The Olofson Case - Merged Threads

Sounds like Mr Savage was getting squirmed a bit there LOL

Wonder what the jury thought of his prevarication

WildhaveyouhuggedyourMP40todayAlaska TM
If you follow through the whole thing the prosecutor looked like a pompous A$$ as he fired questions at Mr. Savage so fast he could not answer them. It got bad enough the judge had to repeatedly tell the AUSA to slow down and allow the witness to answer the questions fully.
If you follow through the whole thing the prosecutor looked like a pompous A$$ as he fired questions at Mr. Savage so fast he could not answer them. It got bad enough the judge had to repeatedly tell the AUSA to slow down and allow the witness to answer the questions fully.

You got the wholetranscript that shows that? You got the legal experience to conclude the AUSA was a pompous ass?

Let me know when you have facts, until then, you are spouting nonsense ever tried a criminal case? I have and have been threated with contempt for my antics. Thats the way the game is played, on both sides.

WilddealwithitAlaska TM
To answer your questions:

“You got the wholetranscript that shows that? “

Yes I do.

“You got the legal experience to conclude the AUSA was a pompous ass? “

Although I believe it is merely a subjective conclusion of my opinion, yes, I have plenty of legal experience to base that opinion on.

“Let me know when you have facts, until then, you are spouting nonsense”

K. I’m letting you know, I have the facts, and I do intermingle them in this forum with my opinions like everyone else.

“ ever tried a criminal case? I have and have been threated with contempt for my antics. Thats the way the game is played, on both sides.”

Been there, done that.
I gave my word not to post the entire transcript since I was not the one who paid for it. But I could do excerpts. Is there any part of the "alleged" testimony by Mr. Savage you are interested in? I will post any pertinent parts for you. Otherwise I have to wait for my paid transcript to arrive. Until then I have 38 pages to work with.
Wild Alaska:

In your # 74, you take exception to cases I referenced, at your request. If you wish to do that, it's up to you. As to how many bad cases you might be willing to accept from the ATF, that is perhaps another question. In my view, a single such case is one to many. As to Corcoran being an old case, Miller is even older.

The foregouing aside, I think it's reasonable to observe that we have agreed to disagree. Be well.
cloverleaf762 writes:

He may well come over to us from the dark side yet Alen. It may just take some additional time and reading.


I don't think so, but then who knows.
cloverleaf762 wrote;

Looks like we have a few more articals out there.


Read material at the first link. Re this, the BATFE is an out of control agency, at least re firearms enforcement activity. The Congress could exercise the necessary control, beinging what is a run away mob to heel, however they appear unwilling or unable to so act, I suspect it's unwillingness that is the problem. I wonder what would hapen if it turned out that one of their "wrong house raids" or similar feats of enforcement activity just hapened to involve one of our elected things. I suspect the results seen would be markedly differwent, however so long as the victims are Joe and Jane Sixpack, nobody situated in the halls of power seems much interested, or apears to much care.

As to the second link, anyone can make dumb mistakes and or become distractred or careless. Seems however that more people who are LE types seem so afflicted than is the case with licensed "civilians" who carry concealed arms. Re this, I wonder as to how long the carry license or permit of a CIVILIAN would last, were they found to have been afflicted as above noted.

As to the following, what you describe as your "bad habit of having blind faith in people", one hopes you never suffer as a result thereof.
I read the transcript I was provided.

In my opinion, Mr. Savage was the WORST expert witness I have ever seen. He is unqualified, plus his testimony was evasive, non credible and non objective.

Nothing in his testimony would convince a reasonable person that the defendants allegations were true.

WildneedmorethatthatAlaska ™

PS pass that transcript to some of the trial laywers on this Board and see what they say. Bet they agree with me

The guy has no formal firearms design training, no gunmsimith certifications, no armorer training etc. He puffed on his resume. He was meretricious about other cases he was involved in. He is heavily involved in the anti ATF movement. His conclusions were faulty.

The guy was a mess. Read the transcript and read it objectively

Listen: Just cuz the Feds bust some goood old boy for messing around with stuff he shouldnt mess around with doesnt mean they are going to herd us all into camps. Lets get some perspective here. All gun owners arent good, all ATF agents arent bad.

WildivegottheflusobadicantevetypeAlaska ™
The guy has no formal firearms design training, no gunmsimith certifications, no armorer training etc. He puffed on his resume. He was meretricious about other cases he was involved in. He is heavily involved in the anti ATF movement. His conclusions were faulty.

Which begs the question of how he qualified as an expert in the first place. Me thinks the prosecution zipped his lip, let it slide, only to beat him over the head with it.

Listen: Just cuz the Feds bust some goood old boy for messing around with stuff he shouldnt mess around with doesnt mean they are going to herd us all into camps. Lets get some perspective here. All gun owners arent good, all ATF agents arent bad.

Wild Alaska:

If you aren't happy with Mr. Savage's testimony or qualifications, so be it.

As to his competence and his ability to "tell a convincing story", seems that they and he convinced the trial judge in the Glover case.

I haven't seen a trial transcript in Olafson either, though I do believe that reading through one might prove interesting to say the very least. In any case, it appears that the issue(s) at hand are rather far from settled, what with appeals and such.