have tried systems to improve the trigger, but I just never liked the pull or feel of the trigger. I especially do not like the trigger-dingus safety.
To each their own.
But it's difficult to carry my G19 because in Florida you have to carry concealed.

Err? I conceal a Glock 19-sized pistol all year. I even conceal a Glock 34-sized pistol in those same months.

Is there something else hindering you from carrying anything bigger? Size, attire, etc?
peacefulgary said:
If you're not ready for a shooting encounter, then keep the pistol in its holster.
A holstered Glock is 100% safe.

Holstering the Glock is the dangerous part if there is anything in the trigger guard. Guns with manual safeties should never go when holstering off unless the safety gets flipped off accidentally.

With that said, I carry a Glock and use caution when holstering my gun.
Carrying my G19 is not comfortable for me to carry concealed in So.Fl. Nothing else bothers me about it. When I lived in Tn. I carried it always.(no concealed law). Different strokes sir.

My 2" & 1.78" revolvers do the job & I'm quite comfortable carrying either one.
Holstering the Glock is the dangerous part if there is anything in the trigger guard. Guns with manual safeties should never go when holstering off unless the safety gets flipped off accidentally.

With that said, I carry a Glock and use caution when holstering my gun.
I, on purpose, use this minimalist holster specifically because I CANNOT holster the gun. I'll never have an instance where there's 'something obstructing the trigger guard'..just not possible. I have to unclip it, put the gun into it, and then back onto belt(Glock..appendix)
A FNG(Farging New Guy) to CCW but I don't get the 'must be easy to holster' requirement.
Easy out, accessible, certainly but quick reholster?..I don't get that.


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I've seen that holster before and have thought about getting one. It rides a bit high though and I can't carry something that rides that high since I tuck my shirt over the gun. I have the Saf-T-Block that slides behind the trigger that you pop out before you shoot. I use the Techna Clip

I've seen that holster before and have thought about getting one. It rides a bit high though and I can't carry something that rides that high since I tuck my shirt over the gun. I have the Saf-T-Block that slides behind the trigger that you pop out before you shoot. I use the Techna Clip
I have the 'Clip-Draw' version of that Clip..for my bike jersey pocket G-42..I 'sometimes' use it in tighter clothes, warmer weather..and also have a trigger guard.

BUT for EDC, I tried and Vetter and Bladetech but they were too much 'grip out'..not flat enough..the Raven sits flatter..and high enough to easily grab the grip...

But correct, not 'tuckable'..
I tried a trigger block on my LCP but too hard to get the dern thing out..
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