What I Don't Like About Glock...

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No, that is why every gun and hand wrist is different. With the Glock, I have to raise the front sight. Regardless, the point is, and I will repeat, no one should buy a Glock or any Pistol until they spend some time with the gun. To be honest, I should not even have posted on this thread. Any Glock thread lol.
If a Glock points low for you, most pistols should point even lower...usually it's the other way around.

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You are right, my bad. It points high and I have to purposely point the front sight down. Regardless, the point being,(no pun intended) try out every gun for the right fit.
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I think I must be the member of a minority who have neither strong feelings for or against the brand. They do what they’re designed to do.
I’d happily own one.
I’d happily not.
I think I must be the member of a minority who have neither strong feelings for or against the brand. They do what they’re designed to do.
I’d happily own one.
I’d happily not.
Speaking for myself, my opinion isn’t emotion based, rather it was based purely on seeing too many examples fail to do what they were designed to do. That opinion has been surpassed by finding other pistols that are simply better at the job. Glocks 1984 ideas have been eclipsed.
Speaking for myself, my opinion isn’t emotion based, rather it was based purely on seeing too many examples fail to do what they were designed to do. That opinion has been surpassed by finding other pistols that are simply better at the job. Glocks 1984 ideas have been eclipsed.
I secretly yearn for a Steyr.

The full size, compact and subcompact are all for sale, new in my regular gun shop.
One can also maintain that no firearm needs an external safety.

Personally, I find a safety to generally be a useful and desirable thing. I require either a manual safety (safety lock) or an external hammer or I'm not interested in the pistol. I don't mind if it has both.

I don't understand people who avoid guns with safeties, I think it like avoiding a certain car because it has an emergency brake. However, beyond firing an adequate cartridge, accurately and dependably, its not about what one needs, its about what one wants. If you want or don't want certain design features on your pistol, there has never been more variety available than there is today.

I don't own a Glock, or similar pistol. I don't have a need for them that I can see, and I don't want them. I have used several, and don't care for the combination of qualities it has, and doesn't have. The package simply doesn't appeal to me. If you think they are God's gift to shooting, by all means, enjoy! I walk a different path.
I don't think anybody(including me) is criticizing anybody, including you, if you wish to have a handgun with a safety. 'God's Gift to shooting?'..Not exactly..

BUT Good for you, glad you found a set of guns to your liking and for your needs, training, grip comfort, etc, etc..

BUT the same is also true for those of us who have found handgun nirvana with a striker fired handgun, without an external safety. You mentioned a car w/i a emergency brake..kinda like an emergency brake that goes on when you place the car in 'park', automatically?
I've tried them and don't like them. Doesn't fit my hand and I'd never get a gun with a springy thingy in the trigger but then I'm a die hard 1911 fan,
Thumb safety, grip safety, hammer fired, big caliber, what's not to like. :p
I've tried them and don't like them. Doesn't fit my hand and I'd never get a gun with a springy thingy in the trigger but then I'm a die hard 1911 fan,
Thumb safety, grip safety, hammer fired, big caliber, what's not to like.

^ the weight

I like the weight.
Similar to how some people think of Glocks, I can think of any number of pistols I would take over a 1911 (including hammer fired, metal framed, and in larger calibers).

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Glocks are the Toyota Corollas of the firearms world. Not very exciting to look at nor drive, but dead reliable. Of course, I will never own either a Glock nor a Toyota. Just not my cup of tea. If either makes you happy, good for you! Let's head to the range and quit yakking about Glocks vs others, 45 vs 9mm or tastes great vs less filling!
Glocks are the Toyota Corollas of the firearms world. Not very exciting to look at nor drive, but dead reliable. Of course, I will never own either a Glock nor a Toyota. Just not my cup of tea. If either makes you happy, good for you! Let's head to the range and quit yakking about Glocks vs others, 45 vs 9mm or tastes great vs less filling!
Lol! Interesting analogy. I've always been a S&W and Chevy kind of guy but last Fall I bought both a Glock 19.5 and a Toyota Solara.

I wasn't planning on either purchase but I just happened across a couple of good deals. I have been very happy with both.
Why? Do you hate them?:) We'll see if the Mossberg busts anything with regards to Glock..I'm thinking Glock will be just fine('few' more offerings than Mossberg, handgun wise)..Now M&P Shield, particularly with Sig 965 and Glock 43x..I'd be concerned if I was 'Mr M&P'...

PLUS, a well designed striker pistol..it has many safeties if designed well. An external one will make some more comfy..and some won't buy it because of that. Ruger's LC9S 'Pro(no safety), outsells the one with a safety, many times over.
I would like to know where you get your info. You say the LC9S outsells the Pro model without the safety. Ok, just point me in the direction to see those sales comparisons.
I have the LC9s with a safety and I can tell you right now that this trigger now down to 4lbs of pull is too light after the take up a very fast glass break and BANG. Hickcock45 himself said, "These Striker fired guns are getting triggers so light, The Ruger LC9s is so light, it is almost like a target pistol"

That said, you may be right. More sales of the Pro without safety. Why, because there are thousands of Newbies that are buying guns and listening to internet jockeys telling them that a light crisp trigger without a safety is great and that is why they call it the "PRO". Everybody wants to be a Pro. Even Newbies.
Now, You can carry along a trigger like this, but if you think I am going to take internet advice from carry this light trigger, without a safety, you have to be on another planet from myself, I will use common sense and pass and be pleased to no end that you are carrying one. (as long as you are not near me or my family) Go for it!

