The NRA just filed for bankruptcy!!!

How about we focus on the Good That the NRA is doing.

Focusing upon "the good" to the exclusion of acknowledging wayne's corruption is not even logical. Much less, practical.

It's a problem that won't get fixed by burying your head in the sand. And it's a problem that desperately needs to be fixed.

The travesty that is WLP takes center stage for the NRA. The New York authorities are making sure of it.

TFL members aren't at fault. WLP is at fault. All we're doing is acknowledging the abuse.
I didn’t start this post to turn it into a pi$$ing contest between bagging on WLP or defending the NRA.
Obviously the NRA has serious problems or they would not be in bankruptcy court. WLP may bear responsibility for some of those problems, or he may not. All we have right now are allegations backed by anecdotal evidence.

But I’d be interested to figure out what this means for the NRA and the gun community at large.

How does this affect the NRA show in Atlanta?
What happens to Camp Perry?
What about all the NRA sanctioned matches?
What about American Rifleman, Shooting Illustrated, and the other publications?

I agree with the comment above that dissolving the NRA is NOT a method of relief allowed by the statute in NY. If the allegations are true and the officers and board have mismanaged funds, then the solution should be their termination and the giving of the NRA to a receivership until new officers and board members can be elected by the members. I don’t see how filing for bankruptcy does any good for NRA members other than complicate the litigation. It seems to me that filing for bankruptcy is an admission that the officers and board are in real and serious trouble.

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The NRA donor who filed a class action suit against the NRA is planning to ask the Texas bankruptcy court to appoint a trustee to oversee the NRA operations and possibly remove NRA leadership. David Dell'Aquila has been named to the unsecured creditors' committee by the bankruptcy court, so he may have a chance to succeed. More info here.

This could be good news for the future of the NRA.
Has the Texas court even agreed to accept the bankruptcy petition? The last I knew there were some serious questions as to whether or not the NRA even had standing to be in a court in Texas, and I haven't heard or seen anything (oter than this article, which doesn't address that issue) to tell us whether or not it has been resolved.
I am an NRA member or was. I keep getting mail for money and renewal of my membership. But they went bankrupt. So why would I send money to a bankrupt organization? It is like throwing money away. Why wouldn't I wait until they reorganize in Texas and rejoin then?
I am an NRA member or was. I keep getting mail for money and renewal of my membership. But they went bankrupt. So why would I send money to a bankrupt organization? It is like throwing money away. Why wouldn't I wait until they reorganize in Texas and rejoin then?
I have a 3-year subscription to the NRA (only because it is required in for membership in my gun club) and yet, the NRA constantly sends me mail begging me to join the NRA or asking for more money and contributions.
Well, a federal judge just dismissed the NRAs bankruptcy petition. Meaning they don’t qualify for bankruptcy and will have to face the NY allegations of mismanagement head on. Frankly it’s a good thing. Maybe all the board members and officers will get booted and we’ll finally get our NRA back.

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Well, a federal judge just dismissed the NRAs bankruptcy petition. Meaning they don’t qualify for bankruptcy and will have to face the NY allegations of mismanagement head on. Frankly it’s a good thing. Maybe all the board members and officers will get booted and we’ll finally get our NRA back.

But not before it really does get bankrupted defending itself and its officers.
The trial brought out very disappointing if not fraudulent and criminal activity. Is there any reason to think the NRA can continue as an effective organization with the current leadership?
A Fed Judge seems to have thrown out the Texas option.

The Judge does not seem favorably impressed by WLP

This will get you the article

Carl the Floorwalker.: I do appreciate your loyalty to the NRA .Its interesting you brought up Boy Scouts.
Early 1960's my Father became absent. I was about 6th grade. Oldest brother entered the service.
Heading into 12 yrs old is tough with that hole in your life. Our society still has that problem real hard. And our young folks have a need for the doorway into the tradition of responsible RTKBA.
I joined Boy Scouts. And the local YMCA had a DCM supported JNRA program. Indoor range,DCM rifles and ammo. Great "Old Guy".

I gained some very important food for my soul from those organizations,and the excellent volunteers. I understand your loyalty and support.....For what was...back then.

Unfortunately, the "adults" that were trusted with the BSA and the NRA betrayed the Youth with their own adult scandals and litigation.

The Youth is still there,but they have been left hungry. Both the NRA and BSA are stigmatized. Parents feel less trust for both organizations.

In my neck of the woods, 4-H is the more active path in youth development,including shooting .

Its sad. The needs of the Youth have not gone away.

Carl, I don't think sweeping the dirt under the rug will fix anything.

When I get done wrong, I can forgive and heal up. But the first step is a conversation . If the person who did me wrong can't own it,can't at least say "I'm sorry"
Well,experience has taught me I'm just going to get more of the same. At some point,I'm choosing to accept being treated like a doormat.

So long as WLP and Co are in place, the NRA is dying of a fatal cancer.

Thats always very sad. Its not going to heal itself. Maybe it can be cut out.

But WLP seems pretty malignant.
A Fed Judge seems to have thrown out the Texas option.

The Judge does not seem favorably impressed by WLP

This will get you the article

Carl the Floorwalker.: I do appreciate your loyalty to the NRA .Its interesting you brought up Boy Scouts.
Early 1960's my Father became absent. I was about 6th grade. Oldest brother entered the service.
Heading into 12 yrs old is tough with that hole in your life. Our society still has that problem real hard. And our young folks have a need for the doorway into the tradition of responsible RTKBA.
I joined Boy Scouts. And the local YMCA had a DCM supported JNRA program. Indoor range,DCM rifles and ammo. Great "Old Guy".

