The Olofson Case - Merged Threads

Link above doesn't work. Found the direct link
Search the page for "AR-15" and it will take you to the top of that segment.

/Going to read it now.
Just watched the Lou Dobbs piece from DVR. Segment really puts a human face on Olofson; he's the antithesis of a careless criminal, as some jokers are suggesting.

The segment finishes up with a tie-in to the Heller case, points out that court pleadings have put the Bush admin in conflict with itself.

Final quote from Lou Dobbs: "Could this administration get any more screwed up?"

I've got the second Lou Dobbs show loaded to record tonight.
Just watched the Lou Dobbs piece from DVR. Segment really puts a human face on Olofson; he's the antithesis of a careless criminal, as some jokers are suggesting.

This joker points out that Ted Bundy looked great on TV too

Wildanother"cause'Alaska TM
Wildalaska actually typed:
This joker points out that Ted Bundy looked great on TV too

Wildalaska earns extra points for consistency:

Comparing Mr. Olofson to serial murderer Ted Bundy, is like applauding this ATF prosecution as an example of justice.

(Consistently specious, however.) ;)
Just viewed/listened to what purports to be Part 1 of Lou Dobbs comments on the Olofson case.

Having done so, in addition to having thought about/listened to other comments and materials dealing with this case, the governments "case" appears to be, please pardon the following crudity, pure bull****.

Shame on "the government".
Got the transcript for part 2 Here.

I was going to write a letter to my congressman asking them to investigate these questionable actions and to support HR-1791. (Is HR-1791 dead as I see it was introduced almost a year ago and I have seen no other news about it.) Unfortunately, MS word decides that it wants to hate me tonight. So I better fix that first.
Just viewed/listened to part 2 of Lou Dobbs on Olofson.

One question asked was, why the full power of the federal government was brouight down on a single individual?

I suspect that the answer is simply as follows. That regarding firearms matters, BATFE must "make cases" or die. Can you imagine those management bureaucrats reduced to doing what might be described as "honest work", how would they possibly manage, their offices having one less trash basket? Oh horrors!!!

As to problems with their firearms evaluation and testing procedure, what procedure. This problem is NOTHING new, it's been around since the agency was given such duties, in short, they seem to "wing it" from case to case, and they have admitted o tampering with evidence in criminal prosecutions. So much for the BATFE.
Alan: You've posted the abbreviated link display, not the real links. We need links without a bunch of dots in the middle.
He SEEMS to be attempting to become the Rush Limbaugh for Independents. I haven't given him much time but he has been gaining market share. Probably a good idea to go Independent as an affiliation as the only people doing worse then our Republican President in public opinion is our Democrat led Congress.

Lou has found a niche'.
Not a fan of Lou Dobbs, but it is good he is brining this case to light. The case as presented makes no sense to me. The ATF went after a person because their AR-15 malfunctioned? In the first place how the hell did they find out?.People have malfunctions all the time with guns. Probably including ATF agents. I once had a C&R Browning 1903 pistol that once went auto because of slam fire. Would that make me a felon? That is ludicrous to consider a malfunction of a semi-auto gun makes it a illegal machine gun. The only thing I can think of that would make the ATF go after this guy if he altered the gun to make it shoot full auto. That is not mentioned in the brief but it would be the only thing holding together the ATF's case. If he did not alter it then the definitions of a machine gun are way to broad.
Lou Dobbs started out as a financial/wall street reporter and has expanded into a political pundit.

These two stories profile, in a positive light, the plight of David Olofson, who's AR-15 malf'd after his friend fired 800 rounds semi-auto. The malfunction caused the gun to "double"... a fairly common problem if the gun has worn parts.

Here's the full link...
Freedom under fire - Lou Dobbs - about 4:30

The Right to Bear Arms - 4:24
These two stories profile, in a positive light, the plight of David Olofson, who's AR-15 malf'd after his friend fired 800 rounds semi-auto. The malfunction caused the gun to "double"... a fairly common problem if the gun has worn parts.

You mean the guy that was convicted, after a jury trial?

Shouldnt we be waiting for an appeal? Then after, if unsucessful, you can try it again in the press...

Like these fine gun owners and victims of the fascist jackbooted thugs of governmt: Russell Means, Mumia......

WildloudobbshuhahacnnAlaska TM