There is also the well known fact (and a book) about how the body reacts. Just like your eyes flinching. In a high duress life threatening encounter, it is known that the a shooter will out of fear place his finger on the trigger. It is natural for the muscles of the human body to constrict, these include the finger, muscles of the hand, wrist etc.
Now of course I am talking about a mortal man. How many police officers may after pulling the trigger wished they had a stronger trigger pull"

You want to chance it, fine, I really hope you do. Me, I will pass. There is NO TAKING BACK A BULLET.

And I do not think the MOSSBERG will make the Glock obsolete, (of course not), but there will be many attracted to this firearm.
By the way, Not only is the grip different, more like a 1911 which many people love, but they also looked at the Glock 43 extractor and did a better design to prevent extraction failures that were occurring with the 43.

If I were a betting man, I would put good money that the Mossberg is a big hit. And guess what? There are many that will like the crossbolt safety. It might be a very easy to use design in a Pistol. Hey Glock has them for after market.

And I really like the way they make the striker channel so easy to clean without having to break down the gun. It seems Mossberg has come up with a better mouse trap. I am totally happy with my Present carry, do not need another Micro. But if I really like the Mossberg after shooting one, and the grip fits me better than a Glock, I may just get one and I will get one with the safety.

By the way, I do not hate Glocks. One the contrary, I think they are great guns, Just hate the Glock myth, and the people that tout guns they have never even shot or handled.
And I do not think they are UGLY. I like the simplicity of design. If one fit better and had a double action, I could quite possibly own one.
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I would like to know where you get your info. You say the LC9S outsells the Pro model without the safety. Ok, just point me in the direction to see those sales comparisons.
I have the LC9s with a safety and I can tell you right now that this trigger now down to 4lbs of pull is too light after the take up a very fast glass break and BANG. Hickcock45 himself said, "These Striker fired guns are getting triggers so light, The Ruger LC9s is so light, it is almost like a target pistol"

That said, you may be right. More sales of the Pro without safety. Why, because there are thousands of Newbies that are buying guns and listening to internet jockeys telling them that a light crisp trigger without a safety is great and that is why they call it the "PRO". Everybody wants to be a Pro. Even Newbies.
Now, You can carry along a trigger like this, but if you think I am going to take internet advice from carry this light trigger, without a safety, you have to be on another planet from myself, I will use common sense and pass and be pleased to no end that you are carrying one. (as long as you are not near me or my family) Go for it!

There is also the well known fact (and a book) about how the body reacts. Just like your eyes flinching. In a high duress life threatening encounter, it is known that the a shooter will out of fear place his finger on the trigger. It is natural for the muscles of the human body to constrict, these include the finger, muscles of the hand, wrist etc.
Now of course I am talking about a mortal man. How many police officers may after pulling the trigger wished they had a stronger trigger pull"

You want to chance it, fine, I really hope you do. Me, I will pass. There is NO TAKING BACK A BULLET.

And I do not think the MOSSBERG will make the Glock obsolete, (of course not), but there will be many attracted to this firearm.
By the way, Not only is the grip different, more like a 1911 which many people love, but they also looked at the Glock 43 extractor and did a better design to prevent extraction failures that were occurring with the 43.

If I were a betting man, I would put good money that the Mossberg is a big hit. And guess what? There are many that will like the crossbolt safety. It might be a very easy to use design in a Pistol. Hey Glock has them for after market.

And I really like the way they make the striker channel so easy to clean without having to break down the gun. It seems Mossberg has come up with a better mouse trap. I am totally happy with my Present carry, do not need another Micro. But if I really like the Mossberg after shooting one, and the grip fits me better than a Glock, I may just get one and I will get one with the safety.

By the way, I do not hate Glocks. One the contrary, I think they are great guns, Just hate the Glock myth, and the people that tout guns they have never even shot or handled.
And I do not think they are UGLY. I like the simplicity of design. If one fit better and had a double action, I could quite possibly own one.
Not sure why you(and 44amp) think I’m trying to convince you of something or I’m criticizing what gun you like. As you mentioned, try ‘em, get the one ya like. I tried a bunch(including a Ruger LC9s, with safety) and settled on Glock(42,43,19,17). They work for me(and my sons...5 Glocks between them, youngest bought a -45 yesterday) but these days, lots and lots of choices. Lots of styles, lots of calibers, lots of features, weights, materials...easy to get gun fever. But this discussion is a typical ‘FordvsChevyVsMopar’ discussion...no answer.
BTW, between 3 Glock 43s and probably 3000 rounds, never have seen and extraction failure....on the Colt 1911 I rented, one. On my Ruger LC9s I sold(traded), lots.

But this thread does seem like it’s sport to not like those who DO think Glock is ‘perfect’ for them. I do, like my hammer, it works, is comfy, is reliable...perfect tool for me.
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Just so we are clear, my use of the word "you" in "you may feel its the greatest..." and similar statements is the plural "you" meaning "you" a group and not any specific individual.

If I were more southern. I might say "you all" (y'all) :rolleyes::D
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