We the PAKISTANIS are also Human beings


New member
i in pakistan get a few firearms , paying thrice what i should be really paying from them( gun dealers have only very little number of imported guns left with them as exports from europe and usa to pakistan have been stopped for quite some time now).you guys have no i dea how much search to locate a fire arms, which is just like an antiqque here and how much i have to pay my hard earned money to get them.
i am sorry but i am as sensitive as any one of u guys. i am a human being just like you guys. i have passion for good handguns like you guys. but, unlike you guys , i am deprieved of right to fullfill my passion according to my desire.

i am hurt, and i have full freadom of expresion. this is my birth right and i believe its the birth right of every man

sir, i am not a criminal. ia m not into any sort of illegal activities. i am as law abiding citizen like any one of you guys. you know people its just now i have felt the essence and soul of late martin luther kings famous "i have a dream" speech. today, i know how he must have felt. i am happy that you are having good things around you in yor respective countries. one day , my country will also prosper and develop. there are never constant highs or lows in the world .its the biggest lesson of history.

i speak my heart out . yes, i am expecting the descency of empathy about how we the pakistanis are denied the right to protect ourselves and our families due to arms export restriction. yes, i am expecting some support and appreciation for my enthusiasm for handguns , which i believe is also a passion of my respected fellow members in this forum.

please raise voice for people like us in your respective government forums.

jesse james ›
Sorry, but I do not support resuming the export of small arms from the United States into Pakistan. While there are no doubt many honest and decent people like yourself, there are also too many bad people inside Pakistan who wish to harm Americans.

Your country needs to first become more civilized, and exert more control over its western areas which America's enemies are now using as a sanctuary.

Until there is a government in Pakistan that can effectively deal with those who believe in Jihad with the United States, American citizens will never support resuming selling guns to Pakistan. For we do not desire for our American made guns to be used to kill our own people.

We sell lots of guns to Pakistan. I would guess most of the sales are to the government of Pakistan, but we sell them significant amounts of arms.

Hopefully some of the surplus will trickle down into private hands at some point so you can get something nice. Do you guys at least have cheap ammunition over there? Cheap guns are less fun when you pay a dollar per round or more and that's what we have in the US right now.
I believe that the original poster is referring to the civilian commercial importation and sale of firearms in Pakistan, and not military sales to the Pakistani government.

If military sales made to Pakistan are indeed trickling down to their civilians, that would be very bad news.

I'm pretty confident that such commercial sales are currently forbidden under US law. There are just too many terrorists currently residing inside Pakistan.

If military sales made to Pakistan are indeed trickling down to their civilians, that would be very bad news.

Why would that be bad news? When the government gets new gear, they sell the old stuff. The bad guys don't have a problem getting guns, they have tons of cash and networks of scheming weasels getting them all sorts of nice armaments. Who cares if a respectable Pakistani citizen gets ahold of a surplus gun?
I believe the original poster was just expressing the same

feelings that the founding fathers of our country felt.

I think too many of us as well as our government and the folks who we elected have forgotten that we declaired certain rights for ALL men... not just citizens of the U.S.A.
Who cares if a respectable Pakistani citizen gets ahold of a surplus gun?


The whole argument against selling Pak civilians handguns sounds like the antis here insisting that depriving law abiding US citizens handguns will reduce crime.

Will depriving zeeshan of a high quality handgun decrease terrorism?
I believe the presence of firearms leads to less corrupt governments, though, using ours as it is, is certainly NOT a good example. I think we should provide firearms for such countries. The bad guys have their own pipelines, or sources.China, etc. We accomplish nothing by not shipping to such countries, unless it's a political statement to India, or some such thing. I'd much rather provide firearms to such people, and let them kill their own corrupt dictators, then having to send in the US Military to do the same, and, get stuck in the quagmire of trying to 'leberate' nations stuck in the 15th century, with tribal and religious wars that have gone on for 3000 years.
Will depriving zeeshan of a high quality handgun decrease terrorism?
Not even a little...I hope the day comes when the honest citizens there can be well armed enough to protect their families just as we are.

My beef is with the Pakistani government for allowing terrorist to have sanctuary, not with the Pakistani people.
zeeshan said:
....i am a human being just like you guys. i have passion for good handguns like you guys. but, unlike you guys , i am deprieved of right to fullfill my passion according to my desire.....please raise voice for people like us in your respective government forums

The United States has spent untold lives and fortune giving freedom to other countries all over the world. In return we are mocked, protested, and spit on for our help. You'll appreciate and cherish freedom more if you earn it yourself.
Yes Rembrandt but zeeshan isn't mocking us. He just wants a firearm to protect his family and (hopefully) prevent tyranny.

I sympathize with him. I hope Pakistan gets rid of terrorists because that's the only way zeeshan will ever see US made guns sold again in his country to civilians IMHO.

