Those Who Have a Concealed Weapons Permit, Please Read.....

K This how it went down,i was returning from target shooting with a smith 3 inch 22 semi discontinued. My 2 young nephews 12 and 14 were in the car with me,we stopped at a mcdonald drive through,my gun was in the back in the range bag.....(wasn't cleaned yet and didn't want to dirty my holster) this mcdonalds had 2 cement posts and once near the drive through window,you couldn't retreat. cars on both sides and you couldn't crash that cement. THE man in front of me got out of his car and was intoxicated heavily and was banging on the mc'd window demanding a whopper,the lady in the window was laughing at him and he got more angry,my nephews said beep at this clown...and i said no,he's dangerous,but the 2 cars behind me that had me pinned in beeped anyways and the man Thinking it was ME started walking to my car
saying he would punch through my side window and drag me out thru the cut glass..........he was about 5 feet away and approaching but at walking speed....i asked my nephew to hand me that 22,and the man heard it as my window was down a little waiting for my order and said you don't have no gun and he kept coming....i had the gun which had 5 or 6 22's put in a clip...but didn't point it
and though his fist was at my glass 6-4 and about 240
and once he seen just the butt in my hand lowered in my hand,he turned around real fast and started heading back to his car saying if you didnt have that gun i would have killed you. THE intent and Ability was first there and he was seeking opportunity agressively at first,and 3 threats of the other 4 were there,defending my minor nephews to a threat no GREATER than mine but had to be Equal and it was.......but the opportunity was walking away and the Ability also even though his INtent(if you didn't have that gun i would kill you) was boasted by him<so even though he was at my window with a fist,if i would have shot him as he turned quickly around,The fact all those legal threats were there,they can change with Deterrence very fast. (which ties into the other 98% are deterred,and those statistics come from the Justice Department,i read it years ago) But their was another factor,in his car in front of him,his wife came out saying yo i'll take a bullet,which really gets you thinking,but the husband said get in the car ####%%%. and drove off without getting his food,something that i did then next,my appetite was gone.
But one thing stood in my mind also,in the back seat of his car they had twin babies in car seats,and even if they weren't hit Which was on my mind,it would have been a disaster if the man didn't back away and if i shot him in front of his family....i tried to talk him out of it at first saying i didn't beep,he didnt believe me,then he was deterred without anybody getting hurt....But the Moral is never be in a hurry. Most would have shot the guy but then living with his kids Growing up with it,and me,the hand that put him to tragic any way you would slice it......its not a license to kill,not always even a licence to stop,but a license to CARRY.....Exhaust everything,run if you can,as one post said Correctly too.....I couldn't run
and though i felt threatened and felt at first like doing something about it,i'm glad i didn't....THe last factor and i know this for a fact is that God made that man go away
he did not want me to shoot him,wicked as his actions were,he did not want me to kill the father of a family,yet he did not LET the man Carry out his threats,i didn't know that back then in 1991,2nd year into my carry license,but the Lord told me about it later to let me know it was HE that helped me. Even the man's threat wasn't totally true,he Would HAVE tried to kill me,if the Lord didn't use the gun as a deterrent then moved his heart to leave AGainst his will and his wife too. The opportunity left but not slowly,but turned around in one second flat andPraise God that he didn't let do an oops.....shoot,i Thought he was Going to because of the past circumstances a minute ago....with his kids and wife screaming even though the adults STARTED it......So even if it came to my house,i never do searches in dark....SAFE room,if the person comes in there,a warning if time permits,if Truly cornered all the way and the threat keeps coming to do one or more of those 4 things,murder,kidnapping,etc ,It's at such times when all things are exhausted. Pray you never experience it,even police after a justifiable shoot are ordered to go through pysch eval's. a civilian justifiable still can have $10,000 in legal costs for the judge to make sure that he or she did everything they could before lethal force was error and it can turn into up to 100,000 and possible prosecution,the loss of the gun and the loss of the carry license for life.....Cover and concealment when it can be done as well as running away or getting into a car even if you have to speed getting away beats $10,000 with your name on the news. Even if you get a speeding ticket,under such things it will be cancelled. What we do can affect our children also,nightmare scenarios like our kids going to school even after a month or 2 to help them cope,one kid saying to another in school,your daddy shot my daddy
is something none of us want. Yet a gun with some practice of 4-20 feet,no more is needed,over 90% are at those distances,Combined with a good understanding of what the law demands of us can give a person a very very good chance,that theywill either avoid dangerous people or when not avoided,that we act in a responsible manner.Though this may seem excessive to some who may say well if they mess,they are dead....if we can live with these rules We can end up like some who posted Excellent as some who said they carried 10 years but never drew it....or had a hand on it but didn't point it. Pocket guns too like any kind of centennial has edges that way which can be ready but not Brandished,with warnings to please leave us alone,we dont want any trouble,that term sincerely given stands up best in courts....Rather than get out of here you perp or i'll put a cap in your....
do me a favor?

