What are some fun things to shoot?

I'm a fan of

-environment friendly, and
-no cleanup required

Potatoes, other fruits & veggies, cookies & crackers, charcoal briquets (generic brand of course!), clay pigeons. But yeah, also the occasional milk/juice jug with water, though that has to be cleaned up. I've also got 2 heavy steel gong swinging targets that I take to the range sometimes, and place wherever and just nail stakes in to keep them in place. One is a 4" circle. The other is a huge massive swinging circle - maybe 14" across and 1" or better thick.
Speaking of "vegies", I built one of them high tech "Potato" guns. It has a 1 1/2" bore barrel and about 4 feet long. If you have never seen this before...........you are really missing some fun! And is it dangeous??? Ask my 5/8" MDF (not sure of the official name, but it the glued press board like plywood stuff) board that I stood up against my corn stalks in my garden. From about 20 yds (give or take a few feet for the long barrel) the dang tater blew a very clean hole right through that board. It was about half again as big as the size of the bore as I remember. One would not want to stand on the wrong end. It's truly amazing what a little pvc pipe and a can of Aqua Net hair spray will do.

If you took a piece of this MDF board and lay in on some bricks and swung as hard as you can at it with a large framing hammer, it probably won't dent this board. But a raw potato ? ? ? O'hhhh my...... :D :D :D
We like ice: no cleanup! When visiting the right branch of the family, the cousin/caterer even lets us freeze up a batch of bunnies and swans (the humanoid snowman, clown, bride and groom molds are disallowed) which the kids love to shoot. Sure would like to have a set of molds for rimfire silhouette critters. The kids would far rather obliterate ice than ring silhouettes or gongs.

Once upon a time, we would cut tree trimmings into sections (length=diameter) and dip them in a slurry of flour, water, and sometimes food coloring for visibility. We would scatter the targets around a closed valley in the national forest. We would then hike the sides of the valley and take turns shooting and spotting for each other. The random range, random elevation practice really helped our hunting. We always made an effort to retrieve the targets we set out, but are unashamed of the ones we left behind. Fun? Yes! ‘Though not as much as frangible and exploding targets.
Sorry Guys - Absolutely the most fun thing to shooot?

Cow Pies!

We hit a couple by accident - pretty soon we were looking for more!

What can I say - the S*&T really flies with my .40 S&W...
Thinking about what Ozzieman reported, but did not do...

I'm curious how long milk jugs would last if filled with gasoline?

Of course, gasoline is much too expensive to waste in this manner... And something of this nature would require a specially prepared area, so as not to exascerbate the fire hazard....

But either a milk jug, or a five gallon Sparklette's water container... filled with gasoline and then capped with a rag, burning..... shot from 100? yards distance....

This is strictly an intellectual exercise. I urge everyone to forget completely about it.

PS, take the video camera.
Don't forget to apply for your enviromental permits before using the gas.

See sections


sub. 4459-c

6. - Use of Gasoline...other than lawnmower use.

A. Unleaded

B. Regular Unleaded

C. Gasoline Forign Country

1. Taxed by Forign Government

2. Always Taxed by US Government

Check all of these sections then call Washington and ask for the Gas Station Attendent on Duty.

You Will Need a Special Entertainment Permit Too. I think they are only 110 dollars on week days.

Bang )))))))))=======+++++++++------------->>>>>>>O

Sounds like fun if you are very careful :D :D :eek:

As Seen on TV!

But seriously, I would try a very small container like a soda bottle first. It will only use 2 cups of gas but should still give a great effect.

What kind of gun are you using?

First saw these things late last year. Absolutely awesome! :D They are equivilant to a stick of dynamite, I think, but it takes a lot to set them off. We hit one several times with a 9mm +P+. Nothing. .223 round? BOOM! :eek: If you haven't tried Tannerite yet, you just GOTTA! If you do more than one, it wouldn't hurt to let your local LE office know so that when their phones start ringing, they won't think WWIII has started. :)
On a calm day set a lit candle next to a can of hair spray, about 6 inches away. Shoot for the side of the can towards the candle. This makes a nice fire ball, so don't do it where you could start a grass/brush fire. :eek:
this is awesome!!!

