The NRA just filed for bankruptcy!!!

I am pro NRA, but I am not pro wlp, and he has made himself bigger than the NRA with his suspect actions; which brought all this down on the NRA.
If you are Pro NRA then perhaps you can speak of the good things they do instead of the negativity. I do not see how comments like yours helps the cause at all. But It most definitely supports the NY State Attorney and all those looking to bar or ban it or destroy it. They get the NRA they will come after all 2A gun rights groups. And they know this.
But you have fee speech and opinion that is fine.
Yes, this is a concern with the leadership of NRA in chaos when we need them the most. Hopefully there is enough grass roots support for the 2A that even the democrat members of congress who will soon be pressured to infringe on our 2A freedom by other democrats will get an earful from their constituents that voted for them and find themselves with buyers remorse. I think a lot of people where in la la land with all the political spin, outright lies and misleading information that is normalized in politics.. I don't even know what normal is anymore.
This is quoted from Microsoft News...

So what, everything from msn is not "fake news". Surely you know to read an article byline. The article is from Reuters.

Anyone else surprised the NRA is a charity???

There is the NRA proper and the NRA Foundation. The NRA Foundation is a tax exempt non-profit charity chartered in DC. The NRA Foundation is the organization that does the good stuff like train range safety officers and provide funds for range upgrade, etc. Wayne La Pierre and his lackeys have long plundered the NRA Foundation.

They have been sued by the DC attorney general.
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WLP is not my friend. I am not an apologist for WLP. In fact,I'm inclined to believe the accusations against him.

However!! I am adamantly opposed to lynching someone behind the anonymity of the internet.

WLP is innocent till proven guilty. Stop this cowardly sniping.

If there is a strong case against him,arrest and charge him. IF he has stolen from the NRA,remove him. Prosecute him!! He MIGHT have it coming.

But until a jury finds him guilty,until its all audited and investigated,speaking for myself I don't really know jack diddly .

So,I'd agree,lets quit shooting at the NRA. Its best the NRA heals and lives to serve the 2A and the Citizens.

I would guess a bankruptcy case involves audits of every financial detail.

Lets see what time reveals.

I do have a beef with the NRA. They screwed me out of 5 years membership.

But the NRA,like every organization,is made of impefect human beings.

Some more imperfect than others. Bring the hammer down on any crooks!!
Clean up and revive the NRA.
Re-examine its roots,purpose,and mission.

Certainly politics are important . But the NRA/ ILA line exists. The future of the 2A is about SHOOTERS. From 4-H to 50 ft smallbore JNRA to new gun owner training ,SD,concealed carry training...Matches,1000 yd ranges,etc.

The core of citizens who embrace the shooting sports is where the votes and $ come from.

I do not have high enough regard for any political party for the NRA to be a party cash cow.

NY is a hostile environment controlled by those bent on looting and destroying the NRA.
Texas is a great idea. NY and Cali will see a lot of backs walking away.
I haven’t seen the NRA take point in the public on any 2A issues since the Parkland FL shooting. They send tons of mailers and emails about “our political enemies” and “ours rights are going away,” but where were they when VA citizens nearly had an AWB enacted? Oh yeah, that was the Virginia Citizens Defense League.

The point? We keep crying about how we need them (I was the same way), but the NRA has largely been hiding in a bunker begging for money for the past 3 years. At this point I sincerely feel that they’re hamstrung, and couldn’t make any significant impact against a major gun control push if they wanted to.

The CATO institute has done more for my gun rights, in my lifetime, than the NRA has ;)

*still not a libertarian party libertarian though
Certainly politics are important . But the NRA/ ILA line exists. The future of the 2A is about SHOOTERS. From 4-H to 50 ft smallbore JNRA to new gun owner training ,SD,concealed carry training...Matches,1000 yd ranges,etc.

The core of citizens who embrace the shooting sports is where the votes and $ come from.

I agree with this 100%. However I don’t know the last time I’ve seen the NRA sponsoring a 4H match. Seems like today they’re in place to sell instructor courses and send out flyers claiming that our gun rights are under assault, send money!!

Bring it back to the roots of what they are, and I may get on board again. When La’P leaves.
As long as Wayne LaPierre is involved with the NRA in any manner I will not be a supporter or member of the NRA.

