The Olofson Case - Merged Threads

I found it interesting that they have been wrapping him in the flag and pushing the law abiding citizen prior to this incident. If you go tot he WI court system and do a search on him he has had 19 cases against him since 1994. Concealed weapons conviction, tax warrants, driving on suspended/revoked DL, several non-payment small claims and civil infractions. Sorry I just can't warm up to the idea that this guy is the squeaky clean guy duped into a bad charge.;j...4EF0&offset=0&sortColumn=0&sortDirection=DESC

Is anyone in the US today really squeaky clean? Just off the top of my head I can think of quite a few things I have done that would get me into major trouble/prison time had I been caught. (Or had I done it after I was 18 and had my record expunged.)

I have no idea as to the statute of limitations of many of them so I'm not going to elaborate further than that.
Is anyone in the US today really squeaky clean? Just off the top of my head I can think of quite a few things I have done that would get me into major trouble/prison time had I been caught. (Or had I done it after I was 18 and had my record expunged.)

I have no idea as to the statute of limitations of many of them so I'm not going to elaborate further than that.

The point being, his supporters have played him to be of high moral charactor when it simply isn't true. Squeaky clean no, but I don't know a single person I call a friend who has been to court 19 times as the defendent in their lifelime let alone the last 14 years. Although it may not be admissable in court, he has set a pattern of ignoring the law. I just can't feel sorry for the situation he created for himself.
Is anyone in the US today really squeaky clean? Just off the top of my head I can think of quite a few things I have done that would get me into major trouble/prison time had I been caught. (Or had I done it after I was 18 and had my record expunged.)

yeah but you haven't been convicted of a Federal offense and perhaps duping folks into beleiving you are innocent

WildidbetheisasdirtyasheckAlaska TM
After looking at that I have a few comments.

1) Not all of them have the same address when you open them. So not all of them could be him.

2) None of them seem to be what I would call "criminal."

He is supposed to be a right to carry advocate who has helped others at times. Do you really think anyone can question authority these days without ending up in court? Only alternative would be for everyone to get in lock step and be good Nazis. Seems to me that is what wildalaska is suggesting.
Do you really think anyone can question authority these days without ending up in court?

I agree, the jails are just filled with political prisoners:cool:rolleyes:...the only solution is more tinfoil...

Only alternative would be for everyone to get in lock step and be good Nazis. Seems to me that is what wildalaska is suggesting.

No Wildalaska is suggesting that folks get a basic knowledge of the criminal justice system, it seems to be lacking or lost in a bunch of silly rhetoric and outlandish claims

WildwaitfortheappealAlaska TM
Maybe it is the criminal justice system, and those that work for it that must be questioned. With one in every one hundred Americans incarcerated, more than any other nation in the world, I'm of the opinion that it most likely is not the Citizens doing something wrong in many of the cases. We can't even keep all those convicted of murder and rape behind bars these days because of the antics of those who went after them. They have ignored exculpatory evidence like they did in Olofsons case, picked who they wanted to be guilty instead of following the evidence, and in some cases lied and fabricated evidence just to justify there work on the case. And while that means the innocent get locked up, it also means that the guilty go free. I find that unsatisfactory. While this dose not happen all the time it happens enough for me to think everything must be critically examined when you are dealing with an individuals liberty. If there is any questions or irregularities maybe it is time for another unconnected agency or organization to look at it. Like the title of one of the articles floating around out there on this, "Who will watch the watchers?"
Excuse me but hasn't olufson been arrested on numerous occasions? Hasn,t he been convicted of multiple offenses? He's not the saint they portrayed.
As I read it the worst anyone has accused him of is carrying a gun. I personally don't see that as a crime in America. After all we do have rights, not government granted privileges. And as he admits to being a right to carry activist I think arrests on that subject would be a forgone conclusion since authority hates any kind of challenge.

Maybe this country needs more like him. Then the rest of us wouldn’t be so fearful of runaway authorities.
More reason I propose their new name: the Bureau of Unmilitarized Longguns Lagers Spirits Handguns Incendiaries and Tobacco.
"Is anyone in the US today really squeaky clean? "

Yeah, one of my cousins. Her security clearances have clearances, if you catch my meaning. They might get her for speeding, but that's it.

When I'm in a joking mood I wonder out loud about the password she assigned to the President's computer this week. All I ever get back is a hard look. She's been honest since day one. She used to rat on her brother and me when we were kids if we took candy from the kitchen or drove over the limit. I'm surprised I still like her. ;)

No their not, regardless he's been in court more than most, much of it civil because of failure to honor his debts. As I also live in WI, I can attest to the fact that no private citizen is allowed to CCW at this time. Whether we agree or not, it's currently against the law and a crime. This puts the Gov position in somewhat of a different light, they had reasonable doubt's about the authenticity of his defense.;)
There are only 2 questions in this case. Is it a MG and did he know it was a MG. So far as I read he never said it was a MG. Nobody claims he said it was one. And the government claim that the weapon itself is a MG is dubious at best. I say that because their own people can't seem to make up their mind what it is to start with, then they have to tailor their testing to get what they want. Then they have to pay people to take the stand against him and keep all of his evidence out of court in order to get a jury to convict.

Yep he sounds guilty to me...:barf:

If the government’s reason for starting and continuing the investigation is as you claim then those agents are in the wrong line of work. Ones past can not be used as an excuse to push a new case. Although I can see where they may not like him, that is no excuse for trying to "make" one guilty of anything.
Only one that counts right now is the judge, and none of us know what he thinks yet, but we will sooner or later. It will be very interesting to see how he weighs in on everything that has happened in his court.
Actually, after the post conviction motions are made, it goes to a 3 Judge panel.

And I'll be the first one to yell "hosanna" if there has been prosectoral misconduct and it is tossed...know why?

Because that is the best way to get rid of bad agents and AUSAs...especially AUSAs...because it is their DUTY to be fair...

WilditistheirresponsibilityAlaska ™