Like Socrates said, the bad guys will get their firearms, but we just can't sell firearms to Pakistini citizens right now zeeshan. Too many terrorists.
Sorry, but I do not support resuming the export of small arms from the United States into Pakistan. While there are no doubt many honest and decent people like yourself, there are also too many bad people inside Pakistan who wish to harm Americans.

Your country needs to first become more civilized, and exert more control over its western areas which America's enemies are now using as a sanctuary.

Until there is a government in Pakistan that can effectively deal with those who believe in Jihad with the United States, American citizens will never support resuming selling guns to Pakistan. For we do not desire for our American made guns to be used to kill our own people.

majority of pakistanis are friends to usa (including myself). a very small community is against usa so does a small community in usa against pakistan.
we need to distinguish between our friends and foes.
the majority which is in favour of usa are law abiding and civilized people, who dont have access to black marked for illegal weapons. usa is not helping there friends infact making us more vulnerable by sactions , thus helpin americas enemies.please think......
We sell lots of guns to Pakistan. I would guess most of the sales are to the government of Pakistan, but we sell them significant amounts of arms.

Hopefully some of the surplus will trickle down into private hands at some point so you can get something nice. Do you guys at least have cheap ammunition over there? Cheap guns are less fun when you pay a dollar per round or more and that's what we have in the US right now.

its not the governments who take stand and bring the change but the people of the country. civilized and law abiding people dont believe in "trickle down" weapons. they believe in legitamately imported guns only. i am one off them.
I believe that the original poster is referring to the civilian commercial importation and sale of firearms in Pakistan, and not military sales to the Pakistani government.

If military sales made to Pakistan are indeed trickling down to their civilians, that would be very bad news.

I'm pretty confident that such commercial sales are currently forbidden under US law. There are just too many terrorists currently residing inside Pakistan.

yes! you got me correct! and i totally agree with you except that too many terrorists reside here in pakistan. 90 perscent of pakistani are law abiding citizens and about 80 perscent are friends with americans. thus, law abiding citizens are vulnerable to terrorist elements who have access to international black market. please think and reconsider.....
Why would that be bad news? When the government gets new gear, they sell the old stuff. The bad guys don't have a problem getting guns, they have tons of cash and networks of scheming weasels getting them all sorts of nice armaments. Who cares if a respectable Pakistani citizen gets ahold of a surplus gun?
i appreciate your common sense
sir i 100 percent agree with you!:):)
believe the presence of firearms leads to less corrupt governments, though, using ours as it is, is certainly NOT a good example. I think we should provide firearms for such countries. The bad guys have their own pipelines, or sources.China, etc. We accomplish nothing by not shipping to such countries, unless it's a political statement to India, or some such thing. I'd much rather provide firearms to such people, and let them kill their own corrupt dictators, then having to send in the US Military to do the same, and, get stuck in the quagmire of trying to 'leberate' nations stuck in the 15th century, with tribal and religious wars that have gone on for 3000 years.

i agree with you totally. if good people in pakistan are helped by us government by sending legitimate weapons , i assure you that america wont have to send in the troops . we pakistanis are proud people and can take good care of ourselves but the problem is our friends like americans and europeans dont understand us. they in a way fact facilitate our and there common enemies by things like this . i just wanted to reach out and post a sos message that please make policies wisely which are in favour of we(pakistanis) and them mutually .
What part of pregnant is not pregnant? The RTKABA is just for Americans?

If you believe every human being ever born and will be born draws his first breath as a free soul with the God given right to freedom then how can you deny anyone the right to arms? Those that say a Pakistani, an African or a Kurd or anyone for that's not an American shouldn't have the right of self protection is a racist.

Dictators, Totalitarian, Socialist and other governments subjugate it's populations by denying it's citizens the right to keep and bear arms. That's how they stay in power. If every Pakistani man and woman privately owned a gun they could have better government and better lives. Private ownership for the protection of one's self, loved ones and way of life is freedom from dominance and subjugation.

Governments are imperfect and require maintenance by the stakeholders. That maintenance can be and is forced at the point of a barrel sometimes both ways. Perhaps, if all Pakistanis were armed they would take care of their own governing needs and would not be working against American interest as a minority are.
I hear you zeeshan and feel very bad for you. (In fact, it breaks my heart.)

But you've got to get rid of those terrorists in Pakistan. They have to go. We can't, by law, sell you any firearms.
zeeshan said:
....90 perscent of pakistani are law abiding citizens and about 80 perscent are friends with americans. thus, law abiding citizens are vulnerable to terrorist elements who have access to international black market. please think and reconsider.....

If 80% are our "friends", then why won't you allow us to take out terrorist camps along the Afghan/Pakistan border and rid the problem? Bush said it best after 9/11, "you are either with us in the fight on terrorism or against us". Riding the fence appeasing both the US and terrorists makes us uncertain if Pakistan is our friend.

End compromising with terrorists and you would make progress towards a second amendment model for your nation.