With the allegations that have arisen in the last year i am not in the least surprised at any financial trouble the NRA may be experiencing.
I've merged two duplicate threads on this subject. Note that this is in General Discussion, and political posts are off topic.
Wayne La Pierre and his lackeys have long plundered the NRA Foundation

Yep. That's exactly what happened. They're broke because thieves got the key to the vault.

I may get on board again. When La’P leaves.

There is no scenario where this will happen. La'P has surreptitiously restructured his, and his sycophant's, standing within the corporation so that they are completely autonomous.

And moving to Texas in no way changes the NRA's standing relative to the laws of New York.
Edited to remove part of post written before my coffee and made no sense to me at the present time!

The NRA filing and move, is a last gasp move, to attempt to retain a dwindling base, to maintain as much in dues & donations as possible through the deceit of their true position to new and uninformed members.

Life members need to organize to claw back dues. Other members should join in to claw back pre-paid dues. Stick a fork in that turkey, it is done.
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Me thinks the NRA blurb about “best financial shape in years”, was the NRA’s hubris at its worst. Do they think their assets are, for example, a pile of cash, gold, jewelry (a pirate’s trove, so to speak) in a big chest, that was snuck out of NY, and hidden away in Texas?

Talk of filing was spoken of, for months, if not years. Does any reasonable thinking person, believe for one moment, if the NY AG’s was so strong, that the AG has not already made moves to identify assets?

The NRA filing and move, is a last gasp move, to attempt to retain a dwindling base, to maintain as much in dues & donations as possible through the deceit of their true position to new and uninformed members.

Life members need to organize to claw back dues. Other members should join in to claw back pre-paid dues. Stick a fork in that turkey, it is done.
"a big chest, that was snuck out of NY, and hidden away in Texas?"

All of my liberal friends agree with you. Seems to be their main line. Sorry, but I just chuckle with they make these kinds of comments.

The AG is not out to get their pot of hidden gold. Makes for a Great conspiracy theory. The AG just out to dissolve the NRA like all the Liberals want her to do. I am sure that if you were to log onto one of their Blogs you would find the same kind of comments. I have heard it so many times by them. And they totally love and support the NY AG. Even see this down here in Virginia with Gov. Northam supporters. (and He is BIG with the Anti Gun crowd.
It really is not about the NRA, or Wayne, that is just Liberal nonsense. The real issue is "Power".

Kind of like the story of the man who had a pen of fine hunting hounds. Some neighbor that hates hounds, tell's the man that his top dog has fleas and advises him to shoot them all. Besides say's the neighbor, the days of hunting are over.
The man then shoots the dog with the "Alleged" Fleas and the rest of them as well.
Then come's the opening of hunting day and the man realizes all his dogs are dead. And he looks down and remembers that the day he shot them, he also shot himself in the foot. Bad day for the Hunter, bad day for all supporters of the 2A supporters.

The Liberals constantly tell me to stop paying NRA dues and stop supporting them. They tell me the NRA is done. Sorry, after reading this, I will stand Tall for the NRA and for 2A rights.
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Carl the Floor Walker said:
The AG is not out to get their pot of hidden gold. Makes for a Great conspiracy theory. The AG just out to dissolve the NRA like all the Liberals want her to do. I am sure that if you were to log onto one of their Blogs you would find the same kind of comments. I have heard it so many times by them. And they totally love and support the NY AG. Even see this down here in Virginia with Gov. Northam supporters. (and He is BIG with the Anti Gun crowd.
It really is not about the NRA, or Wayne, that is just Liberal nonsense. The real issue is "Power".
While I agree completely that the NY AG is out to dissolve the NRA, I don't agree that it's not about Wayne. Regrettably, Wayne LaPierre and his grandiose, self-dealing lifestyle is what has provided the NY AG with the ammunition to go after the NRA. If LaPierre and his cronies on the board of directors had run a squeaky clean operation, AG James would have nothing to complain about.

That said, I still hold slight hope that a judge in NY will do the right thing -- which, IMHO, would be to get rid of LaPierre and the current board of directors, and give the NRA back to the membership rather than to dissolve it. I'm fairly certain that the law Ms. James is using as the basis for requesting dissolution of the NRA is a law that was (and is) intended to protect rank and file members of not-for-profit organizations from the depredations of unscrupulous [so called] leaders. Dissolution of the organization doesn't do anything to protect us, the members, from LaPierre. To the contrary, it punishes the victims for the acts of the perpetrators. What we should hope for is that the NY court will clean the house and give it back to the members who "own" it.
To believe James actually gives a hoot about Justice of Wayne P is what she gives a hoot about, is not seeing the full picture.
Look at her record and circle of Anti-gun leaders. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, anti-gun billionaire former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Bloomberg-backed Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun prohibition lobbying group and on and on and on.