I gained some very important food for my soul from those organizations,and the excellent volunteers. I understand your loyalty and support.....For what was...back then.

Unfortunately, the "adults" that were trusted with the BSA and the NRA betrayed the Youth with their own adult scandals and litigation.

The Youth is still there,but they have been left hungry. Both the NRA and BSA are stigmatized. Parents feel less trust for both organizations.

In my neck of the woods, 4-H is the more active path in youth development,including shooting .

Its sad. The needs of the Youth have not gone away.

Carl, I don't think sweeping the dirt under the rug will fix anything.

When I get done wrong, I can forgive and heal up. But the first step is a conversation . If the person who did me wrong can't own it,can't at least say "I'm sorry"
Well,experience has taught me I'm just going to get more of the same. At some point,I'm choosing to accept being treated like a doormat.

So long as WLP and Co are in place, the NRA is dying of a fatal cancer.

Thats always very sad. Its not going to heal itself. Maybe it can be cut out.

But WLP seems pretty malignant.

Great analogy and I totally agree

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MisterCrabby said:
The trial brought out very disappointing if not fraudulent and criminal activity. Is there any reason to think the NRA can continue as an effective organization with the current leadership?

No, none whatsoever.
I have been watching this closely and it worries me. I can think of several very important things about the NRA which needs to change to be more in tune with current events, leadership being the top challenge. However, for all of it's faults, the fact is the NRA is still the only pro-2nd Ad organization out there with the biggest political clout when compared to other pro-gun groups which appear fractured and not unified.

The bankruptcy dismissal is interesting given that the judge basically said it was filed in "bad faith"...but when the NY Ag's past anti-NRA comments are brought to light, it is very possible that the suit could be equally dismissed as being in "bad faith" as well.

Still, I'm of the opinion that 2nd AD rights are under siege given the current political and demographic climate, and pro-gun politicians have not always done very well at articulating them.
the fact is the NRA is still the only pro-2nd Ad organization out there with the biggest political clout when compared to other pro-gun groups

I have the same concerns. Obviously the NY Ag has no concern whatsoever that the NRA may not be representing members properly. The point of this entire thing is to destroy the NRA and bring them one step closer to abolishing our Constitutional Freedoms. I wonder if we need to all hold our noses and support the NRA through these attacks. I wish the NRA Board would give us some sort of sign that they intend to address these issues internally and get refocused. The recent election has emboldened the enemy and I can assure you they are focused.
BarryLee said:
I have the same concerns. Obviously the NY Ag has no concern whatsoever that the NRA may not be representing members properly. The point of this entire thing is to destroy the NRA and bring them one step closer to abolishing our Constitutional Freedoms. I wonder if we need to all hold our noses and support the NRA through these attacks.
No, we don't. We need to support to dissidents who have become involved in the process. The current NRA board of directors -- at least the ones with any clout - are still circling the wagons around LaPierre. According to information in the lawsuit, the president, Carolyn Meadows, formed a three-person "Special Litigation Committee" supposedly for the purpose of handling the litigation without involving LaPierre, since he is a named defendant in the NY State lawsuit and therefore he has a real (as well as perceived) conflict of interest. That means LaPierre was supposed to keep HANDS OFF the litigation. Instead, LaPierre himself hatched the idea of this bankruptcy filing in Texas and who did he discuss it with? Not the board of directors, but only with the three people on the committee that was created to keep him away from the litigation. Neither LaPierre or the three member of this special committee consulted or informed the chief financial officer, the chief (in house) counsel, or the board of directors.

That should make it clear that the board of directors (again -- those with the clout) are not interested in cleaning house, they are only interested in keeping LaPierre in his job so they can continue to ride the gravy train for as long as possible. When it's all over, they'll throw us members under the bus and cheerfully go on with their lives.

I wish the NRA Board would give us some sort of sign that they intend to address these issues internally and get refocused. The recent election has emboldened the enemy and I can assure you they are focused.
Don't hold your bteath.
The bankruptcy dismissal is interesting given that the judge basically said it was filed in "bad faith"...but when the NY Ag's past anti-NRA comments are brought to light, it is very possible that the suit could be equally dismissed as being in "bad faith" as well.

I'd be hard pressed to imagine a way that the NRA leadership could have made the NY AG's job easier. And this is all taking place while gun sales continue to soar. The NRA has wasted a tremendous opportunity for growth, all because of greed.
Link to the judge's ruling:

Read bottom half of page22 and all of page 23.

Wow. Well at least WLP told the truth for once. It’s damning truth, but truth.
WLP is apparently an idiot since he appears to think that you can qualify for bankruptcy even if you’re not insolvent. That testimony makes him look like an amoral ignoramus who has no regard for the purpose behind why a law exists. He’s a cancer that I hope the NRA can excise from itself without also dying. But WLP may very well kill the NRA with all he has done.

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It's sickening. So if true, it would appear that one man and his 2-3 minions have not only become the greatest allies of the anti-2nd AD movement.... but also could potentially be responsible for single-handedly destroying the longest surviving organization which ensured that a founding principal of the American Bill of Rights be protected and preserved. Maybe in WLP's case, the NRA should stand for Not Really Astute and the rest of us suckers for putting him there?