There's Some New 12 Gauge Howdah Pistols in Town!

Well I registered with FL and posted just so I can converse about these.As a proud cannon owner and someone who had to purchase the Shockwave the day they came out.I also had to have this.I ordered my Diablo on Dec 10 and have not received it.But have been corresponding with Tim from AGC and he has sent me these photos.20190118_155741.gif

I talked to them yesterday regarding my Diablo on order & was told on that model it will be about 4 weeks. Also was told they have a plated or blue finish options. I got my wads, shot, & primers ready & waiting.
Howdy, About the Diablo from American Gun Craft

I have my kit ready and waiting on delivery of my Diablo also.
As a loyal Schlitz drinker, I propose we go out to Cactus Flats or another local range and film a video review on these, if you're anywhere near the southern part of the state Schlitz45.
Either way I hope we both enjoy the heck out of these and that their manufacturing standards are up to par.The real, not rendered pics of these make them look quite nice.
To be honest, I'm getting sort of giddy with excitement for you guys.
It sounds like you're both having custom guns made to order just for you.
Yahoo!!!! :D:D:D:D
Yeah..I really want one too!!. The Diablo looks SUPER fun!

I was on the fence about buying one..but now after talking with Tim on the phone, I'm going to have to have a Diablo!

Wonder how those plastic grips "really" fit?? Be nice to see a picture without the grips. Be great if you could make up a set of grips from wood or elk horn.

The Ped Howdah is fun...but this little Diablo sure looks sweet and I think it was more of what I had in mind when I got the Pedersoli.

The Ped is very big and almost awkward with the long grip. Recoil of the 20ga is extremely mild with sane charges of BP behind Buck&Ball So I doubt the Diablo will have much recoil at all.

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Since these are BP, if they were really smart they could design the receiver so it will take readily available wood stocks, forearms, and grips from other mass produced firearms.

Make them Mossberg stock compatible.
The AGC Diablo

What a fine, enjoyable firearm concept!
Unfortunately after having ordered one the 10th of December 2018,
I still have yet to see it. AGC has updated their site on multiple occasions. From a computer generated "diablo" image to physical pictures, with multiple models/options/packages. More than a few updates have been made to the site since I placed my order. Maybe mine is one of the ones pictured!!!!
I truly hope to receive my purchased product soon to give it an honest review.

I did not use the coupon they provided me, after the wait and few "estimated timeframes" exceeded.I wish I had, and I figure they'd darn well throw me in a free shirt or something.
Unfortunately after having ordered one the 10th of December 2018,
I still have yet to see it.

You know, one could easily confuse this with a scam. Did you know upfront that they took a long time to ship? 3 months or more?

I ordered one last week, they say 6 weeks until delivery. It does make me nervous that as far as I can tell, no one has ever seen an actual gun. I'm going to be really disappointed if this isn't legit.
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I will say upfront, they stated an 8 week wait.I just hope to get my Diablo soon.
Screw the $400 or whatever.If this muzzleloader is as cool as it's potential, I'd buy 2 more right off.As it sit's if I don't receive it within a month.I'm going to drive to their facility in Houston, as they've indicated and figure this out firsthand. Just moved to TX and it seems like a fun trip, traffic aside.
I got an email back on 2/26 from Tim at AGC saying the Diablo was still on backorder & they would inform me a week before it ships. Ordered on 1-13-19 & inquired about delivery & was told "4 weeks or so" on 1/18. Was asked about grip color & bead sight 2/3 that I responded to-so there is back & forth communication so I'm waitin' paitently & not going to call scam but I do believe they were possibly a bit overwhelmed with the number of orders?
They remind me of those old Ithaca "auto and burglar" 20 gauge pistol handled guns. Those were relegated to the NFA guns when that law passed in the early 20th Century. I wonder if those will be allowed now.
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It's going to make me very happy when someone finally receives their gun. I've searched the internet for days and so far I havn't found a single review or person that has one. One would think they would have made a few before they started selling them.
Not trying to be negative, but it seems pretty obvious that they are using order payments as capital to spin up production, buying the tooling and necessary materials. This is a way of playing it safe (other people's money). They really should state that this is what they're doing, but if they had, would anyone have payed for one? They probably haven't reached the point where they have enough orders to justify the bulk purchase of materials, hence the delays. How much longer they can delay is up to those that ordered. If a bunch of cancels for backorders comes in, they'll probably scrap the whole thing. If they can't provide refunds, then, bankruptcy.
Was anyone's credit card charged before shipment?
Did your credit card bill or debit card statement show that a charge was made by AGC?
Guys, I have to relate my experience with this outfit.
On Jan 5, I placed an order for one of their "Bulldog" models and my credit card was billed.
A couple of weeks later, I sent an email inquiring about my order and shipping date. They told me a couple of weeks and then later "Mid to late February".
On March 5, I contacted them and they said that they were so busy making one of their other models that it would be delayed.
I canceled the order. 3 days later my credit card was credited.
One thing that happened about 2weeks into the transaction...I received a phone call from their credit card handling company. Thay asked if I had received any product and/or did I receive a shipping date. They were trying to find out if these guys were on the level.
I would not order one of these unless I verified that someone I knew or trusted had actually received one.
They may be an OK company and just swamped with orders, but they're NOT for me.
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