We the PAKISTANIS are also Human beings

The concept is fairly clear. Dictators, legislators, congress people, that are trying to ban arms are usually doing it because they know their actions are contrary to the people they are supposed to represent, and, they are afraid they will be shot.
Diane Fienstien has a stalker awhile back, and, the hypocrite had a CCW, about the only civilian one in San Francisco.

Whenever you have a government that does not want an armed populace, it's because they are trying to do things they shouldn't, i.e. theft of resources, etc. from the people.

I'm sure Pakistan is no different. Doesn't it tell you something that the most restrictive gun laws in the US are in Washington D.C., an area that congress has jurisdiction over? Why? They know what they are doing, and, they know that it justifies action by the American people, even if the American people don't, or won't, do anything.

I am not traveling in a country where I have to fear for my life, and, I can't defend myself. I've already got that in Kali, why should I go to another country, with even worse, more corrupt police, and military, and put myself at their mercy? If this is my take on Kali, can you imagine living in Pakistan?

Worst case scenario is we should ship guns to ALL other countries, for personal protection. If everyone had a handgun, we would have a LOT less people, and, that would ease a lot of the fighting over resources in the world...

Population control through firearm export, I'm all for it.
2. we the civilans are vulnerable without foreign arms against terrorists. the sanction have left us at mercy of terrorists who have latest gunns and ammo.so when evil doers put a question like"are you with us or against us?"
then. just think what would your answer if you were a pakistani?

please do something before its too late .

My reply to the terrorist would be: kiss my buttocks. Then I would kick him the hell out of my country.

It seems to me the "civilians" of Pakistan need to do a bit more self-policing in order to rid themselves of a self-inflected terrorist infestation. Pakistan had a chance back in 2001-2003 to allow the US in to hunt for terrorists. Pakistan declined.
2. we the civilans are vulnerable without foreign arms against terrorists. the sanction have left us at mercy of terrorists who have latest gunns and ammo.so when evil doers put a question like"are you with us or against us?"
then. just think what would your answer if you were a pakistani?

You certainly raise some valid points my friend. Our government is one of the world's leading exporter of arms, it makes me sick that we sell advanced weapons to despotic governments (the Saudis for example).

But on the other hand if you weren't dealing with us you'd be living in a world that was dominated by China or Russia- who knows, that very well may happen in our lifetime.
My reply to the terrorist would be: kiss my buttocks. Then I would kick him the hell out of my country.

Well then you just got you and your family killed, because you're not allowed to have a gun. Well done.
Well then you just got you and your family killed, because you're not allowed to have a gun. Well done.

And that is why I have no sympathy for this Pakistan "civilian" who is begging for us to "please do something before its too late. ".

Patrick Henry's words are as relevant today as their were 233 years ago. They got themselves into their situation, let them dig their way out.
I didn't read the second page of responses and hope no one else covered this but aren't most handguns built elsewhere (Germany, Croatia, Russia) and imported to the US?

Sure there are US handgun manufacturers but I'm thinking about Glocks, XD's, HK, Kahr...maybe Sig (IDK about that one).

And I agree that the idea that not selling importing firearms to civilians to "decrease terrorism" is just as stupid as DC's theory that only unloaded five shot revolvers are safe to defend your home or that Brady's gun control saves children and decreases crime.

I don't think terrorist organizations have trouble procuring arms, if civilians could arm themselves and would fight against the powers oppressing them they can liberate themselves like we did a couple of hundred years ago right?

Didn't we have support from the French navy or something somewhere along the way???
Patrick Henry's words are as relevant today as their were 233 years ago. They got themselves into their situation, let them dig their way out.

Of course we didn't have nukes 233 years ago.
we can counter the terrorists and evil doers without letting the anti american people play the national pride and invasion card.

The USA has been waiting for Pakistan to do exactly this since the beginning of the U.S. war in Afghanistan. We have provided billions of dollars in military and economic aid to Pakistan to encourage this, with no success.

The list of issues where we are getting no help or cooperation from Pakistan is a long one:

No help on cracking down on Taliban and Al Qaeda in the border areas,

No help on cracking down on Pakistan's Intelligence Agency helping the Taliban,

No help on investigating Dr. A.Q. Khan's nuclear proliferation activities,

And so on.

sir, before 911 , the number friends usa had in pakistan was more tha 90 percent .

No, that's completely false. Pakistanis have a long history of antipathy towards Americans. Pakistani mobs in Islamabad once burned down our embassy as I recall. Opinion polls after the September 11, 2001 attacks and the US invasion of Afghanistan show substantial majorities of Pakistanis think that terror attacks against America, Americans, and American interests are justified.

every day the number is decreasing because of strikes my us planes. people are turning because of 2 reasons

1. collateral damage

2. we the civilans are vulnerable without foreign arms against terrorists. the sanction have left us at mercy of terrorists who have latest gunns and ammo.so when evil doers put a question like"are you with us or against us?"
then. just think what would your answer if you were a pakistani?

The constant calls for "Death to America" by your Imams in your Saudi-funded Mosques and Madrassa have a lot more to do with the average Pakistani's dislike for America.

please do something before its too late .

LOL. Are you actually writing from Pakistan? Your rhetoric sounds eerily similar to that the average US anti-war activist (Code Pink...etc.) activist uses.

But I'll be happy to write to my Senators urging them to support US Military incursions into Pakistan designed to kill Taliban and Al Qaeda.
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I agree...

Similarly, what had happened here in the good 'ole USA two hundred and thirty some odd years ago and which is in dire need of happening here again.

We're in need of one, especially if the next president and congress screw things up even more. These damn party-line freaks need to be kicked out of office.

And that is why I have no sympathy for this Pakistan "civilian" who is begging for us to "please do something before its too late. ".

Patrick Henry's words are as relevant today as their were 233 years ago. They got themselves into their situation, let them dig their way out

And just how do people who have no guns take on people who do?
And just how do people who have no guns take on people who do?

Do your own homework. There are lots of guns in Pakistan...in fact, there are whole towns that are populated with nothing but gunsmiths who can fabricate an AK from scrape metal in less than 24 hours. It's a cottage industry. In fact, Pakistan operates the largest illegal gun market on the planet.
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Obviously not. It's just a corrupt dictatorship with bogus elections overrun with gun-toting maniacs. A lot of whom were armed by the CIA in the first place because they were toting arms to the talib.. sorry, I meant mujahideen.
I don't know if he's legit, but his gripe is valid. (Not the Americans not exporting, but not being allowed to have a gun)

Here in Ireland we're overrun with scumbags killing each other but the government's response is to move to confiscate handguns for sporting use. A judge has said it's disgraceful that there are 1,900 or so handguns in private ownership and the Minister for Justice has promised to "look at" the issue. The economy is tanking but he's being tough on crime.

It will show they're doing "something". The EU bods are up to something else as well, they're big on gun control generally. Easier to control us.
Like I said before, it is his country. Only he and his fellow countrymen can fix their mess.

The poster is registered less than 24 hours. And here he is...begging for us "to do something before its to late". It is just ridiculous. I can only assume he is asking US for help, despite the presence of many non-US forum members.

If he is trying to enlighten us as to struggle of personal liberty and the right to keep and bear arms in Pakistan, perhaps he should be on another forum populated by his fellow (like-minded) countrymen where they can formulate a real and focused effort to change the situation in Pakistan.