The Olofson Case - Merged Threads

In ARFCOM government responses are posted. So far I don't believe the government has responded to the charges of the cover up.

You almost sound like you changing your tune now wildalaska...what gives?
I'm critical of the screeching. The guy is guilty (have you forgot that?)...any purported evidentiary flaws will be dealt with by the Court

Reading the quite nice paperwork by the Defense, and being generally familiar with the facts they are alleging, and being further generally familiar with the way the Courts work I predict that the motionfor Judgement of Aquittal will fail...however, the SGW letter issue is an excellent appealable issue which os probably why it was brought up in the first place. It's effect on the trier of fact could very well be de minimis

By the way, is there any allegation that accuses the Gov't of WRONGFULLY withholding evidence?

Read that one carefully...wrongfully.

The only criticism I would have at Olafson attorneys is their inability to keep him quiet and their lack of effort in dissasociating themselves with the screechers. Nothing is worse for your cause in most cases than to try your allegations in the "press", especially when you may attract the loonies as your allies.

WildfreemumiaAlaska TM
Olafsen is under a gag order on certain aspects of his case. He has promised to reveal even more damning information about the ATF misconduct when it's lifted.

I can't fault a man for vocally defending himself in the face of prosecutorial shennanigans.

If the Duke Lacrosse players hadn't done that they would be serving time in prison for rape right now.

How do you suggest that one brings a coverup to light other than bringing it to the attention of the media?

It hurts to realize that the system one supports and believes in is flawed, and that the worst examples of abuse self propogate because there is no check or balance to the abuser's power other than the media and if a cause is unpopular with them then you don't have an advocate or recourse unless you are independently wealthy.

Wild Alaska could you imagine a set of circumstances where your shop recieved a weapon in trade, and it test fired OK with one type of ammo so you sold it and it malafunctioned with the purchaser's ammo, firing 3 times before jamming?

The following is the closing from post # 285, which given some of your comments re Olafson, sort of caught my eye. I don't know if you have seen it, so I'm passing it on for your thoughtful attention.

Wild Alaska could you imagine a set of circumstances where your shop recieved a weapon in trade, and it test fired OK with one type of ammo so you sold it and it malafunctioned with the purchaser's ammo, firing 3 times before jamming?
If the Duke Lacrosse players hadn't done that they would be serving time in prison for rape right now.

Thats so wrong its not even worth a comment.

Wild Alaska could you imagine a set of circumstances where your shop recieved a weapon in trade, and it test fired OK with one type of ammo so you sold it and it malafunctioned with the purchaser's ammo, firing 3 times before jamming?

Every AR we take in trade is gone through carefully to make sure there hasn't been any messing around with parts...if there is, the call is made....

I can tell you honestly that the BATF guys up here (and the DEA, DHS and FBI) are far too busy to mess around with BS cases and they sure as hell can't be bothered manufacturing them.. Up here, if someone is gonna get prosecuted for a gun violation, it's going to be an egregious one. I personally have observed the BATF guys go out of their way to HELP otherwise law abiding folks resolve inadvertent paperwork violations in Class 3 matters...all of the gun shop folks that I know (ie the non ninjas) like and respect the entire BATF staff in Anchorage, who go out of their way to make sure that law abiding folks aren't tarred with the scumbag brush and they are willing to work with us to ensure that the laws are fairly enforced and folks rights aren't infringed.

WildspeechfinishedAlaska TM