Wayne is nothing but a Wedge issue for her. These People hide under the cover of being out to get the bad guy, but are nothing but wolf's in Sheep's clothing. They could put Wayne and all the board of directors of the NRA down in a dungeon for life, and would still go after the NRA and every single gun rights organization in the US.
James is akin to ST. LOUIS — Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardner. All part of a movement to dispose of the 2nd rights. Again, just a Power Play for their movement which we are seeing all across this Great Country in so many obvious ways. The Law just gets in the way. Regardless of what people thing of Wayne and board. The NRA is in many constant court battles across the US to defend the 2A.

I would not be surprise to see AG James in some Position to work along with U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Judge Merrick Garland for Attorney General. Biden’s choice of a noted Second Amendment opponent to lead the Department of Justice. And as we know Garland is a staunch ANTI 2A judge.
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While I agree completely that the NY AG is out to dissolve the NRA, I don't agree that it's not about Wayne. Regrettably, Wayne LaPierre and his grandiose, self-dealing lifestyle is what has provided the NY AG with the ammunition to go after the NRA. If LaPierre and his cronies on the board of directors had run a squeaky clean operation, AG James would have nothing to complain about.

That said, I still hold slight hope that a judge in NY will do the right thing -- which, IMHO, would be to get rid of LaPierre and the current board of directors, and give the NRA back to the membership rather than to dissolve it. I'm fairly certain that the law Ms. James is using as the basis for requesting dissolution of the NRA is a law that was (and is) intended to protect rank and file members of not-for-profit organizations from the depredations of unscrupulous [so called] leaders. Dissolution of the organization doesn't do anything to protect us, the members, from LaPierre. To the contrary, it punishes the victims for the acts of the perpetrators. What we should hope for is that the NY court will clean the house and give it back to the members who "own" it.

Exactly right

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They may still owe money in NY, but will they even have to respond to the NY BS if they are not organized or registered in anyway there?

Like most here, I view an NRA with WLP as one not representing me or any shooters.
Carl the Floor Walker said:
To believe James actually gives a hoot about Justice of Wayne P is what she gives a hoot about, is not seeing the full picture.
Look at her record and circle of Anti-gun leaders. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, anti-gun billionaire former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Bloomberg-backed Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun prohibition lobbying group and on and on and on.

Wayne is nothing but a Wedge issue for her.
Yes, we know that. That's what I said:

Aguila Blanca said:
If LaPierre and his cronies on the board of directors had run a squeaky clean operation, AG James would have nothing to complain about.
Nathan said:
They may still owe money in NY, but will they even have to respond to the NY BS if they are not organized or registered in anyway there?
With the disclaimer that I am not an attorney, I would venture to surmise that they can't reorganize their way out of this. NY is after them for past acts, performed while they were registered and incorporated in the state of New York.

And let's not forget, they are currently registered in the state of New York. I am still trying to figure out how they think a federal judge in Texas even has jurisdiction over their bankruptcy. They aren't a Texas entity. They are a New York entity, with a primary place of business in Virginia. LaPierre is pitching this as if it's a done deal and it's going to erase all the problems, but I expect the court of Texas to decline to accept the case.

Even if the case is accepted in Texas, we can rest assured that NY will oppose it. If the case even gets heard (in Texas), I don't think we can assume that the NRA will prevail.

And the case in NY isn't about "They may still owe money in NY." The case is about the fact that the NRA is chartered in New York as a not-for-profit organization. There are strict rules regarding what non-profits can and can't do with money. LaPierre and his pals on the board of directors have [insert obligatory "allegedly"] been running the organization as a personal slush fund for years, in violation of the laws. That's Ms. James' hook to go after the organization.
The thing that bothers me the most, whether or not Wayne LaPierre and his cronies are as guilty as the stories say, is if he had any honesty or integrity he would have stepped down a long time ago merely due to the question of impropriety. Not doing so and dragging this great institution through the mud when we most need it is telling.

The NRA is burning down and the leaders are counting their gold and playing fiddle. That makes them traitors pure and simple. No better than the greed, ego and arrogance of the politicians that they are supposed to be fighting.

From here on out, this is just theater and drama.