Time for some brutal honesty...

Any Glock or Sig, I'm not picky. Shot both, like both. 100% functional out of the box. Forced to choose I'd take a Glock 20, since I already have one and am more familiar with it. No Beretta, please. I'm sure they make a nice pistol but my personal experiences with M9 "reliability" (about 1 in 3 was any good) was not heartwarming. I really like 1911s, but mine were more ammo-finicky than a Glock or Sig so for a "who knows what ammo" scenario I would prefer something else.

OK, if I read ya right, I'm going in WITHOUT ammo, and I have to FIND it. If that's the case, then although it's my favorite cartridge, I would NOT want to take .40. If this IS the case, then I'd feel quite comfortable with an HK full sized .45 like several others here. Second choice would be any full capacity 9mm Glock.

Reason I wouldn't take a .40? Harder to find if you gotta scrounge ammo.

Reason for those choices? My HK has never had work done to it, and it's never missed a beat. .45 might be hardball, so the bigger the better. I say the 9mm as a second because Glock is a no-malfunction no-brainer. I don't own one, but I've fired SEVERAL, and never had a problem. Also, it is my personal opinion that 9mm is THE most prevalent handgun caliber in the WORLD, so finding it would be easiest, but I'd want the extra round-count in the full cap mag.

If I'm wrong about having to scrounge the ammo, then I'd prefer an HK USP40f or Glock 22 or 23 in .40.
In this situation ammo is the main factor and 9x19mm is the most likely pistol and smg ammo out there.

Pistol choices are based on my own experiences with guns owned and all listed will get the job done. I've left out excellent pistols like Sigs or Hks because of lack of handling. Listed in order of preference for combat pistol, but I could live with any of them.

1-Glock 17/19
2-CZ 75B
3-Beretta 92FS
4-FN Hipower
5-Ruger 89/95
6-Walther P-38

One more thought: Suppose you were dropped into an area that had been in the former Soviet sphere of influence. Wouldn't you want a 9x18 Makarov?

Well... I re-read the opening line several times. The original post said "type" of ammo not caliber. If it was type and not caliber, G29. Size + velocity always a winner.

If i had to scrounge for ammo period, BHP.


If I had my choice for right out of the box weapon it would be a Ruger GP100 .357 Mag. But since the game is to be played with a semi auto I would choose:

Glock 17 with Mepro NS
Glock 19 with Mepro NS
CZ 75B - I can't make it jam and I've tried hard.
Ruger P97
SIG 229 40S&W
SIG 220
Cz75 9mm baby! So Sweeeeeeeet!

You sig and "bic lighter", I mean Glock fans, are just jealous that you spent more for less.

I know you are looking for semi-auto pistol but Working my way down to the semi-auto it goes like this.

12 gauge Pump rem 870 or moss 5**
"with or without lube Who cares!"

Ak-47 Takes a lickin and keep's on kickin!
"lube? Apply dish soap and garden hose ot make bubbles"

Suckin Wind Mod 19 .357 6inch.
"A true instrument of Pleasure. Won't own one now though, Damn Shame too"

Cz-75b 9mm "Cz75b says it all".

How one of the posters can put a crusty hammer marked FEG hipower above a CZ I'll NEVER understand. -ddt
My choice would be a revolver, preferbly a S&W M-25.

Barring that, probably a Glock or a USP.

I'm a 1911 type of guy, but I'd expect better reliability from an off the shelf Glock or USP (although all guns jam, and all companies produce lemons). Besides, I'm left handed and most off the shelf 1911s are not.

If I could test fire it first, I'd go with a 1911. And if I could choose any handgun, it would be my Springfield 1911, fer sure.
I have another vote for the Glock 19. I don't currently own one, but I have, and I don't think there is another 9mm out there that can beat it. You can beat the crap out of it, and like the ad says about Timex, it keeps on ticking. I like the hi-cap advantage, I like the compact size, and I like the ruggedness and reliability.
I cannot beleive what I'm reading...

I am absolutely blown away at all the comments here and not one person has mentioned the Beretta Cougar 8045F!!!!

This gun was perfection right out of the box. As soon as I got it, I took it apart, cleaned it, and put it back together dry as a bone. Fired 5000 rounds of all kinds of ammo including reloaded SWC and it feed them all without a problem. The accuracy is awesome, the feel is like a Colt SAA in your hand.

So flame away and tell me why this gun has not been mentioned!!!

Today, it would be a Ruger P97 in .45 caliber. It is my current favorite. However, I just received a new CZ 75 B in .40 caliber, and once I get a couple thousand more rounds through it, I believe it will take the place of the Ruger.

Springfield TRP


Reliability and Accuracy. Thats all I need.
I'd have to go with the BHP in 9mm. Ammo is everywhere and the pistol is one the most widely made/cloned pistol in existence. Finger there's 13 rounds in the mag. If 13 rounds doesn't solve my problems, I'm having a bad day!

After that it would be a CZ75.

I am NOT a huge proponent of the 9mm, but sometimes it is the most logical choice.

I have purchased ten new handguns. I usually do nothing more than take them out of the box, check the barrel for blockages, run a swab down 'em, and load 'em up.

Only two of the ten have shot aces with the first magazine:

Beretta 8045F .45acp.

HK USP40c .40 S&W.

Given your circumstances as listed, those would be the two I'd reccomend trusting your life to.

PS: The others that took longer to sight in or suffered failures to feed straight out of the box were:
A) CZ 75B
B) Sig 225
C) Ruger P94
D) Ruger GP100
E) Springfield 1911A1 Loaded
F) Walther P99
G) Walther PPK
H) Ruger Mark II
Unlike Runner, I don't go in harm's way.....I go out and find it, then kick it in the family jewels to get its attention. HK USP45 all the way. No Glock IMperfection needed here!!!!!
Ya' said NIB but not "Box-Stock" so.........Any Jim Garthwaite 9 mm Hipower MK III or .45 ACP 5" Government Model 1911, I'll let him choose. Calibers based on most proven & widely available, Pistols on JMB & JG. I can guess the rest.