Clearly you don’t have much experience with this issue. There are fact galore substantiating that illegal immigrants almost never report any crime done against them for fear of deportation.Illegal immigrants are entitled to make legal claims for all violations of minimum wage and other fair-labors laws, and they have done so in the past.
If you’re going to make a radical statement like that, you’re going to have to back it up with some documentation. The overwhelming majority of the evidence supports the assertion that employers of illegal aliens deny them benefits. I will willingly concede the point that there are plenty individuals and businesses that hire illegals without being aware that the employee is illegal. However, there are many more that are knowingly employed and done so in order to avoid providing benefits. As I said, with a radical claim such as you this, you have to provide supporting documentation.The claim that employers hire illegals because it's easier to illegaly deny them benefits is untrue.
He isn’t my friend, he isn’t even an acquaintance. As far as his story being true, you’re just going to have to take my word for it. You can believe me when I say though, that his story is most assuredly true.I think it's most likely that your friend is angry and merely surmised as to the reason for his termination, especially considering that it would be very poor common sense for an employer to tell the guy he just fired that he's doing it to hire someone else illegally.