We the PAKISTANIS are also Human beings

I like the status quo

I am also a Pakistani. Just ran into this thread while searching for something else.

I have all the guns I need. Even NATO arms like M4A1 etc. If one really wants something he can get it. There are Prohibited Bore licenses that allow you to keep automatic weapons. But why the hell do I want to register them when there is always threat of some dictator trying to deweaponize. I was in US when Musharaf tried that and failed. 100000 weapons is a joke in Pakistan. If he really wants to bring law and order he should have made it easy to get Prohibited Bore license so that majority of weapons are traceable if crime is comitted.

On US ban: I really do not give a damn. Thank God I have enough dough to buy whatever even M9s;)

I really appreciate the sentiments of American people for us Pakistanis and Zeeshan's concern. I always tell people here around me that Americans are not bad people. In fact very nice otherwise I would not have lived there for over ten years. I try to explain to them the difference between how US government thinks very differently than civilians.

However bombimg Pakistani border with Afghan does not help. This will not eliminate terrorism at all. Terrorism is not American problem. How many Americans died in 911? 3000 or so?? Get real, although every life is precious, this number does not even come close to the number people dying of terrorism in Pakistan. Its our problem and we need US to help us rather than making it difficult and bringing Pakistan to the brink of civil war. This is not Iraq or Afghan, this is a nuclear state with tons and tons of ammo. Anarchy here will start the begining of the end of the civilization as we know it. A nuke here ans there will spin things in to hell. Thus, Obama making statements of incursions into PK is very damaging. I become stifled when speaking of pro American thinking when people ask me if Americans are so good why they re-elected Bush when he killed innocent muslims in Iraq. What had Iraq had anything to do with 911 and all of WMD turn out to be nothing more than a pretext for war. These action breed terrorisms. Pakistan is a poor nation where majority is in low income and very limited lower middle class. The young PK minds are thus easily brain washed in to negative thinking. Only solution to help Pakistan eliminate terrorism is as follows:

1. Put pressure on Saudis to reform thier governement and rid of Wahabi advisors to the King, becuase they are promoting terrorism worldwide through their ideological teachings in Madrasas (religious schools), becuase only the young and poor go there.

2. Make contact with Pakistani people not just suited and currupt government officials. This can be done by opening American centers through out Pakistan that have books and movies etc which are not anti islamic but pro a tolerant society.

3. $$$$ flood into Pakistan by sending American who make McDonalds KFC etc on every cornor, not just forking money over to government since it will never get to people. Opening cheap food american franchizes by american will promote the fast food culture which will ruin the terrorist bastards. And it will benefit americans.

Once these things happen automatically bans of stupid sorts will be lifted.

Finally I would like to comment on one the posters remarks that there are more bad people in PK than good. i simply advise him to get his head examined. Similar can assumed by Pakistanis of Americans and where does that leave us?

Btw I had my professor from MSU visiting me in summers. She came to know that the house next door to mine is rented by US embassy and foriegn office lady is residing there. Being from same country she sent a note to her that she wishes to meet the lady. She got replied the next day that Professor can bascially go to hell and that she is too busy. So Zeeshan is right Americans in foriegn office here are with border line iq. They are bureaucrats similar to ones you encounter where dealing with BATF etc.

And like I said before ban or no ban, dont make much difference to me. But no ban will help US gun industry and damage Chinese influence in Pakistan since they are selling reliable and cheap products.


Certainly...but you're just spreading it in the wrong forum. Try spreading the message in a Pakistani forum!

There is this little problem called international law and custom. Pakistan is a sovereign nation. Rationalization or not, this is a matter between the sovereign nations of the United States of America and Pakistan. The proper venue for this is a Pakistani or international political forum. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the U.S. 2nd Amendment and its historical development.

I will try to make this crystal clear. The analogy to modern Pakistan and colonial America is false, misleading, and agenda-driven. There is NO comparison.

In 1775, the American colonies were ruled from abroad by the English Crown and Parliament. The British attempted to confiscate arms owned by private citizens, outlawed importation of arms from other parts of the British Empire, took legal acts to prevent arms sales to the Americas by other nations, and interdicted arms shipments from other nations. The central idea was that these arms would be used to further an armed insurrection.

In 2008, Pakistan is a sovereign nation that has displayed an unwillingness to adhere to various treaties and customary international law. The U.S., another soveriegn nation, has exercised its sovereign right to cease arms sales to Pakistan. The U.S. is not going door to door and taking arms from Pakistani citizens. The U.S. certainly pressured its allies to join the embargo, but these too are sovereign nations, not colonial possessions. The U.S. is not interdicting arms shipments to Pakistan from other nations.

I'm a little lost as to what in the heck this has to do with our 2nd Amendment.

Pakistan's position is analagous to the Confederate States of America, not the Revolutionary era.
Don't attempt to group the Confederacy and Pakistan together. The Confederacy arose just as Thomas Jefferson had said it would. He himself said that the 2nd amendment would not be needed except when the government attempted to take it away from us, or as it was our last line of defense against a tyranical government. The confederate army was comprised of my ancestors who fought not for slavery, but for state's rights and the ability to govern themselves. How does the old saying go? Something about only the victors write the history books. As far as selling arms to Pakistan, I am completely against it. I'm sure there are amazing people there who have only the best intentions, but there is also a serious security threat in the region, and selling arms to citizens would only make it easier for those terrorists to obtain those weapons. We have had our share of terrorism at home, but I cannot remember the last time a group of american citizens took over a plane and flew it into buildings and bombed subways abroad. Fact of the matter is that until your societies can operate in a humane way, weapons sales to citizens is not in America's best interest.
I still can get whatever I want... You name it!

Btw US is selling arms to PK, just not pistols and hunting rifles.

You guys are so naive.

Comments here make me want to re think how I should act towards US. We dont have to like you if you dont like us.

Its that simple.
The confederate army was comprised of my ancestors who fought not for slavery, but for state's rights and the ability to govern themselves.

If so, why did no foreign nation intervene on behalf of the CSA in an official capacity? The answer is simple. International public opinion was opposed to the CSA because it was the only Western nation that allowed slavery. This is a historical fact.

Your point that the vast amount of people fighting the war did not do so in support of or opposition to slavery is also a historical fact. That is, the average Confederate private did not own slaves. Can't disagree with that.

I'm not trying to pick a fight on the Civil War. I am originally from Tennessee myself. My point is that when you begin to discuss recognized, sovereign nations, then the rules change. I thought the CSA was a good example, due to the role of international opinion in its demise. By the time Sherman closed the Georgia and Carolina ports, there was no international trade to speak of, anyway.