THis is my first gun talk thing I have been on and I am impressed! This is harlious
cow pies, candles. I noticed that the mlk jug literaly does exsplode if you make sure that there is NO air in it. MIlk jug+20gauge=fun. oranges are really fun too. hollow point 22's make them accualy exsplode. stacking cans is fun too. If anyone has shot a tree point blank range with a 12 gauge, please let me know the result. this may sound stupid but if you get about 4 decks of cards and rubber band them together real tight and then shoot it with a 9mm. the result it quite amusing. I think when god made the world that he also made 22 mags.
one time me and (a equaly stupid) friend were alone at my house so we thought it would be fun to shoot my parents pond since it was frozen over. it was very entertaining. zing! our closest neighbor was a .25 mile away so...
I've seen a fellow light a small propane tank with white gas, than shoot it with a .223 at night. It makes quite a show.
I'm curious what a 5 gallon one would do...................... :rolleyes:
I've seen a fellow light a small propane tank with white gas, than shoot it with a .223 at night. It makes quite a show.
I'm curious what a 5 gallon one would do....

I bet you could see the resulting grass fire from space! :eek: :D
Old computers. I'm looking at the platter of a hard drive that is sitting on my desk right now with .45 holes in it - it is somewhat surprising how tough that platter is. Its presence makes my servers run better.

A couple weeks ago I went to an IPDA-style training session at an indoor range, and one of the scenarios they had was a regular cardboard head/body shape attached to the target clip with 12" of duct tape. The target had a front and a back, and they'd start the target out at 30ft away, and bring it toward the line. You could start shooting when it was 20ft away, and shots to the back weren't allowed. Made for a VERY interesting challenge, fluttering toward you.
Stuff to shoot

Used the "Humans are 70% water so think of this when you think of shooting someone," lesson myself back when I was a Hunter Safety Instructor. At that time ditto fluid came in 1-gallon metal cans. (Remember ditto machines?? This was a while back!) We'd fill a couple of these and shoot 'em with a deer-hunting level cartridge--The cans just exploded and the students were suitably impressed.

Found out the hard way that shooting a metal can at 50 yd. with a metal-pointed round doesn't help the lesson any--the bullet punched right through, making a .30 cal. entrance hole and a .30 cal. exit hole, and disturbing the can and water not very much. Quick thinking saved the day, though--I took a wire cutter, snipped the nose off one of the bullets to expose the lead core, loaded up and shot the same can again. With the soft lead exposed, the bullet "did its thing" nicely and the lesson was saved. BTW, the fact that the can was only partially full by then had no bearing; it still exploded. ALWAYS policed the ruined cans afterward.

Cowpies--ooh, cowpies! Went shooting to the in-laws' farm back when they were dairying, once in the winter. Put up a cardboard box 200 yd away to hold targets--Now, what do we steady the box with?? Hey, how 'bout a couple of these frozen cow pies? They worked fine as weights. Until we shot a little low, and hit the pies--the frozen s*** flew like shrapnel! Box was just peppered all over, all 5 sides. Talk about energy transfer!
PLASTIC aspirin bottles filled with blackpowder make nice "poofs" at 100 yards. Not an explosion, just a poofy smokecloud and a small flash.
I was talking about this thread to a friend at work today. He suggested animal crackers. Hey, they're shaped like animals; and birds and varmints will clean up the mess. Or Cheezits or wheat thins (or the store-brand imitation).

Some have mentioned cow pies. I shot a frozen one once. Gives a whole new meaning to "shootin' the <excrement>"...

Some have mentioned Tannerite exploding targets. I just bought a case of Tannerite targets - haven't had a chance to test them yet, but I'm sure they'll live up to their reputation. How about wrapping smaller charges of Tannerite in aluminum foil or putting it in 35mm film cans to make it last longer? Don't see why it wouldn't work...

I've shot a 1# can of FFG black powder with my .50BMG. Made a big WHUMP and an orange flash and a cloud of smoke.

As others have mentioned, ice is a great target.

One of my favorites for high powered rifles is rocks. You're not littering or destroying anything. You're just creating smaller rocks. :)
Awwww, ya beat me out on that one!!

Dave Haven--Darn ya! You beat me to a great punch line, that about "shooting the <excrement>!"

That never occurred to us at the time, darn it. And It never occurred to me in relating the incident, double darn it. :D :D
Pedophile priests! There seems to be an endless supply :mad: I think a light rifle would be spectacular. They could have self-adhesive targets applied to their robes as sighting aids, and you could feel good because you're cleaning up the environment. :)