The NRA just filed for bankruptcy!!!

My post, #30 in this thread, was edited, to remove that part that might have made sense very early this morning before I had my coffee, but makes no sense at 1:00 PM!

My opinion remains WLP has to go as a first step to save the group.
hub1home said:
Way to go NRA! I for one am glad you finally did something. This is a tremendous change on your part!
You do realize, I hope, that the NRA hasn't done anything yet. All they have done is to apply to a court -- that may not even have jurisdiction -- for permission to do something that might or might not make a difference in New York anyway.

I view this as a Hail Mary attempt. I think it's more than a little premature to celebrate this as a "tremendous change."
I don't see any "Tremendous change" from the NRA. It's as if they have been caught with their pants down... and are now struggling to quickly pull them back up. :rolleyes:
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For those that hate the NRA, I think that you have no worries. They will be taken down and so will the 2A rights. Especially in the coming years. I am sure many will dance a jig when the NRA is gone. Seems to be the consensus on this forum.
When the NRA is gone it will be interesting to see how the chain of results that follow. All the NRA sponsored training, matches, certifications, grants (52,000) and on and on and on, that they do will also be gone.
Maybe not all of us will be so happy.
But hey, the last time I looked, not many of us have actually been "shooting" anyway.

Maybe something true in the statement "Be careful of what you wish for".
Aquila Blanca said:
And let's not forget, they are currently registered in the state of New York. I am still trying to figure out how they think a federal judge in Texas even has jurisdiction over their bankruptcy. They aren't a Texas entity. They are a New York entity, with a primary place of business in Virginia. LaPierre is pitching this as if it's a done deal and it's going to erase all the problems, but I expect the court of Texas to decline to accept the case.

Even if the case is accepted in Texas, we can rest assured that NY will oppose it. If the case even gets heard (in Texas), I don't think we can assume that the NRA will prevail.

I think you may have identified the flaw in my logic.
I view this as a Hail Mary attempt.

I agree. But I think from Wayne's perspective it's the end of the second quarter and not the fourth.

Plenty of revenue potential begins next week. Just keep in mind that Wayne brought the NRA to this right as a Biden Administration is starting.
For those that hate the NRA, I think that you have no worries. They will be taken down and so will the 2A rights. Especially in the coming years. I am sure many will dance a jig when the NRA is gone. Seems to be the consensus on this forum.
When the NRA is gone it will be interesting to see how the chain of results that follow. All the NRA sponsored training, matches, certifications, grants (52,000) and on and on and on, that they do will also be gone.
Maybe not all of us will be so happy.
But hey, the last time I looked, not many of us have actually been "shooting" anyway.

Maybe something true in the statement "Be careful of what you wish for".

Your admonishment is mis-directed.

The people that have brought the NRA down are those running it. The NRA is a great institution and has done many good things in the past. It is being hollowed out by its leaders.

They need to go, for the good of the 2nd amendment and the country. It's not too late yet. Unfortunately they do not care about us or the constitution. Only their own power and greed.
Mis-directed? No, regardless of who was at the top, the programs, grants etc still flourished and so did the many Lawyers that fought court cases all across this country that were funded by the NRA.
People so zealous in their hate for Wayne cannot IMO see the whole picture. The loss of the NRA will be staggering. But again regardless of Wayne, the NRA is now doomed like all of the 2A organizations. Censorship and banning now is just the beginning. Come a year form now, you will not even remember the NRA. You will have a whole lot more on your plate to worry about. (Lol,actually a whole lot less).

Example, to get a NRA Instructor's certification now is a waste of time and money. If you want to place the blame on Wayne of the NRA that is fine. Blame who you want. The bottom line is there will be no NRA and there will be no 2A.

"It does not matter who killed you when you are dead"
"If you want to blame on Wayne of the NRA is fine."(Carl the Floor Walker).

Carl, Wayne truly needs a "Night in the box". :D

Love Cool Hand Luke!!!!
"If you want to blame on Wayne of the NRA is fine."(Carl the Floor Walker).

Carl, Wayne truly needs a "Night in the box". :D

Love Cool Hand Luke!!!!
"What we have hear is a failure to communicate." (Captain)

Ironically Just watched Cool Hand Luke the other night for about the 100th time. Ps, not to get off the subject, but watch "Sometimes a great Notion"Paul Newman, Henry Fonda

Because nothing can be done about the rain except blaming. And if nothing can be done about it, why get yourself in a sweat about it?”
― Ken Kesey, Sometimes a Great Notion
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People so zealous in their hate for Wayne cannot IMO see the whole picture. The loss of the NRA will be staggering. But again regardless of Wayne, the NRA is now doomed like all of the 2A organizations. Censorship and banning now is just the beginning. Come a year form now, you will not even remember the NRA. You will have a whole lot more on your plate to worry about. (Lol,actually a whole lot less).

