What are some fun things to shoot?

ballons with baby powder in them shot at 50 yards gives a nice little poof of powder, also i like to put up a deck of cards and play shooting poker best hand out of five.iron pots and pans are fun to especially with a slower round gives off a nice clanking sound. watch out for bowling pins they ricochet a freind of mine got a 45 ricochet to the leg, he said it stung like hell but he was ok.
We used to take trash bags - fill them with propane gas, and tape them down to a table, with a candle next to it - nice fireball!!! :)
Blow myself up, eh?

Hey, Lycanthrope--we're talking big noises, flames, and flying bits of debris here! It's no fun at all unless there is a possibility of being blown up! Well, almost. (I'm thinking of a line from The Mikado : "There is beauty in the bellow of the blast...")

Remember Mom's admonition: It's only funny until someone gets hurt!

And your silent addition as a kid: Yeah--after that, it's hilarious!

Why do you suppose that every year, for the 4th of July, there are more and more restrictions on the types of fireworks allowed, and every year, a few kids of all ages manage to hurt themselves anyhow, and every year, the news media, politicians, and law enforcement go "Tsk, tsk!" about it? Do you think that possibly the media people, politicians, and LEO's enjoyed blowing things up as kids, or not???
I spend three hours per week in a traphouse filled with White Flyer biodegradeable clay pigeons, so I have the box labeling memorized:

"These targets will break down and disappear within two years, given adequate rainfall."

The trap range has been in existence since 1938, and I do believe they all break down eventually.

Charcoal briquettes is a very good idea!

Crackers are cheap, and there are various ways to stand them up. Birds and critters will take care of the crumbs.

For those of you who have Microsoft Office on their computers, excellent bullseye targets (color or black and white) can be made using the auto shape feature in Word. Remember to hold down the "Shift" key to make the ellipse a circle or the rectangle a square.
We used to buy a case of the crappy Soda they sell at Wal-mart and shoot them with my AR. That was pretty fun, just remember to pick up your trash when you leave.
Cheapest Targets

This might be a little off topic but how about the cheapest targets?

I personally like old clothing catalogs (free) or
1 can of spray paint (usually day-glo orange) and scrap paper.

Can you say CHEAP?!?!? :D
Spray paint and water jugs are for sure fun to shoot, but I love shooting playing cards. Aim at the top-left spade, the jack's head, or try to split it.
I'll tell you, there's nothing like splitting a playing card, Bob Munden-style.
Especially with a .22 revolver.
Gallon jugs of colored water are great at 50 yards shot with a .44 mag.
sure impressed my wife.
old apples are good too and the feed the critters after you are done.
I have shot many things in the past couple months, some pretty safe, and
others not so safe. I actually found a 5 foot tall nutcracker made out of wood in someones garbage recently. It was missing an arm and stuff so i just took it. Out at the local range i brought it out and started shooting at it. Man did it draw a large crowd. Everyone wanted to take potshots at it and it ended up being obliterated at the end of the day. Definitely humorous seeing an ugly nutcracker blown apart.

I recommend when you are driving down the street on garbage day, picking up whatever seems interesting. I have found computer monitprs, tv's, a nutcracker, pots, pans, little army men, and many other assorted childs toys. All in all it will end up for a very enjoyable day at the range. Just always remember to pick up what you bring out there.
I look forward to the day after Halloween....and getting a truckload of surplus pumpkins for pennies on the dollar :D I think our pumpkin we have on our porch this year for Halloween might bear a striking resemblace to Sarah Brady :rolleyes:
I take my grandkids out every once and a while to shoot targets. They get a kick out of shooting Oreo Cookies stuck on toothpicks. Stick the toothpicks in a log or bring a 2x4 with 1/8" holes drilled every 3-4 inches.

Absolutely, under no circumstances, never will I show them my favorite targets. Old 12 ga rounds from my trapshooting days. They are a bunch of reloads that I never got around to shooting up (still have about 1,000). Take a 4x4 and drill some 1" holes in it about 3" deep. Make holes about 6" apart.

Load shells into the 4X4 and place at good shooting distance with primers facing firing line. Shoot for primers. Lots of splinters so don't shoot too close.
swmike, Good thinkin about leavin the grand kids out of that one. When I was a kid we set a 12ga shell on a fence rail and shot at it (with a pellet gun) at about 20 yds. Well I hit it and my buddy had a hard time explaining to his folks why he had a quarter sized bulls eye red spot in the center of his forhead that you could almost read R&P 12 ga on. Still funny.

These days I can not resist pulling the door off scrap washing machines and dryers set out for trash. They make EXCELENT long range targets as the bullet flakes off a big chunk of the enamel paint as it passes through. Holes can be seen easy through scope @ 500 yd. And rocks oh I love a good day of long range rock shooting.

Would yall consider prairie dogs targets? I do. and they are very cheap!
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If you have access to it, a large chunk of potters clay. I shot a 25 pound 12"X12"X3" block with the 308 its just one of thise things you have to see. Perfect basketball size hole. I think I paid $6 per block but it is clay so its reusable. :rolleyes: