What are some fun things to shoot?

Biodeg. yes & no

Well, White Flyer Bio's are obviously biodegradable, that's how they're advertised. That would tend to indicate that the "traditional" clay bird is "non-bio" by comparison.

Have had a couple soaking 24 hr. Neither a Remington Blue Rock, broken or unbroken, nor a Sporting Clays White Flyer (badly chipped, so I deemed it served both ways) showed the slightest sign of decomposition of any sort from the immersion.

My conclusion: Don't throw/shoot clay birds where you don't want the pieces to remain, for a considerable period, unless you are using the "bio" type. And don't use 'em where hogs feed, as per instructions on the box. Maybe they do disappear into the soil given enough time, but in the meantime they are an unsightly mess, with sharp edges to boot.

Having said all that, I have to add, They sure are fun to shoot!
If your range allows it and you like medium or long distance shooting, make a gong. Mine is 9" around 2 inches thick, weighs about 50 lbs though. I take it to the 400 and 500 yard makers which is the limit at my range. What I like is knowing right then if you hit it. You hear the bong a second or two after you shoot. At the end of my shoot I re-paint the gong so I can judge my pattern the next trip.

Excellent idea! 2 inches thick though???? Where did you find steel plate that thick? Anyone know where I can buy a gong to shoot?
i wouldn't recommend this

but when i was a teenager i used to shoot paper cups filled with gasoline and lit on fire at night with a 22 at about 50 yrds. it lights up the night, let me tell you. i was smart enough to only do this in the winter with about a foot of snow on the ground
thanx for the imfo guys...

My pigeon pistol range will have to wait and cans will have to suffice..... :D (atleast until I can try my hand at those bowling pins I hear so much about :)

PS Now that I think about it I bet most clay pigeons go through some kind of firing process like pottery.....I will have to look that up though
I pick up used shotgun hulls when I find them or if I am at the club range, I grab some of the bright colored ones that won't reload or are too worn out to load. I take them to my range and toss them about in different areas. When they are hit, the usualy fly into another spot. It's fun .22 plinking and cost nothing. They will last a long time before they need disposing of.

I too, use the water in the milk jugs trick (secret is to fill them to the very top with hot or warm water and cap it off) as a demo of danger to new shooters. Thy head just above me neck is like 80% fluids and about the size of a milk jug. See what a high power (.270 or .06 etc.) shot does to a jug? Think of yr head when hunting? Shooting safe is good! This is an impressive lesson to new (and old too) shooters.

In relation to the above demo, I also prop up a section of 2x4 pine lumber with the 2" toward me. I walk up to about 5 feet from it and touch off a load of birdshot carefully aimed at 2x4. You will soon see that a shotgun is also very dangerous. I usually start out by asking the kids which is MORE Dangerous, :confused: a Shotgun or Rifle? Then I show them it really don't matter if you get shot. Sooo lesson is.... Shoot Safe !!!

Now, I am asking you about cast iron frying pans (skillits) if they work good? I have seen some of them that are really cheep at the discount stores and I don't think they would last very long. But maybe some old rusty ones from a garage sale with a quick shot of neon orange or green paint? Has anyone tried this? Or hang them and use as moving target too? I have never seen this, just thought of it for .22 shooting.

Another question to you... I have some siloettes (can't spell it) targets made for pistol and .22 that I bought (Sportsmans Guide I think) many years ago. Plate steel with flat base. Different sizes. Duck, chicken, etc. They almost fit in your pocket but very heavy. I have not seen them in any of the shooting catalogs in years. Are they still availible? In fact, I havent seen mine in years now I think of it. Anyone been sneakin ;) around in my atic?
Traditional clay pigeons are designed to break down with exposure to moisture over 5 to 7 years. The new biodegradable are designed to break down with exposure to moisture in less than 2 years. If they aren't exposed to moisture they may be there for a long time.
I too, use the water in the milk jugs trick (secret is to fill them to the very top with hot or warm water and cap it off) as a demo of danger to new shooters. Thy head just above me neck is like 80% fluids and about the size of a milk jug. See what a high power (.270 or .06 etc.) shot does to a jug? Think of yr head when hunting? Shooting safe is good! This is an impressive lesson to new (and old too) shooters.

I remember when I was young and went to a summer camp, they were teaching us to shoot shotguns, and the counselor did the water jug demo, with a 12 gauge. Shotguns have always kinda freaked me out since then :)

Summer camp is where I too first saw this done some 40 years ago. I still remember that day! I have used this demo many times since, and it is something one will never (or should never) forget.

Bang --- }}}}}}}}}}}} ----- !

Computers, Old Cell Phones, Old Pagers, Pretty Much Any Old Technology That I Spent Lots Of Money On That Is Now Worthless!

Also at work we have a plotter printer(big printer for big paper) and we have to where ID badges so you can find someones mug shot on the network and print out there badge picture and go to the range with that. Its definitly a head turner when you just clip up some random persons face and send it down range and start blasting away at it. :eek:
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Ok first off this never happed and I diddnt do it


A friend and I (he has a farm) took a one pound can of FFF and set it on a wooden stump and set a candle behind it About 3 feet.
Some one ( name withheld on request) shot an 8mm Mauser from 100 yards at the can of FFF.
We,,, I mean THEY did it around dusk and the resultant fire ball was most impressive.
It could be ( and was ) seen from over 2 miles away.
Dont do this at home

Ozzieman--IMPRESSIVE!!! Yee-haw! Now that kind of fun is stuff the antis would REALLY like to ban. Waaaaay too much enjoyment there.

And I discern that that's what the antis are against, anyhow. It's not shooting guns that bothers them, it's ENJOYING shooting guns.

Many years ago, it was found that the anti-cockfighting people didn't really care about the birds' suffering--it was the enjoyment that they wanted desperately to snuff out. (Mind you, I don't personally condone cockfighting, but it's because the birds suffer a nasty death.)

If we all lived in a sad, gray, dull world, mebbe then the antis would be happy. They'd be glad nobody was happier than them.

So: I'm sure that YOU would personally never do such a dangerous, awful thing, and endanger the neighbors, and risk a fire, and scare Aunt Matilda's cat. Why, that would be dreadful! :D :D :D
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when i used to survey, i would keep some pin flags and lathe and shoot at those. also sacrificed a couple of the cans of marker paint, that was cool. shaving cream cans are fun. i always had a collection of soda cans in the back of my truck, some with so many holes you could barely recognize them. its always fun to sacrifice a full soda every once in a while. those exploding targets are fun especially if you stick em to something. the dumbest thing we stuck one to was an almost empty can of white fuel :eek: made a pretty good bang, we shot it with the .38 from about 15 feet
Paper targets= $3.00
Fire extinguishers ABC type= $30
Can of propane and a candle= $30
Manequins dressed as terrorists= priceless :D
As a range master in charge of a public range, I just shudder everytime I read one of these threads. Then again, I know all of you guys pick up after yourselves and don't leave a mess. ;)
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll save myself a few pages of typing...


I have always enjoyed shooting used propane bottles( small ones that have the screw on torch head) but i take them out to my outdoor range with nothing around for miles, they go flying pretty good, but you never know where.
Dont you have a tear in your eye for that innocent car

Can I shoot next?????
metal sillhouettes

My dad got some of those steel sillhouette targets a few years ago, also from G.O. and we're still shooting two of the three. The prarie dog is missing :confused: but the boar and turkey are still with us. The top pole is bent on both because we've shot them so much, but they're a blast!!

If anyone knows where to get them, PLEASE post. I want more . . .