Example, to get a NRA Instructor's certification now is a waste of time and money. If you want to place the blame on Wayne of the NRA that is fine. Blame who you want. The bottom line is there will be no NRA and there will be no 2A.

You are right, but Wayne and the board of directors are the only ones who can stop it. They could save the NRA. They could restore the trust. They are stubbornly and selfishly refusing to do this.

Whether you are a fan or not, it's clear that many, if not most gun owners have no faith in the current NRA leadership. They are destroying the institution by not taking action to change this.

I definitely do not want to see the NRA go. It saddens me, and it frightens me. But it is being destroyed from within.
WLP will go down with the ship, even if the ship could right itself if he'd just leave.

When the president of an organization (Oliver North, who I don't like, btw) calls for a financial audit and the executive vice president somehow deposes him for it, that's a real good sign that the VP is a thief. And the board members are complicit. F! all of them. I think a lot of the board members are in for a rude awakening that they are criminally liable for their nonfeasance. The attempt to move to Texas is an act of desperation.

They couldn't have picked a worse time to aim the torpedoes at themselves.
Being a member of the NRA, I just received an email that I believe more than MSM or any politician's "yellow journalism." Sad... In a nutshell, the NRA is indeed moving to Texas to get away from NY idiots. They are not insolvent. The toxic and commie environment of some northern states, including NY, seems too much for them.
Should we give him a fair trial and hang him or just hang him now? A lot of folks here seem to know more about his crimes than both sides of the Court system. Maybe we should just let CNN try him and then hang him. They seem to be doing this across the board anyway.
Yea, it is a powerful Organization and like all of them, they have to watch their back as I am sure there are plenty in his circle that would gladly put a knife in his back for that power. Millions of enemies on the Left, enemies on the right and some sitting right next to him.
They say it is lonely at the top. Man, I sure would not want his job. I would not touch it for all he Whiskey in Ireland.
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Carl the Floor Walker said:
For those that hate the NRA, I think that you have no worries. They will be taken down and so will the 2A rights. Especially in the coming years. I am sure many will dance a jig when the NRA is gone. Seems to be the consensus on this forum.
I don't know where you are seeing that consensus. My perception is that the consensus on this site (and many other sites) is that the NRA is (was) a worthwhile organization that should be saved, but that Wayne LaPierre and his cronies on the board are the cancer that is endangering the organization and should be excised. I don't think many members here will be dancing any jigs if the NRA is dissolved, but I do think many of us will be celebrating if Wayne LaPierre is removed from the NRA and the organization is given back to its membership.
thallub said:
La Pierre caught on tape at BOD meeting in January, 2020 :
From the article:

Subsequently, the New York and D.C. attorneys general launched investigations into the NRA's finances. Eight board members have resigned over the last year. And the NRA has been locked into protracted and costly legal battles with its longtime public relations firm.
Most of the board members who resigned were big names in the firearms industry, such as Pete Brownell. None of them, to my recollection, ever attributed their resignations to LaPierre's shenanigans, but my supposition was that they felt they had to resign to protect themselves from potential liability.

I can't speak for all states, I only know this to be true for my state. (But I expect that many states have similar provisions.) In my home state, when an organization does something illegal, members of the governing board who didn't vote against the illegal action or activity are liable for it. When I chaired my home town's Planning and Zoning Commission, some of the members had a long-standing habit of abstaining on issues they thought were dodgy but which they didn't want to go on record as opposing (for political reasons). There was considerable shock among them when I came in one evening and circulated a copy of the state law that explicitly said abstentions don't count as opposition.

In the absence of anything to suggest otherwise, I continue to believe that Pete Brownell and the other board members resigned because they felt they couldn't afford the potential liability of being directors in the face of LaPierre's self-serving, self-dealing activities and proclivities.
The New York and District of Columbia attorney generals turned over information gleaned from their investigations to the IRS.
I don't know where you are seeing that consensus. My perception is that the consensus on this site (and many other sites) is that the NRA is (was) a worthwhile organization that should be saved, but that Wayne LaPierre and his cronies on the board are the cancer that is endangering the organization and should be excised. I don't think many members here will be dancing any jigs if the NRA is dissolved, but I do think many of us will be celebrating if Wayne LaPierre is removed from the NRA and the organization is given back to its membership.
Thank you Aguila Blanca. Well said.

I'm sick over the whole state of affairs. We need the NRA more than ever now.