We the PAKISTANIS are also Human beings

lol exactly.we have the power to vote.that is all.many officials are apointed,not voted on.even if they are an elected official,once their in office they could care less if if we write or what we request of them.sorry but we don't have the power as citizens that you must think we have.we barely are holding onto gun rights ourselves.for all i know you could be homeland security looking for terrorist supporters.or you could be part of an anti-gun rights group waiting for just the right thing to be said so you can scream take the guns away before its to late cause of people talking about overthrowing a government with a pistol lol.pistols are useless for most situations anyway.you don't see u.s. troops fighting with pistols do you?they would be blasted to peices.i'm sorry if i sound ignorant by saying this next comment but here goes.as far as i can tell most of the countries over middle east just want to kill each other.when one side looses,aka killed off,they find a new enemy.its so primitive.people over there will never come to peace,ever.they will fight and kill in the name of god or over land or for revenge.take any of those reasons away and i'm sure they would find a new excuse to hunt someone down and kill him.if i was god i would cry over the fact that people were killing in my name.don't trouble yourself trying to find a gun.u.s. troops are coming and all this terrorist crap will be over,you all had your chance for thousands of yrs to make peace.if i was you and you have a clean record,as you say.i'd move.if your in so much fear,sell everything and get out.your talking to a wall contacting ordinary citizens.
please raise voice for people like us in your respective government forums.

Raising OUR voices to OUR governments will do YOU no good.

Raise YOUR voice to YOUR government. Or move to the USA.
Sorry, but I do not support resuming the export of small arms from the United States into Pakistan. While there are no doubt many honest and decent people like yourself, there are also too many bad people inside Pakistan who wish to harm Americans.

Your country needs to first become more civilized, and exert more control over its western areas which America's enemies are now using as a sanctuary.

Until there is a government in Pakistan that can effectively deal with those who believe in Jihad with the United States, American citizens will never support resuming selling guns to Pakistan. For we do not desire for our American made guns to be used to kill our own people
Interesting, the British had a similar feeling towards guns in the colonies a few years ago.

The Brady people say the same thing about us now.

There is no doubt that some guns would be used against us, but does that mean that we should ban all Pakistanis from owning guns?

If all people in the world had free access to own firearms, would not the world be more safe? Is that not the same argument that gun owners in the U.S. use? Or does that only apply to Americans and not the rest of the world?
The U.S. and Pakistan are sovereign nations. I hope we never give Pakistan another dime, much less sell them arms. Comparing our Revolution to an arms embargo is ridiculous. A sovereign nation has the right to sell arms to whomever it pleases. To be fair, I would have a major problem with intervening in Pakistan's internecine conflicts. If they want a revolution, more power to them. We're not the "British" in this scenario. We're not saying you can't have them and interdicting arms shipments from other nations, we're saying "not from us, pal."

The better historical analogy would be the position of the Confederate States during the Civil War, not our Revolution. Much like the CSA, Pakistan isn't conforming to international law, custom, and opinion. Pakistan is paying the price for that. Even if you somehow support them, freedom isn't free, right?
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If you care to help the OP with his questions, please do.

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parkistan help

had a post an aol cut me off for 7th time today.
instead of insulting the man at least be curtious to him.if you think he can make a diference and tell his gov what to do then you go tell the president how to run this country.third world countries are unlike any thing you have experiansd.I have been in some.:mad::rolleyes:
had a post an aol cut me off for 7th time today.
instead of insulting the man at least be curtious to him.if you think he can make a diference and tell his gov what to do then you go tell the president how to run this country.third world countries are unlike any thing you have experiansd.I have been in some.

thank you sir . your words of compassion mean alot to me.
Sorry, but I do not support resuming the export of small arms from the United States into Pakistan. While there are no doubt many honest and decent people like yourself, there are also too many bad people inside Pakistan who wish to harm Americans.

Your country needs to first become more civilized, and exert more control over its western areas which America's enemies are now using as a sanctuary.

Until there is a government in Pakistan that can effectively deal with those who believe in Jihad with the United States, American citizens will never support resuming selling guns to Pakistan. For we do not desire for our American made guns to be used to kill our own people

Interesting, the British had a similar feeling towards guns in the colonies a few years ago.

The Brady people say the same thing about us now.

There is no doubt that some guns would be used against us, but does that mean that we should ban all Pakistanis from owning guns?

If all people in the world had free access to own firearms, would not the world be more safe? Is that not the same argument that gun owners in the U.S. use? Or does that only apply to Americans and not the rest of the world?

i agree
Will depriving zeeshan of a high quality handgun decrease terrorism?

Not even a little...I hope the day comes when the honest citizens there can be well armed enough to protect their families just as we are.

My beef is with the Pakistani government for allowing terrorist to have sanctuary, not with the Pakistani people.
thanks for understanding. i would just like to add that the terrorists are basically remanants of afghan-russia war of cold war era.
And just how do people who have no guns take on people who do?

Do your own homework. There are lots of guns in Pakistan...in fact, there are whole towns that are populated with nothing but gunsmiths who can fabricate an AK from scrape metal in less than 24 hours. It's a cottage industry. In fact, Pakistan operates the largest illegal gun market on the planet

1. yes there are lots of gun in pakistan but in mostly in hands of criminals and terrorists(because they are illegally acquired and kept).

2. yes you are right! there are whole towns that are populated with nothing but gunsmiths on AFGHANISISTAN - PAKISTAN border areas. yes they fabricate AK47 in 24 hours.
first of all those towns are in tribal areas where pakistan law does not apply. secondly, no law abiding citizen should buy or keep weapons bought from that area(legally). some of law abiding citizens are being compelled to buy weapons for self defense from THAT area(because usa and europe are not exporting weapons to pakistan).so, money which goes to THOSE towns is used by terrorists.
so, by stopping arms supply to pakistan , the hard earned money of law abiding pakistani citizens is being pushed towards the evil doers , who use those funds against the overall intrest of usa, europe , pakistan and any other civilized nation.
the poilicy makers in usa and europe need to be relayed this problem as this irony is leading to ever wealthier and stronger terrorists.
Self Help starts at home. No one can help you find justice long-distance. As Abby Hoffman might say: "Steal this gun."

thats what i am doing . i am spreading the message of rationalization.
But you've got to get rid of those terrorists in Pakistan. They have to go. We can't, by law, sell you any firearms.

You have timothy mcveigh and Theodore Kaczynski. Maybe we should ban civilian sales of firearms to americans. No more sigs, steyrs, H&K's, FN's.
You have timothy mcveigh and Theodore Kaczynski. Maybe we should ban civilian sales of firearms to americans. No more sigs, steyrs, H&K's, FN's.

Actually the entire purpose of the Oklahoma City Bombing, was to wake the American Government and Bill Clinton up and to stop them from banning firearms.

Also both McVeigh's and Kaczynski's 'Modus Operandi' involved the use of Bombs, not firearms.

Whilst in Pakistan the 'Militias' and Terrorist Groups are using both Guns and Bombs to acheive their aims.
Whilst in Pakistan the 'Militias' and Terrorist Groups are using both Guns and Bombs to acheive their aims.

But how can they be when arms sales are banned?

A lot of the arguments here come straight from the Brady Bunch propaganda leaflets.