Bill, my old eyes aren't what they used to be. Could you go back and put in some paragraph breaks and fix the punctuation in your posts? It would make them an awful lot easier to read, and it looks like you have some good things to say. But I'm having trouble following you in the format you've written in.

no, thank God, I'm not

That's what I get for removing a certain name from my ignore list...I read nonsense. I just asked the guy, for myself, so I can read his work easier.

Do me a favor, Python Guy, put me on ignore, like you're going back on my ignore list. Then you don't have to read anything I write and you'll be obviously happier. And I'll be left alone.

PythonGuy said:
We have a new moderator in the house?

No, we have a normal American reader of English who has the same problems with BillJohnson's typing that I have. As best I can tell from the ONE posting of Bill's that I have read, he has some very worthwhile things to add to a discussion. However, everything considered, it is not always a useful allocation of my time and effort to read his postings as posted.

Have you ever wondered what a paragraph is, and why it was invented? If I ever did, I don't now.
Many times in hand... never presented it to anyone.

Dark places, night parking lots... When at the front door unlocking and entering and when greeting strangers, etc.

I also carry on duty... :)
cliffjr83 said:
If you have to pull out your piece and point it at a person, DO NOT HESITATE to pull the trigger!!!!

It may be necessary to to draw your weapon, and even point (aim) it at someone... But it is not always necessary to pull the trigger.

PythonGuy, remember the "new" rule?

4) Mangling of the English language whether thru ignorance, age, sloth or intent diminishes and embarrasses each of us. Posts which are indecipherable due to inability to translate thoughts into coherent written statements will be deleted without explanation. Recidivists will be removed.

Bill? You have a PM.
I was not disputing the poor english, I thought that is was the Mod's repsonsibility to PM the party at fault, not a public mention by another forum member. I'm a fan of english grammer, and good posting!
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PythonGuy said:
I was not disputing the poor english, I thought that is was the Mod's repsonsibility to PM the party at fault, not a public mention by another forum member. I'm a fan of the english grammer, and good posting!

So I see.:rolleyes:
Hahaha, I just noticed and fixed that!!! No pun intended I assure you. I was hoping no one noticed, typing fast at work is my crime. :D
PythonGuy said:
I thought that is was the Mod's repsonsibility to PM the party at fault, not a public mention by another forum member.
Correct only in part.

Any member may politely ask or admonish another member. Sometimes peer pressure is better than a PM by the moderators. Sometimes it isn't.

springmom was very polite and thoughtful in asking Bill to use better structure. Your reply to her was snide.

Let's drop this now. We have diverged very far from the topic. Should anyone feel the need to carry this further, PM or email me.

Nuff said.
I usually carry IWB and have never had to draw or even grasp the grip. There have been many times that I went from yellow to orange and back though. I also pocket carry,andthe neat thing about that is that you can grip the gun at any time with no one the wiser, I did do that once when confronted by an unsavory, intimidating trio of big, young men. Nothing came of it.
I have a CCW and I have, from time to time, had to draw; but never in response to hostile action from another person (sometimes put my hand on my weapon when confronted, sure, but never had to draw it).

I may never have to. I'd like that. Really not so much into that kind of excitement.
I have carried 100% of the time for eight years. Only one time was I even thinking of going for my gun, and that was at my home. My neighborhood used to be a very nice one. Unfortunately, times change. I now have a drug dealer living right next door. One Wednesday night I had gone out to the garage to get something and noticed headlights shining through the windows. I raised the door and realized that the neighbors dealings had migrated to my driveway. I took a few steps toward the car in my driveway and asked them to go elsewhere to buy their dope. They said something smart, don't remember what exactly, then opened their door and started to get out. While at home I carry openly so this guy saw me rest my hand on the gun. He hurled some obcenities at me, but got back into his car and left. Even though I was on my own property and probably had the upper hand, I was still scared to death and it took a while to stop my hands from shaking. ALWAYS make sure it's a last resort when going for that gun.
Wheel, . . . if you have not already carried your weapon out in public, you will probably be as nervous as someone with an undesireable past sitting in the front row of a baptist church. :eek: Let me say two things about that:

1) I'm a Baptist pastor, . . . and I never know anybody's background, . . . and if I did I would ignore it, . . . no matter where they sat.:D

2) In real life, . . . 90% of everyone else is that way too. Yes, . . . some of us who regularly CCW are also alert to others, . . . LEO's are alert to CCW types, . . .

Big thing: CCW will become natural to you when you have practiced it to the point many others have, . . . and it feels un-natural to be without it. Wear appropriate clothing (summer's coming, . . . can't wear the knee length, hooded, down coat to hide your CCW). First though, . . . wear it around your house for a couple days, weekend, or so. Look in every mirror you pass and see if it is visible to you (you know where it is) and if it is not visible to you, . . . it isn't to any one else either.

Then enjoy, . . . knowing that you are better protected than all the sheeples.:D

Then make sure to remember, . . . ONLY use it to save your life, someone near you, or whatever situations your particular state allows.

May God bless,